Thursday 25 th September
Miss Pearce and Ms Hadfield
•SATs are a statutory test taken by all eligible year 6 pupils across the U.K.
•They all happen on the same date at the same time.
•The test marks formulate into levels which are used to set your child in High School.
•The levels are used throughout Great
•Level 3 – pupils are working below average
•Level 4 – the level for an average Y6 pupil
•Level 5 – pupils are achieving above average
•Level 6 – optional level 6 test available for maths and English
Testing from May 11 th – 14 th May inclusive
Monday 11 th
Levels 3-5 English reading test
Level 6 English reading test
Tuesday 12 th
Levels 3-5 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test
13 th May
Thursday 14 th
Level 6 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test
Levels 3-5 mental mathematics test
Levels 3-5 mathematics Paper 1
Levels 3-5 mathematics Paper 2
Level 6 mathematics Paper 1
Level 6 mathematics Paper 2
•Reading test – fact retrieval, inference, structure, text features.
•Writing – on going teacher assessment throughout the school year.
Grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Levels 3-5
This year the texts in the levels 3-5 English reading booklet will not be linked by a theme. The booklet will contain three or four texts. The least demanding text will come first with the following texts increasing in level of difficulty.
Children will have a total of one hour to read the texts and complete the questions at their own pace.
The reading answer booklet will comprise approximately 35 to
40 questions (totalling 50 marks). The questions are: shorter, closed response items (such as multiple choice and matching questions); shorter, open response items longer, open response items that require children to explain and comment on the texts in order to demonstrate a full understanding.
Questions are worth 1, 2 or 3 marks.
Level 6
The level 6 test consists of:
a reading booklet containing around three or four texts based on a single theme
a reading answer booklet comprising approximately 25 questions (totalling 30-35 marks)
Children are given ten minutes to read the reading booklet and 50 minutes to answer the questions in the answer booklet. They can refer back to the texts in the reading booklet throughout the test.
Questions are worth 1, 2, 3 or 4 marks.
English grammar, punctuation and spelling test
(video link)
Levels 3-5
The English grammar, punctuation and spelling test at levels 3-5 has two components, worth a total of 70 marks:
• a booklet of short-answer questions
• a spelling task
Paper 1, the short-answer questions, consists of between 40 and 50 questions assessing grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. Each question is worth one or two marks with a total for the paper of 50 marks. The questions are: selected response items (such as multiple choice questions) or short, open response items, in which children may have to write a word, a few words or a sentence.
Paper 2, the spelling task, consists of 20 sentences, which are read aloud by the test administrator. Each sentence has a word missing which the child must complete. The task is worth a total of 20 marks.
Paper 1 requires multiple choice or short sentence answers, covering areas such as using connectives (because, despite, however, etc), using pronouns (I/me) correctly, capitalising the correct words in a sentence and explaining why, putting the correct punctuation into a given sentence, writing sentences that illustrate two different meanings of the same word (such as ‘present’), identifying the verb/noun/adjective/clauses in a sentence , and using plurals correctly. For example:
Q: Which ending would make the word lazy an adverb?
A: laziness/lazily/lazier/laziest
Correct answer: lazily
Paper 2 is a spelling test, where children will have to spell words dictated by the examiner (presented within sentences).
For example:
Pria turned on the television to watch her favourite cartoon.
Level 6
The level 6 test consists of three components, worth a total of 50 marks:
• an extended task
• a booklet of short-answer questions
• a spelling task
Paper 1, the extended task, carries a total of 14 marks. It assesses children’s grammar, punctuation and vocabulary through a short piece of writing.
Paper 2, the short-answer booklet, consists of between 18 and 21 questions assessing grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. Each question is worth one or two marks with a total for the paper of 21 marks. The questions are: selected response items (such as multiple choice questions) or short, open response items, in which children may have to write a word, a few words or a sentence.
Paper 3, the spelling task, consists of 15 sentences, which are read aloud by the test administrator. Each sentence has a word missing which the child must complete. The task is worth a total of 15 marks.
The levels 3-5 mathematics test consists of:
two non-calculator papers, Paper 1 and
Paper 2, each lasting 45 minutes
mental mathematics test, lasting 20 minutes
Children’s marks from all three tests are aggregated to calculate their overall mathematics level.
The level 6 mathematics test consists of:
Paper 1 – a non-calculator paper, lasting 30 minutes
Paper 2 – a calculator available paper, lasting
30 minutes
Children’s marks from both tests are aggregated to determine whether they are performing at level 6 in mathematics.
Support your child with home learning
Help with their targets
SATs revision on the internet
SATs booklets
After school clubs
Early nights during SATs week
SATs papers
SPaG skills
All areas for revision and SATs papers