Learning Unit 2 pp 71-77
31 March 2011
DPR3-Public Relations-LU2.1-PR Strategic Role 31/3/2011
Concept of role and types of roles PRP fulfils within strategic management
Functional responsibilities of PR
Recognise redefined role of strategist
Recognise redefined role of manager
Recognise redefined role of technician
Apply PR role at macro, meso and micro levels
DPR3-Public Relations-LU2.1-PR Strategic Role 31/3/2011
• Roles research identifies the many activities in
PR and how PRPs can deal with them
• 1970s: PRPs seen as consultants to dominant coalitions with each role type providing distinct forms of assistance (Glen Broom)
• PRP roles essential to understanding PR function
• Roles impact on achievement and enable performance measurement
• Roles determine how PRPs interact with their environments and those with whom they cooperate
DPR3-Public Relations-LU2.1-PR Strategic Role 31/3/2011
Historically, Broom identified four roles .
Expert prescriber as the PR expert who:
Best informed about communication and PR issues
Best qualified to answer questions about these issues
Conducts research, defines communication problems, develops and implements PR programmes
Has little/no influence on strategic decisions
Has passive management involvement
DPR3-Public Relations-LU2.1-PR Strategic Role 31/3/2011
Communication facilitator
Interpreter or communication link between management and stakeholders
Sensitive listener and information broker who removes relationship barriers between organisation and clients
Problem-solving process facilitator
Assists in solving corporate communication problems
Works with top management, part of strategic team
Public Relations Technician
Provides communication and journalistic skills to implement communication programmes
Does not conduct research to plan or evaluate work
DPR3-Public Relations-LU2.1-PR Strategic Role 31/3/2011
• Develops communication strategy
• Addresses emerging societal and stakeholder issues identified through environmental scanning
• Formulates PR strategy to achieve PR goals
• Develops, implements and evaluates communication plan to support deliberate and emerging strategies
• Counsel organisational leaders on communication responsibility toward employees
• Manages activities of a support function
DPR3-Public Relations-LU2.1-PR Strategic Role 31/3/2011
• Read through case study on pp 73-74 about:
“Communication challenges for the next decade – are we taking our role seriously?”
• Identify five key words that describe the role of the
PRP in the case study
DPR3-Public Relations-LU2.1-PR Strategic Role 31/3/2011
• PRP as strategist
▫ Assists organisation to adapt to its societal and stakeholder environment
▫ Takes place through feeding information to strategy formulation process as regards strategic stakeholders, societal issues and publics that emerge around these issues
• PRP as manager
▫ Performs duties of middle management position
▫ PLOC, staffing, budgeting
DPR3-Public Relations-LU2.1-PR Strategic Role 31/3/2011
• Functional responsibilities of
PRP as strategist
▫ Monitors relevant environmental development
▫ Anticipates consequences for policies and strategies
▫ Fulfils boundary spanning role
▫ Forms part of strategy formulation team
▫ Performed at macro/top management level
DPR3-Public Relations-LU2.1-PR Strategic Role 31/3/2011
• Functional responsibilities of PRP as manager
▫ Formulates PR strategy (deliberate and emergent)
▫ Develops strategic PR plan
▫ Develops communication policy for organisation
▫ Councils leaders/managers on communication responsibility
▫ Oversees PR function’s support to other functions
▫ Performed at departmental/divisional level
▫ Decides what to communicate to stakeholders to solve problems with stakeholder relationships or capitalise on opportunities
DPR3-Public Relations-LU2.1-PR Strategic Role 31/3/2011
• Functional responsibilities of PRP as technician
▫ Performed at implementation/programme level
▫ Responsible for implementing communication plans/ campaigns directed at stakeholders
▫ Traditional role performed by most practitioners
• Refer to three tables on pp 75 to 77 for three different roles
DPR3-Public Relations-LU2.1-PR Strategic Role 31/3/2011
• Strategic PR or strategic communication management or corporate communication assumes PR to be a strategic management function with a mandate to function at a strategic level
• PR is a dynamic and developing field of study
• One of most prominent and growing industries in SA market
• Development of technology and new approaches to doing business has led to a metamorphosis in PR as well
• Strategist functions at top management level with responsibility for strategic PR management
DPR3-Public Relations-LU2.1-PR Strategic Role 31/3/2011
• Accomplished through:
▫ environmental scanning, gathering information about stakeholder concerns and expectations, identifying societal issues and feeding consequences into organisational stratgies
• PR strategy conceptualised as (Mintzberg, 1987):
▫ Deliberate – pattern of decision to use communication as a strategic opportunity to achieve organisational goals
▫ Emergent – pattern of important decisions to use communication to solve organisational problems in unstructured situations or capitalise on opportunities
• Conceptualisation of strategic PR role
▫ Macro, meso and micro levels
▫ Roles through boundary spanning and environmental scanning provides input to strategy formulation processes
DPR3-Public Relations-LU2.1-PR Strategic Role 31/3/2011
• Read through the Lyme Bay case study on pp 81 – 86
• Answer the two questions as the end of the case study to hand in and discuss in class
DPR3-Public Relations-LU2.1-PR Strategic Role 31/3/2011