“Metaphors into Hardware: Harry Harlow and the Technology of Love” Donna Haraway Prepared by: Dr. Kay Picart Guide Question: According to Haraway, what stories does Harlow’s awardwinning science tell us? Discussion Questions: Describe how Harlow’s conceptual birthing of surrogate mother constitutes a “self-birthing.” What role did Margaret Harlow play in this parthenogenetic birth? Guide Question Haraway writes: “Reinforcing the heroic masculinist narrative of selfbirthing is the forceps of sadism.” What does “sadism” mean in this context? Discussion Question: Using Teresa de Lauretis & Laura Mulvey, how does the politics of the gaze in the Harlow laboratory parallel the politics of the gaze of Hollywood cinema? Guide Question: According to Haraway, what was the deeper subtext to Harlow’s experimentation on monkeys? Guide Question What were Harlow’s scientific claims to fame?