Focus on Fewer

STAAR 7th Grade Released
Question 4
First the student has to decide whether to
multiply or divide 24,000 gallons by 40
gallons per minute. If the student
multiplies, the units would be gallons
squared per minute, which would make no
sense. If the students divides 24,000 by
40, the units of gallons cancel and the
fraction 24,000/40 reduces giving the
answer of 600 minutes.
STAAR 7th Grade Released
Question 4
Answer C is 600 minutes, so the student
might pick this answer. 600 minutes is too
much time since the pool was not full, it
was only ¾ full. When the student
multiplies 600 minutes by ¾, the correct
answer will be 450 minutes, answer choice
STAAR 8th Grade Released
Question 8
First the student must realize that the roof
is the top of the building, and it is made up
of two identical rectangles. The rectangle
that shows has the dimensions 16 feet by
55 feet. If the student uses 16 feet as the
length and 55 feet as the width, the
student will realize that these two numbers
need to be multiplied together. This gives
an area of 880 square feet for the
STAAR 8th Grade Released
Question 8
rectangle that shows. This area will then
be multiplied by 2 to double the area for
the entire roof. The total area for the roof
would be 1760 square feet. The number
1760 is answer choice A, so the student
might pick this answer. This answer is
incorrect because it has not yet been
multiplied by the cost of $2.10 per square
foot to replace the entire roof.
STAAR 8th Grade Released
Question 8
When the 1760 square feet is multiplied by
$2.10 per square foot, the square foot
units cancel, leaving only the units of $.
The correct answer is $3,696, answer
choice D.
When the problem is set up, it would read
16 ft. X 55 ft. X 2 X $2.10/ft2
State of Texas Assessments of
Academic Readiness
STAAR will
Provide a more clearly articulated
assessment program
Focus on fewer skills
Address skills in deeper manner
Focus on Fewer
In general, Readiness Standards
• Are essential for success in the
current grade or course
• Are important for preparedness for the
next grade or course
• Support college and career readiness
• Necessitate in-depth instruction
• Address broad and deep ideas
Focus on Fewer
In general, Supporting Standards
• May be introduced in the current grade
or course and emphasized in a
subsequent year
• May be emphasized in a previous year
and reinforced in the current grade or
• May play a role in preparing students for
the next grade or course but not a central
• May address more narrowly defined
Focus on Fewer
Readiness Standards
Encompass 30–40% of the eligible TEKS
Will make up 60–65% of the assessment
Supporting Standards
Encompass 60–70% of the eligible TEKS
Will make up 35–40% of the assessment
Deeper Manner
• More questions with a higher cognitive
complexity level to match TEKS
• Assessing process skills with content skills in
mathematics, science, and social studies
• Greater number of open-ended (griddable)
questions on mathematics and science
Performance Standards
Performance Labels
There will be two cut scores, which will identify
three performance categories for the general
STAAR assessments.
The labels for the performance categories are
Level III: Advanced Academic Performance
Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance
Level I: Unsatisfactory Academic Performance
STAAR Grade 7 Mathematics Assessment
Reporting Category 1:Numbers, Operations, and Quantitative Reasoning
TEKS (7.1) and (7.2)
Reporting Category 2: Patterns, Relationships, and Algebraic Reasoning
TEKS (7.3), (7.4) and (7.5)
Reporting Category 3: Geometry and Spatial Reasoning
TEKS (7.6), (7.7) and (7.8)
Reporting Category 4: Measurement
TEK (7.9)
Reporting Category 5: Probability and Statistics
TEKS (7.10). (7.11) and (7.12)
Underlying Processes and Mathematical Tools
These skills will not be listed under a separate recording category. Instead,
they will be incorporated into at least 75% of the test questions in reporting
categories 1–5 and will be identified along with content standards.
STAAR Grade 8 Mathematics Assessment
Reporting Category 1:Numbers, Operations, and Quantitative Reasoning
TEKS (8.1) and (8.2)
Reporting Category 2: Patterns, Relationships, and Algebraic Reasoning
TEKS (8.3), (8.4) and (8.5)
Reporting Category 3: Geometry and Spatial Reasoning
TEKS (8.6) and (8.7)
Reporting Category 4: Measurement
TEK (8.8), (8.9) and (8.10)
Reporting Category 5: Probability and Statistics
TEKS (8.11). (8.12) and (8.13)
Underlying Processes and Mathematical Tools
These skills will not be listed under a separate recording category. Instead,
they will be incorporated into at least 75% of the test questions in reporting
categories 1–5 and will be identified along with content standards.