EDUC 2130 Quiz #5 W. Huitt Question #1 An infant has always used one hand to pick up a small ball. But now, when faced with a large beach ball, she picks it up with two hands. The child is exhibiting a. b. c. d. conservation. homeostasis. accommodation. assimilation. Question #2 Which of the following statements correctly describes humanistic education? a. A student must first master prerequisite knowledge before he can learn through discovery. b. Affective goals of education are as important as cognitive goals. c. Teachers should emphasize direct instruction in order to facilitate student achievement. d. Letter grades are preferable to written evaluations. Question #3 According to Piaget, individuals organize and process information by a. adjusting for physical development inadequacies. b. manipulating the external environment. c. applying biological principles to thinking. d. constructing cognitive structures. Question #4 Humanistic educators believe that a. education that is more structured is superior. b. standardized testing is the most valid form of assessment. c. the job of the teacher is to impart a body of knowledge to students. d. students should have a substantial say in directing their own education. Question #5 One of the educational implications of sensory memory is that a. attention is necessary if children are to remember information. b. reinforcement is necessary if children are to retain information. c. children can take in and comprehend almost a limitless amount of information. d. information is seen and brought into consciousness immediately. Question #6 A humanistic educator would be MOST interested in helping a child a. perform better on standardized tests of reading and math. b. acquire socially accepted values and attitudes. c. work in a group under an adult’s leadership. d. develop an understanding of individually defined values and goals. Question #7 In order to develop a behavior modification program, the most important principle is to first a. be certain that you have identified a consequence before beginning the program. b. verify that the process has been deemed legal and ethical by one’s supervisor. c. focus on increasing a behavior before decreasing an imcompatable one. d. clearly identify the behavior to be modified. Question #8 Henry is attending a school where teachers implement facilitative teaching as developed by Carl Rogers. What would you predict regarding his achievement motivation as a result of attendance in this type of classroom? a. b. c. d. More positive Less positive No change Unpredictable Question #9 What is the term that Piaget used to describe the process of adjusting perception of the environment in order to fit it into existing schemes? a. b. c. d. Accomodation Organization Assimilation Construction Question #10 Which is a conclusion of contemporary evaluations of Piagetian theory? a. It is weak in accounting for the role of experience in learning specific types of reasoning tasks. b. It is strong in accounting for cultural differences. c. It is weak in describing cognitive changes that occur with development. d. It is strong in the accuracy of its description of children’s cognitive processing abilities from infancy through adolescence. Question #11 A researcher has completed a study correlating middle school students’ science interests and science achievement. The results of the study will show a. what happens when one of the two variables is kept constant for two or more groups. b. the degree of relationship between the two variables. c. how one variable causes the other . d. how a single student who is low or high on one variable scores on the other. Question #12 Regarding the relative effectiveness of most approaches to open education and Roger’s facilitative instruction, an appropriate interpretation based on a meta-analysis of over 150 studies, as well as additional research on facilitative instruction, is that a. facilitative instruction is preferable for improving scores on standardized tests of basic skills. b. open education is preferable for improving self-concept and achievement motivation. c. both approaches worked, but not as well as traditional instruction. d. neither method has worked well and, therefore, traditional instructional techniques do not need to be modified. Question #13 Which of the following is the correct sequence of phases for understanding observational learning? a. b. c. d. attention, retention, motivation, reproduction motivation, attention, reproduction, retention attention, retention, reproduction, motivation motivation, retention, reproduction, attention Question #14 Probably the most frequently used research method in educational psychology is the a. b. c. d. correlational study. ethnographic study. experimental laboratory study. randomized field experiment. Question #15 Of the following, which explanation does NOT describe how social cognitive theory differs from operant conditioning? a. Both define learning as an enduring change in observable behavior, but social cognitive theorists propose a person’s characteristics as well as the environment impact it. b. Social cognitive theory views behavior, the environment, and personal factors as all capable of influencing each other, whereas behaviorism does not. c. Punishment and reinforcement are concepts used by operant conditioning theorists as well as social cognitive theorists. d. Vicarious reinforcement is a central idea in both operant conditioning and social cognitive theory. Question #16 According to the principles of humanistic education, evaluation of classroom learning should be done by a. b. c. d. the teacher. standardized testing. the students themselves. no one, since there is no evaluation. Question #17 What term did Vygotsky use to describe a level of development in which there are tasks that the student has not yet learned but is capable of learning with assistance at the present time? a. b. c. d. Private speech Scaffolding Self-regulation Zone of proximal development Question #18 Irene knows how to count to ten. She counts the coins she has in her pocket (2 quarters, 5 dimes, and 3 nickels) and says, "I have ten cents." From Piaget's perspective, Irene is a. accommodating the counting task to the fact that the different coins have different values. b. assimilating the counting task to the way she has counted things in the past. c. experiencing disequilibrium about how to count money. d. showing insufficient physiological maturation to perform the task correctly. Question #19 In Bandura’s classic study on modeling, children in a playroom who observed a film showing an aggressive adult being punished (in comparison to children who were in the control group) a. showed less desire to see movies in later classes. b. engaged in significantly fewer aggressive acts during subsequent play. c. appeared unaffected by the film in subsequent play. d. engaged in significantly more aggressive acts in subsequent play. Question #20 When Kent was tardy three days in a row, he lost his recess privileges for a week. He was told that for every day he was on time, he would have his lost recess privileges reduced by one day. What method of operant conditioning was used? a. b. c. d. Removal punishment then positive reinforcement. Response cost then negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement then response cost. Time out then response cost.