Revolutions: Not a One Time Event

Not a One Time Event
Kathryn A. Raeke
Bush High School
Richmond, Texas
Fort Bend ISD
Revolutions are not made;
they come.
Wendell Phillips
A revolution can be neither made
nor stopped. The only thing that
can be done is for one of several
of its children to give it a direction
by dint of victories.
Napoleon Bonaparte
English Civil War
One of the strangest catastrophes that is in
any history. A great king, with strong
armies and mighty fleets, a great treasure
and powerful allies, fell all at once and his
whole strength, like a spider’s web was . . .
Irrecoverably broken at a touch.
Gilbert Burent
The English Civil War
How did each of the following influence the English
Civil War and the Glorious Revolution? Explain.
Political Aspects
Economic Aspects
Religious Aspects
Social Aspects
Intellectual Aspects
Arts Aspects
Near: Geographical Aspects
In your opinion what impact did the decisions of
Charles I and Oliver Cromwell have on the
conflict? Explain.
Theme Activity
Summarize the ideas from the
English Civil War and the Glorious
Revolution concerning separation
of powers, liberty, equality,
democracy, human rights,
constitutionalism, and
American Revolution
A little rebellion now and then is a
good thing and as necessary in
the political world as storms in the
Thomas Jefferson
American Revolution
How did each of the following influence the
American Revolution? Explain.
Political Aspects
Economic Aspects
Religious Aspects
Social Aspects
Intellectual Aspects
Arts Aspects
Near: Geographical Aspects
In your opinion what impact did the action of
George III and George Washington have on the
conflict? Explain.
Theme Activity
Summarize the ideas from the
American Revolution concerning
separation of powers, liberty,
equality, democracy, human
rights, constitutionalism, and
The French Revolution
The French Revolution is
merely the herald of a far
greater and much more
solemn revolution, which will
be the last . . .
Francois Noel Babeuf
In your opinion what impact did the action of Louis
XVI and Robespierre have on the conflict?
The French Revolution
How did each of the following influence The
French Revolution? Explain.
Political Aspects
Economic Aspects
Religious Aspects
Social Aspects
Intellectual Aspects
Arts Aspects
Near: Geographical Aspects
Theme Activity
Summarize the ideas from the
French Revolution concerning
separation of powers, liberty,
equality, democracy, human
rights, constitutionalism, and
The Russian Revolution
The fundamental premise of
revolution is that the existing
social structure has become
incapable of solving the urgent
problems of the nation.
Leon Trotsky
The Russian Revolution
How did each of the following influence The
Russian Revolution? Explain.
Political Aspects
Economic Aspects
Religious Aspects
Social Aspects
Intellectual Aspects
Arts Aspects
Near: Geographical Aspects
In your opinion what impact did the action of Tsar
Nicholas II and Lenin have on the conflict?
Theme Activity
Summarize the ideas from the
Russian Revolution concerning
separation of powers, liberty,
equality, democracy, human
rights, constitutionalism, and
Chinese Revolution
A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing
an essay, or painting a picture, or doing
embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so
leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind,
courteous, restrained and
magnanimous. A revolution is an
insurrection, an act of violence by which
one class overthrows another.
The Chinese Revolution
How did each of the following influence The
Chinese Revolution? Explain.
Political Aspects
Economic Aspects
Religious Aspects
Social Aspects
Intellectual Aspects
Arts Aspects
Near: Geographical Aspects
In your opinion what impact did the action of
Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong have on the
conflict? Explain.
Theme Activity
Summarize the ideas from the
Chinese Revolution concerning
separation of powers, liberty,
equality, democracy, human
rights, constitutionalism, and
Latin American Revolutions
Judgment comes from
experience, and experience
comes from bad judgment.
Simon Bolivar
In your opinion what impact did the action of
Simon Bolivar and Napoleon Bonaparte have on
the conflict? Explain.
Latin American Revolutions
How did each of the following influence The Latin
American Revolutions? Explain.
Political Aspects
Economic Aspects
Religious Aspects
Social Aspects
Intellectual Aspects
Arts Aspects
Near: Geographical Aspects
Theme Activity
Summarize the ideas from the Latin
Revolutions concerning
separation of powers, liberty,
equality, democracy, human
rights, constitutionalism, and
What characteristics were shared by
the revolutions?
What characteristics distinguished the
revolutions from each other?
What impact to individuals have on a
To what extent do you agree or
disagree that one revolution
inspires the next revolution?