The alimentary system

Part II Splanchnology
Chapter 4 The general Description
Part II Splanchnology
Chapter 4 The general Description
The definition and subdivisions of the splanchnology :
alimentary system
respiratory system
urinary system
genital system
The study of viscera.
Most of them are situated in the thoracic, abdominal and
pelvic cavities and are associated with the pleura or
It also opened to outside of body directly or indirectly.
II . The main functions of viscera:
• The alimentary system: to ingest foods; secrete enzymes
that modify the sizes of food molecules; absorb the products
of this digestive action and to eliminate the unused residua.
• The respiratory system: to carry out the gass exchanges
--- supply of oxygen for the living cells and remove of carbon
dioxide resulting from cell metabolism.
• The urinary system: to keep the body in homeostasis by
removing and restoring selected amount of water and solutes.
It also excretes selected amount of various wastes.
• The genital system: to produce germ cells and to secrete
some hormones.
III . The general structures of viscera:
1. The tubular organs: The wall of them is formed
by 4 layers. from inside to outside, they are:
• Mucosa (mucous membrane)
--- epithelium
--- lamina propria of mucosa
--- muscular layer of mucosa
--- mucosal folds
--- lymphoid nodule
--- glands of mucosa
• Submucosa
--- glands of submucosa
--- lymphatic tissue of submucosa
• Muscular coats :
--- inner circular layer
--- outer longitudinal layer
• Serosa or adventitia
2. The parenchymatous organs:
--- a soft, grayish-red or brownish cell mass.
--- fibrous capsule or serous membrane
--- fibrous septum and lobules
--- hilum or porta and root of the viscus
IV. The reference lines and abdominal regions
1. References lines of the thorax:
Anterior median line
Lateral sternal line
Midclavicular line
Parasternal line
Anterior axillary line
Midaxillary line
Posterior axillary line
Scapular line
Paravertebral line
Posterior median line
2. Reference lines of abdomen and abdominal regions:
• 2 transverse lines :
subcostal line
transtubercular line
• 2 longitudinal lines:
midinguinal lines
• 9 regions:
epigastric region
umbilical region
pubic (hypogastric) region
right and left hypochondriac regions
right and left lumbar(lateral)regions
right and left inguinal (iliac) regions
2. Reference lines of abdomen and abdominal regions:
• a transverse line through the
umbilicus and a vertical line
in the midline of the body.
• 4 regions: upper right ( RUQ )
upper left ( LUQ )
lower right ( RLQ )
lower left ( LLQ )