How Fireworks Work

How Fireworks Work
By Isabelle Hale
Fireworks have
been around for
thousands of years
The fireworks I
have researched
explode in the air,
although there are
many different types
of firecrackers
About Fireworks
 Fireworks are also
called “Pyrotechnics”
 Many states prohibit
use of fireworks
because of the extreme
explosive power
 Made of a combination
of gunpowder and
other ingredients
packed tightly in
hollow paper tubes
History of Fireworks
 The Chinese discovered
the reaction of charcoal
and sulfur around the
first century A.D.,
although the early time of
the first fireworks is
 The Chinese first used
fireworks in religious
ceremonies and festivals
History of Fireworks
 A Chinese man discovered
that adding salt to the
firework would make it
flare up and explode like
in a fire
 Potassium nitrate (similar
to salt) was added to the
 Around the year 1000
A.D., it was discovered
that the Chinese had
invented “gunpowder”
History of Fireworks
 The Chinese invention of
gunpowder was first used
in war in 1000 A.D. when
Sung China was invaded
by Khiatin barbarians
 Gunpowder was put in a
paper box and used
similarly to fireworks
 In the Sung Dynasty, fire
stones were invented for
use in warfare
1st Action-How Fireworks
 First, the fuse,
which is a long,
string like roll of
paper, is lit. The
fuse is a special type
of coated string
specially attached to
This is a picture of some people
the rocket. The fuse
preparing for a fireworks show and
the man is checking and lighting a
of the firework.
2nd Action-How Fireworks Work
 Next, the spark from
the fuse reaches a
gunpowder charge in
the firework and
ignites it, forming
gases that stream out
of the end of the
Fireworks that
explode on the ground
This picture is of a rocket, not a
firework, although it shows the action do not have this
of streaming gases propelling the
gunpowder charge.
3rd Action-How Fireworks Work
 The streaming gases
propel the rocket,
and the rocket shoots
up into the air
 When the
firecracker reaches
it’s highest point, the
finer powder in the
firecracker is ignited
at a finer charge,
then it explodes
Finer powder
Diagram of the inside of a
4th Action-How Fireworks Work
 The explosion
breaks up the
firecracker and
ignites small “stars”
in the middle of the
Diagram of a spherical
firework shell
5th Action-How Fireworks
 During the explosion,
chemicals that produce
colors are ignited
 Sodium compounds are
used for yellow,
strontium compounds for
red, copper and barium
for blue and green, and
charcoal for a
“sparkling” effect
A flare is similar
to a firework and is
used to set off a red
color flame used as a
danger signal and
warning on railways
and highways.
Torpedoes are used
similarly as fireworks as
well, using gunpowder to
explode. Torpedoes are
used on railroads and are
set off under bridges
when trains pass over to
warn the engineer of
danger ahead. The are
also used on battle ships
to attack enemy ships.
Flare Pistols
Pistols, like fireworks,
use gunpowder.
Pistols are used to
shoot flares that can
be seen from far
away. These may be
used in emergency.
About the Author
My name is Isabelle
Hale. I am in 7th
grade at Hanes Middle
School. I have two
brothers, and one
sister, and our family
loves sailing and most
other sports. My dad
is from England and I
am half English. I like
movies, and a lot of
different foods! I also
love to snorkel in the
Florida Keys!
About the Author Continued...
These are some more
things that I like!
Silverberg, Robert. Wonders of Ancient
Chinese Science. New York: Hawthorn
Books, 1969.
Brian, Marshall. “How Fireworks Work.”
Brian, Marshall. “Fireworks.”
 “How Fireworks Work.”
 “Fireworks.” World Book Encyclopedia.
World Book Inc. Chicago 2003