Grade 11 to 12 - Seaquam Secondary School

Seaquam Secondary
Grade 12 Course Planning
2014 -2015
Online Registration: Feb. 28 CLOSES :
March 6
Parent Info Night – Feb. 25
• Review of Graduation Requirements
• Post-Secondary Entrance Requirements – some examples
• Grade 12 courses
• What about Math?
• What about a Language?
• Resources
• Questions
2004 Graduation Program
BC Graduation Requirements…
Language Arts 10
Language Arts 11 (English or Communications)
Language Arts 12 (English or Communications)
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
Social Studies 10
Social Studies 11 or Civics 11
Science 10
A Science 11 or 12
Math 10
Math 11or 12
Physical Education 10
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
F.A. & A.S.
Fine Arts or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12
4 Credits
Planning 10
4 Credits
Graduation Transitions 12
4 Credits
Elective Courses
28 Credits
(3 courses/12 credits must be Gr. 12)
Min. 80
Grade 12 Provincial Exam(s)
English 12
( worth 40% of your mark)
Communications 12
Your Final Mark is a blend of your school marks (report card mark)
and the result of your provincial exam…
UBC and SFU will take EITHER your blended OR your school mark
depending on which is higher
NOTE: if you are taking SS currently you will also have a provincial
exam in this course (also any outstanding gr. 10 provincials must
be written at this time)
Graduation Requirements…
• Volunteer or Work Hours - 30 Hours
• Physical Activity Hours - Proof of 150
minutes (2 ½ hrs.) per week
Graduation Transitions 12: booklet
and interview.
That’s Graduation…
Now what about
LPI (Language Proficiency Exam)
What is it? The Language Proficiency Index (LPI) assesses the reading and writing
proficiency of prospective and current students for entrance into academic
programs or first-year English courses.
Who takes it? Students who are concerned that their English grade may fall below a
required entrance % (high 70’s typically ) for certain post. Sec. institutions may
choose to write the LPI as an alternate means by which to demonstrate their
language ability; a successful score on the LPI may be used in place of the English 12
where the LPI score indicates greater proficiency and meets the admissions
language requirement.
Where do I do it and when? Students typically write in December or in the spring;
LPI sites vary, but Seaquam students typically write at sittings held at KPU
Sign up at
University of British Columbia - VANCOUVER
English 12 and 3 other approved courses, Lang. 11, Ma 11, Lang. 11
(each university has a list of their approved courses; they are not all the same).
SCIENCE: Chem 11 Physics 11, Math 11, Lang. 11
English 12,
Math12 (min. 67%), and 2 other approved grade 12 courses with at least
one from Bio12, Chem12, Geology 12, or Physics12
ENGINEERING: English 12, Lang. 11. Ma 11
Chem11 & Physics 11,
Math12, Chem 12 & Phys12,
COMMERCE: - min. 84% average English 12, Math 11 & 12, Lang. 11, 2 other approved g.
12 courses; supplemental application to BEEDIE school of business
Math requirements:
Pre-Calc 11 OR Foundations Math 12 required for admissions
• Okanagan campus. –admissions requirements are
LOWER and no second language is required
• English Language Admissions Standard
• Graduation from high school with a minimum average of
67% (or higher for many programs)
• Completion of specific high school courses depending on
where you’re applying from and what program(s) you’re
applying to. Select your province or territory to find out
Personal Profile
• Knowing more about you through your Personal Profile
helps UBC determine whether you will flourish at UBC –
not just because of your grades, but also because of the
experiences and ambition you bring with you.
• The Personal Profile is required of all high school
students applying to all UBC programs on the Vancouver
and Okanagan campuses.
Entrance to University…
Past GPA’s needed to gain entrance to UBC - VANCOUVER
‘03 ‘05 ‘10
82 85
mid 80’s
89 91
Low to mid 90’s
80 85
Low to mid 80’s
84 93 Mid to high 90’s
All require personal
English 12 and 3 other approved courses, Lang. 11, Math 11 (60% min.)
(each university has a list of their approved courses; they are not all the same). NOTE: SFU will
accept Foundations Math 11 for admissions to ARTS
Chem 11 Physics 11, Pre-Calc 11 (min. 60%), Lang.
English 12,
Math12 (min. 67%), and 2 other approved grade 12 sciences
BUSINESS: English 12, Pr-Calc Math 11 (min. 60%) , Lang. 11) Pre-Calculus 12, and
two additional approved Grade 12 courses
Note: at SFU an INTRODUCTORY LANG. 11 will suffice (ie. Intro. Spanish 11)
NO PERSONAL PROFILE required at SFU however specific programs may require
supplements to their application (ie. Business)
Simon Fraser University
Admission averages range from 80% to 90% depending on
the program . . .
Business minimum required Admission 83% + broad based
Communications - 80%
Arts- 82%
Sciences - 85%
Engineering- 85%
Going to play a sport at SFU? SFU is now part of the NCAA,
which means if you are playing sports at SFU you will have to
write an SAT
KPU (Kwantlen)
important changes ahead for admissions
Effective in the Fall of 2015 – Academic Studies
English 12 will move from min. C to C+ requirement based from
either the blended grade (course grade /exam) OR the exam only –
whichever is higher; for some programs of study a B may be required;
Comm. 12 will now require an A
There will be a move toward program specific admissions
requirements i.e Math 12 at a particular % for certain programs etc.:
example: Bsci in Biological Studies - B in Eng. 12, C+ in chem 12, C+
in Pre-Calc 12, Pass in Physics 12
University of Victoria
Minimum admission average is currently being reported as falling
between 75-90% depending on the program – and example
below of ‘past’ admissions averages – reminder these stats are
outdated and provided to give a general idea of the typical
‘trends’ between departments
Humanities/Social Sciences/Sciences
Child Youth Care
Computer Science
Fine Arts
(Music/Theatre/Visual Arts – audition or portfolio mandatory)
Fine Arts (Art History)
Fine Arts (Writing)
Thinking of applying to the US?
 Admission to US schools is based not only on academics, but
also extracurricular activities and SAT results. As such,
unlike Canadian universities, there is no set average for
 Be sure to write an SAT this year or next. See Some schools will waive SAT
 You can apply to multiple schools with one application: see
 If you are pursuing an athletic opportunity, be sure to talk to
your coach
I am taking some IB courses . . .
•To be eligible for admission to UBC or SFU, you must successfully complete an academic
high school curriculum, including both general admission and program-specific
requirements. IB courses (both Standard and Higher Level) can be used for admission in
conjunction with another high school curriculum.
•Initial admission decisions are based on interim grades (in the form of Predicted Grades
– PG’s – from your coordinator) as reported by your high school. Once your final IB results
are available, we will use them to confirm your admission decision and any first-year
credit you may be eligible for.
the admission average will be calculated on the higher of either the official IB final
score or the final school grade in a given course.
Post Secondary Studies
In order to choose the best institution to attend for your post
secondary studies, you will want to conduct your own research.
Initial research online is an effective way to learn current
information about each individual school and it’s campuses.
Students should research all colleges or universities of
interest in order to make an educated decision.
*Note: General admission requirements are considered in
order to be accepted into the institution itself. There are likely
further requirements for individual programs that must be
researched, and met as well.
Entrance to College, Tech Institutes,
and University-Colleges
Minimum admission requirements:
Grade 12 graduation including English or Communication 12 –
generally a grade of C to B required
Selective entry programs have additional course requirements.
• Sat. March 1st – Surrey Campus
• For more information visit:
What courses can I take
next year?
Required Gr. 12 Level Courses
• English 12 / English 12IB / Communications 12
• Grad Transitions
Elective Courses (in addition to En. 12 & GT, 12
additional credits must be at the Gr. 12 level (3 courses)
Student Support (Counsellor referral needed)
Strategies for Learning 12: LA Strategies for Learning 12: LD
Grad Quest 12
ELL Development 12: Level 1 & 2
ELL Literature Study 12: Level 3 & 4
ELL Composition 12: Level 1-4 Strategies for Learning 12: ELL
Peer Tutoring 12 (by application)
English 12
Communications 12
Creative Writing 12
Geography 12
History 12
History Through Film 12
Law 12
Social Justice 12
Pre-Calculus 12
Calculus 12
Pre-Calculus 12Ch / Calculus 12 Ch (2 blks)
Biology 12
Chemistry 12
Geology 12
Physics 12
French 12, Japanese 12 , Spanish 12
Eligibility for a “2nd Study”
(Grad trans is your 1st study)
The student may self select the ‘study’ online BUT must download
and complete the study application**; failure to do so will result in
the study being removed and an alternate added
The student will still carry a minimum of 88 credits with the
inclusion of the 2nd study; NO CREDIT GIVEN FOR STUDY
The student will have solid grade 11 attendance and no history of
disciplinary issues.
The Student will have a minimum of English 12 and 3 academic
courses in their schedule.
IMPORTANT: If the student is approved the student will NOT be
permitted to drop other course(s) throughout the year.
**Applications can be found through the counsellor or online at the
Seaquam counselling site (under student’s menu under attachments)
Business Information Management 12
Economics 12
Financial Accounting 12
Info. Communications Tech. 12
Cafeteria Training 12, Food & Nutrition 12
Action Wear Design and Construction 12
Textiles 12
Fabric and Fibre 12
Family Studies 12, Tourism 12
Auto Technology 12
Auto Tech 12: Body Repair & Finish Auto Tech 12: Engine & Drive
Train Carpentry & Joinery 12
Carpentry & Joinery 12: Cabinet Construction Carpentry & Joinery 12:
Furniture Construction Drafting & Design 12
Engineering and Robotics 12
Jewelry Art Metal 12
Metal Fabrication & Machining 12 Printmaking & Graphic Design 12
Wood Art Carving 12
Physical Education
PE 12
PE 12: Strength and Conditioning (co-ed)
PE 12: Superfit
PE 12: Women’s only
Career Programs
ACE-IT: Auto Technician 12 (all day)
ACE-IT: Cook Training 12 (all day)
Secondary School Apprenticeship 12A & 12B Work
Experience 12A & 12B
Fine Arts
Choral Music 12
Instrumental Music 12: Jazz Band
Instrumental Music 12: Wind Ensemble
Theatre Company 12 (X Block)
Theatre Performance 12: Acting
Theatre Performance 12: Directing & Script
Development Theatre Production 12:
Technical Theater
Theatre Production 12: Theatre Management
Art Foundations 12 Drawing and Painting 12
Film & Television 12
Media Arts 12: Animation Photography 12
Yearbook Design 12
Choice Programs (by application only)
Baseball Academy (Sands Sec.)
Dance Academy (Delta Sec.)
Film Acting Academy (Delta Manor Education Centre)
Film Production Academy (Delta Manor Education Centre)
Golf Academy (Seaquam Sec.)
Hockey Academy (South Delta Sec.) 9& Bursview Sec)
Lacrosse Academy (Delta Sec.)
Soccer Academy (Sands Sec.)
Softball Academy – Girls (Seaquam Sec.)
IB English 12 HL IB French 12 SL
IB Spanish 12 ab initio IB History 12 HL
IB Psychology 12 HL
IB Biology 12 HL
IB Chemistry 12 HL IB Physics 12 SL
IB Math 12 SL
IB Visual Arts 12 HL
IB Creativity, Action, and Service 12 IB Extended Essay 12
IB Theory of Knowledge 12
District Academies:
OPEN HOUSES: Sat. Feb 8 Ladner 10-1pm (DMEC)
or Sat. Feb. 15, North Delta, Burnsview 10-1pm
Sands Secondary
Gr 8 – 12 males and females
Delta Secondary
Gr 8 – 12 males and females
Film Acting
Delta Manor Education Centre (near bus loop in Ladner) Gr 8 – 12 males and females
Film Production
Delta Manor Education Centre (near bus loop in Ladner)
Burnsview Secondary – 1 block program (need to take one other class at BU
every other morning)
Gr 8 – 12 males and females
Gr. 8 – 12 males and females
South Delta Secondary – 2 block program (first block every day; need to take 2 other
classes at SDSS
Gr 8 – 12 males and females
Lacrosse Delta Secondary
Gr 8 – 12 males and females
South Delta Secondary Gr 8 – 12 males and females
Soccer (new)
Sands Secondary
Seaquam Secondary Gr 8 – 12 Girls only
For More Info and APPLICATIONS, go to school district 37 website – under programs - academies
• Key information: All academies, except Burnsview Hockey,
are two blocks in a student’s timetable.
• All academies, except SDSS Hockey, have the two blocks
back to back
• Students can move between their home school and an
academy school at lunch to participate in an academy at
another school – bus from north end to Ladner day 1 and from
south end to Seaqaum on Day 2 (numbers permitting)
• Brochures available at your school office
• Visit the website for more information and applications:
• Call 604 952-5374
The Math Question
Implications of Math
Three Pathways
Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics – designed to provide students
with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified
for entry into the majority of trades and for direct entry into the work force.
Foundations of Mathematics (11; note 12 level not offered next year) –
designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and
critical-thinking skills identified for post-secondary studies in programs that do
not require the study of theoretical calculus. Some universities will accept
Foundations in arts programs etc. (i.e. SFU) ; students must CAREFULLY
review individual university admissions requirements/program specific
requirements to ensure there chosen math will meet admission to their
program of choice
Pre-calculus - designed to provide students with the mathematical
understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into postsecondary programs that require the study of theoretical calculus. NEEDED
requirements may have a minimum score ie. SFU requires 60%; some
PROGRAMS may require higher minimum scores in math 11 and 12 – again –
students must consult Post Sec. admissions requirements to ensure they are
aware of math requirements for their chosen field of study.
What about a Language?
What About a Language?……stay tuned…..
Language 11 for all faculties
Language 11 for Fine Arts if you have
no other Sr. Fine Arts Courses
Beginners Language 11 for all faculties
No Language Requirement
No Language Requirement
Language Options
• French 10, 11, 12
• Intro. Spanish 11, Spanish 11,12
• Intro. Japanese 11, Japanese 11, 12
• Check university degree requirements for additional
language courses needed
Language Challenge/Options
*Language Challenge: for those students
with a background in Mandarin,
Spanish, Japanese, Punjabi, Korean,
German, they may apply to write a
challenge exam to earn Language 11
and 12 credits. (Some schools will not count mark
toward GPA calculation for entry)
* Take course online
Summer School
6 Week
4 Week - may be
limited – t.b.d.
1 hr 45 min. class
3 hour class
Morning or Afternoon
2 course maximum
Reg. based on failure
Need 40% + in course to be eligible
No electives
No electives
Night School @ Delview
• Many core courses offered – based on numbers
Sept-Jan or Feb-June
• Mondays / Wednesdays
• Tuesdays / Thursdays
• No electives
Online Courses
• Delta’s online school is Delta Access – check website for
course availability
• Spring / Summer session in all courses currently offered
THE MARK AVAIALABLE by the end of January if you wish
to have it considered in your admissions average for UBC
• Other POST SEC. Institutions may follow this lead, but for
now, most will require 50% of the course completed by late
• Online courses also available through
Vancouver (VLN), EBUS, Surrey (Surrey Connect), Fraser Valley
(FVDES) or go online to LEARN NOW BC/course finder
A Word of Caution . . .
• Students are advised to reconsider taking online
courses necessary to fulfill graduation
requirements (i.e. Ma 11, SS 11, English 12, Plan
10 , a required Sci. 11 where no other Science has
been passed at the gr. 11 level) Required
courses taken in the grade 12 year are best
taken in the regular classroom where support
and monitoring can take place to ensure
successful completion.
External Credits
• Students may earn credits toward graduation through
training programs outside of school: please submit
documentation to your counsellor ASAP
Dance (Royal Academy of Dance)
Music (Royal Conservatory of Music)
Sports (Provincial or National team level)
Lifesaving (Bronze Cross, NLS, Instructor)
Cadets (National Defense Cadet Certification)
Coaching (Level 1-2, First Aid, 75-150 hours)
Official (Theory, evaluation, 75-125 hours)
Driver Ed. (ICBC accredited program)
First Aid (WCB level II and III)
*students are asked to bring documentation as proof of credit
Counsellor – M. Costin
Career Planning
Miss. J. Gehiere –AKA: MISS G (career
advisor) Programs
Career Programs
Miss A. Deol (
New Graduation Program
There are also “one-stop websites” that will help to put all
information at your finger tips with links to every post
secondary institution across Canada. Seaquam is registered to
and highly recommends accessing an easy to navigate website
called Career Cruising.
• username: seaquam
• password: careers
Resources Cont.
 About Education Planner:
 Education Planner provides access to information on more
than 1600 undergraduate programs at post-secondary
institutions throughout BC.
 Education Planner is endorsed by the post-secondary
institutions of BC, managed by the BC Council on
Admissions and Transfer, and funded by the BC Ministry of
Advanced Education
• What is transfer?
• It’s when one institution gives you credit for courses or
programs completed at another.
• About a third of all new university students from BC are
transfer students.
 (also see Career Centre website)
 Individual Post Secondary Institutions list their ‘in
house’ opportunities on their websites
 Transcripts will be sent automatically to the schools
selected in during a Grad Transitions Session in Feb. of
the grade 12 year (BC schools and some Ontario
 Ministry of Education:
Registration will be ONLINE via Parent/Student Connect
OPENS: Feb. 28
CLOSES : March 6
• Students select courses AS WELL as 3 alternates
• Parents need to go on parent connect and “authorize” picked
courses. Parents need to know there child’s PEN, Postal code
and password to sign on
• If you forget to register when student connect is available you
will not have first choice.
Parent Information Night
•TUES February 25th
• Volunteering – Scholarships
• Scholarship Board in hallway
• Homework
• Behaviour
• Attendance
Making Good Choices