UNIVERSITY of ALASKA ANCHORAGE Demonstration Experiment Dept. of Economics A simple game There are 4 players in a group There are 15 cups of beans. You will earn revenue by harvesting beans But…You need to rent “gear” to harvest the beans. • Larger gear costs more. Paid earnings in cash at end of the experiment. • $$ = Revenue – cost Pick one. Cost is 8 “scoops”. 4 players 20 cups available Gear (measuring cups) Cost of your "gear" is: 8 scoops Cup Size Cost (cups) Cost (g) 1/8 1.0 200 1/4 2.0 400 1/3 2.7 533 1/2 4.0 800 2/3 5.3 1067 3/4 6.0 1200 1 8.0 1600 Supply of beans Beans per person 5 cups Total Beans 20 cups Number of players 4 1000 grams 4000 grams Pick one. Cost is 8 “scoops”. UNIVERSITY of ALASKA ANCHORAGE What is experimental economics? Jim Murphy Rasmuson Chair of Economics UAA Economics Dept. Dept. of Economics Overview Simple demonstration experiment What is experimental economics? Experimental economics is a great tool for: • understanding existing institutions • developing new markets or policies • understanding human behavior Keywords: rules, markets, auctions, regulations, institutions Results from classroom demo Game 1 2 3 Player 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Cup Size 1 1/2 2/3 1/3 1/3 2/3 1/2 1/8 1 Catch (g) 1364 755 790 941 750 1198 810 752 994 Cost (g) 1600 800 1067 533 533 1067 800 200 1600 Profits (g) (236) (45) (277) 408 217 131 10 552 (606) Cups vs catch 1600 1400 1200 Catch 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Cup size Cup vs. Profits 800 600 400 Profits 200 0 (200) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (400) (600) (800) Cup Size 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 UNIVERSITY of ALASKA ANCHORAGE The rent dissipation problem in limited entry fisheries (e.g. Alaska’s salmon fisheries) Gunnar Knapp & Jim Murphy Dept. of Economics Rent dissipation 101 The total catch is limited to an aggregate quota. Participation limited to a fixed number of vessels Individual vessels compete with each other for the aggregate quota Theory says that all rents (profits) will be dissipated in a derby-style race to fish • Safety risks • Excessive investment in inputs • e.g., vessels, gear, crew An example of rent dissipation: The horsepower of boats in Alaska’s Bristol Bay salmon fishery has increased dramatically over time. Distribution of Bristol Bay Boats by Vessel Horsepower Boats are getting bigger 100% 500+ 400-499 300-399 200-299 100-199 0-99 60% 40% 20% 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 1984 1982 1980 0% 1978 Percentage of vessels 80% New 32’ boat (1990s) Old 32’ boat (1970s) In Bristol Bay, although boats are restricted to 32’ in length, over time fishermen have built wider and taller boats in an effort to catch a larger share of the available fish. Boat costs have increased without any corresponding increase in catches. Photograph by Norm Van Vactor UNIVERSITY of ALASKA ANCHORAGE What is experimental economics? Dept. of Economics What is experimental economics? Pioneered by Vernon Smith and Charlie Plott Observe behavior of human subjects in a controlled setting Setting captures essential elements of an economic problem Subjects paid cash based on their performance Experiments are a research tool Econometric/statistical analysis of existing data Surveys Experimental methods • Lab and/or field Each has its relative strengths/weaknesses • Complements, not substitutes When are experiments useful? (partial list) If the data don’t exist, then create the data you need • Testbed new economic designs • New markets, policies, regulations • If it’s never been done, how do you know what works? • Crab rationalization (processor and harvester shares) • Charter halibut • New vessel buy-back programs Understanding economic institutions • Local rules/norms for managing subsistence harvests AK Example: Charter halibut Issue: • Halibut harvests from the charter sector exceed guidelines and are increasing • This year’s charter overage comes out of next year’s commercial allocation Charter halibut Experiments could answer: Experiments could not answer: • Properties of compensated reallocation program • Design of mechanism to buy out quota shares • Design of charter IFQ program • Magnitude of demand reduction from one-fish bag limit • Price of quota in market • Magnitude of charter overage The spectrum of experiment types Lab experiments • Students • Computer or a hand-run game • Neutral frame • Non-students Field experiments • Move lab games into the field • Usually non-students with a field context • “Natural” experiments • Normal task, don’t know in an experiment