Interoperable Communications in Schools Welcome and thank you for your time Guy Grace Patrick Hobby Guy Grace Littleton Public Schools Director of Security and Emergency Planning 22 years with Littleton Public Schools and 26 years total experience in the security field Patrick Hobby President and CEO, QDS and SchoolSAFE Communications Inc. Co-inventor and sole manufacturer of SchoolSAFE remote controlled two-way radio bridging systems 25 years Motorola two-way radio product sales, service and system integration Introduction School Emergencies Operability and Interoperability Two-Way Radio Training Community Partners The SchoolSafe Network Littleton Public Schools Littleton Public Schools Callbox with camera and remote control door locks Site Surveys Local-area school-based systems District wide-area system coverage and capacity Public Safety wide-area systems, coverage and capacity Sharing lessons learned working towards operability and interoperability. Operability School safety teams Establishing command on the radio Establishing control zones Setting up staging areas Two-Way Radios One-to-many Kinds of two-way radios Categories of two-way radios Site surveys for coverage and capacity Interoperability Full understanding of plans and procedures The ability to work together on a common communications platform in real time The ability to exchange real time critical lifesaving information by two-way radio Incident Command Without effective communications it is nearly impossible to have command and control of any situation. Two-way radio communications helps multiple logistical and jurisdictional teams coordinate response to complex incidents. Training and Exercising Regular testing of communications capability Conducting tabletop exercises Conducting functional exercises 3D simulations and communications exercises SchoolSAFE Technology Mission Enable on-demand seamless two-way radio communications interoperability. SchoolSAFE Block Diagram 1 PSAP Antenna School Antenna School Network SchoolSAFE located at each School Location Internet PSAP Network Server PSAP 911 Dispatch SchoolSAFE Block Diagram 2 PSAP Antenna School Antenna District Antenna School Network Server SchoolSAFE located at each School Location District Security PSAP Network PSAP 911 Dispatch Internet SchoolSAFE Block Diagram 3 PSAP Antenna District Antenna PSAP 911 Dispatch WideArea Radio Coverage District Services Wide- Area Radio Coverage School Antenna Local Coverage SchoolSAFE at each School Location Thank You! Guy Grace 303-347-3416 Patrick Hobby 303-598-1555