a PowerPoint presentation about the KCDL service.

An absolute necessity for educators
What is kcdlonline?
kcdlonline is a searchable database that provides curriculum information and
educational research on a broad variety of subjects covered in PreK-12 and
Adult Basic Education.
With a growing database of over 9,000 curriculum documents, kcdlonline
provides educators, curriculum developers, and other researchers with a direct
link to the materials they need and contact information for the agencies that
issue them.
Why kcdlonline?
 Development of curricula and standards is more important than ever
 Tracking down the latest materials is time consuming
 With kcdlonline educators, curriculum developers, and other researchers
can gain easy access to the resources they need to implement educational
strategies and objectives, and improve learning in PreK-12 schooling
 Kcdlonline is Section 508 compliant, making it compatible with assistive
Benefits of kcdlonline
 Have easy access to over 9,000 documents from all across the Englishspeaking world
 Draw upon a host of developed curricula and educational research to help
improve existing curricula or to create new materials
 Learn what standards and policies have been adopted
 Search for specific curricula by subject, keywords, forms of educational
content, grades covered, and geographic location
More Benefits of kcdlonline
 Save time in tracking down the newest curricula, standards,
educational policies and research
 Access the full text of thousands of documents, covering all subjects
and all grade levels
 Identify and retrieve the materials which are most relevant to your
 Keep current via monthly updates
A Comprehensive Curricula Database
kcdlonline contains fully-searchable data covering:
Curricula, frameworks and standards, educational policy and research
Lessons and learning activities
Educational objectives
Educational content
Instructional strategies
Evaluative techniques
Information in kcdlonline covers all disciplines, subjects, and grade
levels found in PreK-12th grade education and Adult Basic Education
Sources of Curricula Information & Updates
kcdlonline draws from thousands of sources, including:
Departments of Education and other Government agencies
Research centers at colleges and universities
Schools and school districts
Regional educational consortia
Parks & Museums
Associations and other non-profit organizations
Trade journals, conferences and other industry sources
Key Data Selection Criteria
 Currency (within past 3 years)
 Content requirements (consists of primary section(s), educational
content, meets grade level criteria, etc.)
 Quality
 Geographic distribution
 Curricula from state departments of education are always included, as
they establish the standards in each state
Materials Acquisition and Management
 We maintain an ever-growing “Developers File” consisting of past,
present and possible future contributors
 We analyze the last edition for subject strengths and weaknesses
 We contact developers via phone, mail, email and fax
 We screen materials received for content, quality of print, pagination,
blank pages, etc.
 We write and enter data into a new document record
Representative kcdlonline Data Fields
Educational Content
Name & Address of Issuing Agency
Phone of Issuing Agency
Fax of Issuing Agency
Email of Issuing Agency
Issuing Agency URL (if available)
Primary Section
Collation (# of pages)
KCDL Edition
Document Number
PDF/Fiche Availability
Document URL (if available)
Grades Covered
Kcdlonline Customer Feedback
“KCDLonline is wonderful! Having managed a curriculum materials center
for many years, I know how hard it has been to provide access to a wide
variety of curriculum publications. KCDLonline makes this access a breeze
as it is constantly adding full text availability to new publications from many
different sources. Its search engine allows easy combination searching for
such areas as grade, subject, type, date, and location. This product fills a real
--Gary Lare, Ph.D., Head, Curriculum Resources Center, University of Cincinnati, and author of
Acquiring and Organizing Curriculum Materials
“Through the use of KCDL Online, educators can now easily find exactly
what they need without spending endless hours of tedious searching. By
making the process of curriculum development and classroom teaching even
more educational and productive for educators everywhere, KCDL Online
deserves an A+.”
--School Library Journal
Annual Subscription Offering
 Unlimited access by IP, User Name and Password, Proxy Servers
 Access to over 5,000 full text documents, with more being added every
 Access to the online version of the KCDL 1983-Present Cumulative Index
(detailed descriptions and availability information for thousands of curricula
and standards, including links to agency and document URLs where
 PDF copy of the current edition’s Shelf List available by request
 Monthly usage statistics
 Annual subscriptions for academic institutions range in price from
$800 to $1,850, based on student FTE
 Annual subscription for K-12 is $800
 Consortium and other discounts are available
Contact Information
Sales, Customer Service & Trial Inquiries:
Evie Duncan, KCDL Manager 1-800-416-4374
Mary Heffernan, Editorial Assistant 1-800-416-4374
Curricula, Developers & Content Inquiries:
Evie Duncan, KCDL Manager 1-800-416-4374
Mary Heffernan, Editorial Assistant 1-800-416-4374
Technical Support Inquiries:
Evie Duncan, KCDL Manager 1-800-416-4374
Mary Heffernan, Editorial Assistant 1-800-416-4374
All can be reached via email at info@kcdlonline.com
All can be reached via fax at 1-301-459-9235
URL is http://www.kcdlonline.com