UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Daily Status Report (DSR) Training Duty First! UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO DSR TRAINING AGENDA •PURPOSE OF A DSR (DAILY STATUS REPORT) •NEW DSR FORMAT •GENERAL INFORMATION •DUTY STATUS •MEDICAL •REMARKS •VERIFY YOUR REPORT •DISTRO LIST Duty First! UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO PURPOSE OF THE DSR • The DSR, or Daily Status Report, is a report for the Commander showing the duty status and medical availability of every Soldier under His command on a daily basis. • The DSR is also used by the S1 to help build reports for the monthly Unit Status Report (USR) that we turn in to the G1 each month which gets forwarded to Department of the Army (DA). The USR is the report used by DA to send new Soldiers to our unit to replace those Soldiers who are a loss (PCS, ETS, Chapter, Retirement, Etc). Duty First! UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO NEW DSR FORMAT TEMP PROFILE (OVER 30 DAYS) NONDEPLOYABLE PERM PROFILE PARENTHOOD OTHER TRANSITION LEAVE (RET, ETS, PCS) SCHOOLS (OCS, WLC ETC.) LEAVE/PASS DEPLOYED/TCS AWOL HOSPITAL TDY PDY SECTION RANK NAME SSN MOS/AOC M/F ASGN/ ATTCH There is a new format for the DSR. It is now color coded and the columns are grouped together by General Information, Duty Status, Medical, and Remarks. The bottom of each column is formulated to automatically count the number of Soldiers who qualify for that particular category. Do not add, remove, or move any of the columns in the report. REMARKS Duty First! UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION RANK NAME SSN MOS/AOC M/F ASGN/ ATTCH The first section of the DSR is the general information section. This section shows the basic information for each Soldier in your unit. Every cell in this section must be completed. Duty First! UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO DUTY STATUS OTHER TRANSITION LEAVE (RET, ETS, PCS) SCHOOLS (OCS, WLC ETC.) LEAVE/PASS DEPLOYED/T CS AWOL HOSPITAL TDY PDY The next section is the Duty Status Section. In this section each Soldier should have only one “X” by their name, and each soldier must have an “X”. A Soldier CANNOT have more than one duty status. Any Soldier that is not Present for Duty (PDY) MUST have a remark in the Remark Section explaining why and with dates. Duty First! UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO MEDICAL The next section is the Medical Section. Soldiers can have multiple “X” in this section. TEMP PROFILE (OVER 30 DAYS) NONDEPLOYABLE PERM PROFILE PARENTHOOD *Note: The NONDEPLOYABLE section has changed. It now only requires an “X” if the soldier is NOT deployable. Duty First! UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO REMARKS The last section of the DSR is the Remarks Section. As stated before any Soldier who is not PDY MUST have a remark. Also make sure that you are scrubbing your remarks daily and removing old remarks. If a Soldier is no longer on Leave, make sure that the remark is removed as well as the duty status. The Remarks Section can also be used to alert the Commander of medical concerns. For instance, medical profile expiration dates can be put here to show when a soldier will be deployable again. REMARKS Duty First! UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO VERIFY YOUR REPORT Make sure you double check your report before you turn it in. Make sure old remarks have been taken off. Check to make sure a Soldier does not have more than one Duty Status, and that all of the General Information has been filled out. These little checks will prevent your report from getting kicked back by the S1. Also make sure your numbers add up. If you accidentally hit a space along with an “X” it will not count that Soldier’s status. One way I have found to check for extra spaces is by using left and right justification. Duty First! UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO DISTRO LIST The suspense for the DSR each day is 1000 hrs. Always send the DSR to more than one person in case that person is away. The following people should be the minimum people who receive the report. • Duty First! UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO THE END QUESTIONS? Duty First! UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO