March 2014 partnership • Diploma delivered by • Coordinating school : • Contributing ParisTech schools : • Supporting companies : program goals To provide students with the necessary conceptual, theoretical, and experimental foundations in renewable energies to start a career in academia or industry: o With a PhD thesis in a state-of-the-art research team o As a researcher or project manager in an industry research laboratory, in energy agencies or companies o As Project Manager, Business Unit Manager, etc in industry in either the technical or business spheres o As specialist in energy strategies for large companies or SMEs in the field of renewable energies program at Ecole Polytechnique M1 - Ecole Polytechnique M2 - Ecole Polytechnique & ParisTech Energies of the 21st Century Renewable Energy Science and Technology Core courses: mainly Physics and Mechanics Overview of the energy domain (resource, climate, nuclear technology, photovoltaics, fusion…) Opened: September 2011 Energy-focused courses in the following domains: Photovoltaics / Energy Vectors and Storage / Energy Distribution Networks / Wind and Hydro Power General courses : Socioeconomic Issues / Topical Seminar Series / Project Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Full curriculum taught in English “REST” program overview Core Scientific Courses Energy Distribution Networks Photovoltaics Energy Vectors and Storage - Physics of Solar Cells - Thin-Film Photovoltaics -Photovoltaic Technologies in Industry -Polymers for Photovoltaics -Renewable Generation of Electricity using the Thermal Cycle -Hydrogen and Energy -Batteries and Energy Storage -Introduction to Power Systems -Stochastic and Dynamic Optimization: Adaptive Storage and Delivery of Renewable Energies Wind and Hydropower -Wind Power -Fluvial and Maritime Resources for Ren. Energy -Fluide-structure couplings in offshore wind and marine energy Transversal Content - Introduction to Biomass and Bioenergy - Specialization Course in Biomass and Bioenergy - General Interest Seminars - Language Courses New Energies and New Markets Project Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship “REST” program – scientific courses 1 • Photovoltaics Physics of Solar Cells • Introductory course from semiconductor physics to solar cell operation Thin-Film Photovoltaics • Fabrication, characterization, and operation of thin-film devices Photovoltaic Technologies in Industry • Experimental course (LPICM and IrDep facilities) of cell fabrication and testing, and industrial lectures (Total) on cost evaluation and innovation Polymers for Photovoltaics • Organic semiconductors, chemistry, and device physics (including dyesensitized cells and perovskites) • • • • • Energy Vectors and Storage • Renewable Generation of Electricity using the Thermal Cycle • Thermodynamic cycles, CSP, Biomass, geothermal Hydrogen and Energy • Production, storage, , fuel cells, and economic issues (includes laboratory demonstrations) Batteries and Energy Storage • Electrochemistry, materials science, battery operation (includes laboratory demonstrations) “REST” program – scientific courses 2 Energy Distribution Networks • Introduction to Power Systems • Transmission system operation, integration of renewable energy, storage, markets, Smart Grids. • Stochastic and Dynamic Optimization: Adaptive Storage and Delivery of Renewable Energies Introduction to numerical optimization, optimal control, combinatorial optimization, application to power grids, practical application with SciLab. • • Wind Power • turbine aerodynamics, design and operation, control, numerical simulations and lab. demonstrations at ENSAM • Fluvial and Maritime Resources for Renewable Energy • Hydroelectric resource, fluvial hydraulics, tidal wavepower, wave energy, thermal marine power… Fluide-structure couplings in offshore wind and marine energy • lab. demonstrations at ENSTA Wind and Hydropower • course selection Goal: allow flexibility, while keeping consistency Each student is required to take eight courses, with some guidelines: Choice of two specialties among: • • • • Photovoltaics Energy Vectors and Storage Energy Distribution Networks Wind and Hydro Power - Within each specialty the student has to take two courses (four total) Project Management, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship is obligatory (includes case study project) Three electives among remaining courses In addition: Topical Seminars Language Course program organization • • All courses given in English Language courses provided (French for non-francophones) • • • Students obliged to achieve French level to pass M2 year All lecture courses take place at Ecole Polytechnique (20 min south of Paris) Student housing available on campus • Some laboratory sessions given in research labs around Paris Industrial support • Industrial grants for life expenses of the students ( 10 k€ / year ) ≈ 15 in total Provided by the leading French companies in the energy domain (worldwide market) : Total, EDF, Air Liquide, Schneider Electric, Saint Gobain, PSA, Alstom, GDFSuez • Internship (6 month) : extra support available (research laboratories or industry) strong research base • • • • • Laboratory of Physics of Interfaces and Thin Films (LPICM, Ecole Polytechnique) Hydrodynamics Laboratory (LADHYX, Ecole Polytechnique) Solid Mechanics Laboratory (LMS, Ecole Polytechnique) Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory (LMD, Ecole Polytechnique) Applied Mathematics Center (CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique) • Centre for Energy and Processes (CEP, Mines ParisTech) • Institute for Photovoltaic Energy Research and Development (IRDEP, CNRS / EDF / Chimie ParisTech) • Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics (Arts & Métiers ParisTech) • Laboratory of Chemistry and Processes (ENSTA ParisTech) • Laboratory of Information Processing and Communication (TELECOM ParisTech) • Laboratory of Environment and Arable Crops (AgroParisTech / INRA) Never far from research: PV Industry Lab leads to scientific publication: J. W. Choi, C.H. Kim, Jonathan Pison, Akinola Oyedele, D. Tondelier, A. Leliege, E. Kirchner, P. Blanchard, J. Roncalib, and B. Geffroy , RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 5236 IPVF (Institut Photovoltaïque d’Ile de France ) French National Project (IEED) Location : Ecole polytechnique campus 2016-2017 IPVF in a few words Creation of a national institute with a faculty staff 150-200 p, budget of about 200 M€ (for 10 years) and building 9 000 m2. Collaboration between academic and industrial partners : CNRS (French National research council), Ecole polytechnique, Total, EDF, HORIBA, RIBER, AIR LIQUIDE Objective : breakthrough on future PV technologies for a competitive energy cost on the international market, based on the use of high technology platforms High quality formation of the international students required by the PV laboratories and the industrial R&D centers (REST Master program) Located on Plateau de Saclay (Ecole polytechnique campus) in order to take advantage of the best european scientific environment 13 The IPVF strategy based on the innovation triangle In order to obtain ambitious objectives, the IPVF strategy is based on three main pillars : Research : high technological experimental platforms used by the best PV research teams at the international level Developpement : R&D industrial research including development of pilot lines Education : the IPVF equipments will be used by international Master students on renewable energies (Master program REST), and PhD students. IPVF Development Innovation Triangle 14 IPVF : Scientific program Processes and thin films for high efficiency crystalline silicon technology. High efficiency thin film chalcogenide technology New concepts for high performant PV devices : New concepts for very high efficiency PV cells III-V cells Organic materials for inorganic PV cells Advanced Characterizations, theories and modeling NanoGPS coupling of characterization tools New electrical and optoelectrical characterization tools Chemical profiling of PV materials and devices Theory and modeling Social and environmental impact 15 IPVF : Building project (Delivery : 2016) Location : Palaiseau, Plateau de Saclay (Ecole polytechnique campus) 9 000 m2 (laboratories and offices) 16 student body – diversity and growth Year 1, 2011: 12 students Mexico, Morocco, France, Turkey, India, China, Japan Europe, Ukraine, Lebanon US, Mexico, Chile, Brazil India, Bangladesh, China Senegal, Nigeria, Rwanda Year 2, 2012: 46 students student body – diversity and growth Year 3, 2013: 37 students (from 161 applicants) Estonia, Turkey, China US, Chile, Argentina, Brazil UK, Europe, Ukraine, Morocco, Lebanon Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam Seven Industrial Partners plus GDF Suez provide a total of 12 bursaries (10k€ each) Goal of 15 bursaries for 2014-2015 international links: RENE program European exchange program funded by KIC Innoenergy Initiative M1: Energies of the 21st Century (non-KIC) M1: UPC (Barcelona) M2: UPC (Catalonia) M1: KTH (Stockholm) M2: KTH (Stockholm) M1: IST (Lisbon) M2: IST (Lisbon) ESADE business school (Barcelona) provides entrepreneurship training international links : ICARE program Sino-European “Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy (ICARE) ” project Led by ParisTech and supported by the European Union Partners: ParisTech, coordinator (Mines ParisTech, Ecole Polytechnique, Chimie ParisTech, ENSTA ParisTech, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Telecom ParisTech), Università di Roma I Sapienza (Italy), University of Saragosse (Spain), Northumbria University (Newcastle, UK), National Technical University of Athens (NTUA, Greece), Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD, France) Huazhong University of Science and Technology, host of the institute (HUST, Wuhan), Wuhan University of Technology (Wuhan), South-East University (Nanjing) Activities: Joint Master Program in Wuhan (September 2011. 5 students joined M2 REST in 2012, 6 in 2013) Research collaboration Vocational training ICARE program (Wuhan – China) : 2012 MOOC creation MOOC : Massive Open Online Course Utilisation de la plate-forme Coursera (langue Française) • 2014 : « Physique des cellules solaires au silicium » (B. Drévillon, J. Nassar) • 2015 : « Cellules solaires en couche mince » (P. Roca, J.F. Guillemoles) et « polymères pour le photovoltaïque » (G. Horowitz) « ressources fluviales et maritimes pour les énergies renouvelables » (A. Stegner) • Possibilité d’extension aux autres cours du Master REST MOOC : plate-forme flexible. - Cours + exercices (TD) - Formation continue - Support pour sessions encadrés (utilisation possible d’équipements)