Community Engagement - Core Presentation

Community Renewable Energy
For information only. Remove this slide when delivering presentation
Introduction to the presentation
WHAT IS IT? to deliver a presentation on how to develop a renewable energy
scheme, along with other useful tools.
WHO IS IT FOR? community groups, local authorities and other people interested
in developing a community scale renewable energy project.
WHY DO WE NEED IT? to create better informed communities who understand
the different types of renewable energy technologies, their impacts and the
common misconceptions around them. With this we are hoping to encourage more
community groups to bring forward renewable energy schemes.
WHO PAID FOR IT? £1m North West Climate Change Skills Fund funded by the
UK Government to support planning for carbon reduction and climate change in
the North West, managed by the Climate Change Local Area Support Programme
(CLASP). Visit for more information.
For information only. Remove this slide when delivering presentation
How to use this Toolkit
This toolkit covers eight renewable energy technologies at community scale and it has been designed so
that users who are not familiar with the technologies can still deliver a 1 hour (approximately)
presentation to community groups based on a series of materials.
Follow the following steps in order to use the toolkit:
 Remove slide 3 (current slide)
 Go through slides 1 to 8, using the information contained in the notes at the bottom of the slides.
 Remove slide 9 and insert the slides for the technology(ies) that your community is considering to
install, for example ‘2. PV slides’ and ‘3.Hydro slides’.
 Go through the contents on the technology slides inserted. To support this, you will need the
information contained in the appropriate factsheets on the CLASP website, for example ‘Factsheet 2:
Solar Photovoltaics’ and ‘Factsheet 3: Hydro Power’. The notes at the bottom of the slides will guide
you through the content and appropriate pages on factsheets. Use the factsheets relevant to your
subregion for more local information. The last slide contains case studies. Follow the links on the notes
page to the documents which you can print or have on the screen.
 Once you have covered the different technologies, carry on with the main toolkit slides (you should
now be on slides 10 to 14) and follow the instructions and links contained in the notes at the bottom.
 Slide 13 contains further sources of information which are available on the CLASP website: Checklist
and Literature Library. You can print those resources or show them on the screen.
How is energy ‘normally’ produced?
What are the alternatives
– renewable energy?
Fossil fuel
Renewable fuel
Renewable energy is energy which comes from
natural resources such as wind, sunlight, rain, tides
or geothermal heat.
These sources are considered renewable as they
are naturally replenished
They offer an alternative to fossil fuels such as oil,
gas or coal.
For a free demonstration on explaining renewable
energy with moving images view:
What’s in it for a community?
Community benefits from renewable energy projects:
Protection against rising fossil fuel prices
Make money for your community
More local jobs
Reduce your community carbon emissions
Improve community well-being
The wider context
EU Energy Directive
UK Renewable Energy Strategy
North West potential
What are the options?
Wind turbines
Heat pumps
Solar PV
Hydro power
District Heating
Solar thermal
For information only. Remove this slide when delivering presentation
Insert here slides for
technology(ies) being
How to access funding and finance?
Different sources of finance:
Other (raising equity, entering an Energy Service Company (ESCO) contract, etc…
Energy Saving Trust funding database
Funding guidance video
How to get planning permission?
Stages of an application for planning permission:
Find out who your Local Authority or Local Authorities are?
Fill in an application (Local Authority or Planning Portal)
Local Authority checks, advertise and consult
Local Authority considers national guidelines and local development plans, before
making a recommendation to planning committee.
Planning committee refuses or grants permission, maybe with conditions
Local Authority responds within 8 weeks of application (could be longer if the
application is complex or encounters opposition)
Who owns the project?
Different options for owning and benefiting from a community renewable energy projects:
Owned by members of the community
Owned by a not-for-profit organisation
Owned by the Local Authority
Owned by a commercial company or managing agent
Creating an Energy Service Company (ESCO)
What are the next steps?
Carry out an initial assessment
Move into the detail of the project.
Check out the rest of the ‘Community Renewable Energy Toolkit’:
Community Renewable Energy Projects Checklist: a step to step guide with links to
sources of information and assistance.
Literature Library: explore any of the topics covered in more detail.
Both the checklist and the literature library can be found on the CLASP website.
Visit for more information
“The wise man does at
once what the fool
does finally.”
Baltasar Gracian (1601-1658)
“Twenty years from now
you will be more
disappointed by the
things that you didn't do
than by the ones you did
Mark Twain (1835-1910)
“Good actions give
strength to ourselves and
inspire good actions in
Plato (427 – 347 BC)
Picture references, in order of appearance:
Sellafield Dome, Greenpeace
National Grid, Pradesh Today
Home appliances, Lowes Appliances online
Natural gas diagram, Clean Energy Cryostar
Gas flame, Lovelin Gas Boiler Service
Radiator, UK
Sun, Bahiehk,com
Geothermal Energy, Alternative Energy Resources. net
Wave, Wikimedia Commons
10. Coal, Science Image
Natural gas, Oil Gas Information
Petroleum, The Encyclopaedia of Earth
Installer, Mark Group
Community stove, Baltidome blog
PV in school, Ashden Awards
Community wind turbine, Ecodefy
Wind turbine, solar PV and hydro power systems, Energy Saving Trust
Micro CHP, Ecobuild
Air source heat pump, Low Carbon Economy
Biomass, district heating and solar thermal systems, Energy Saving Trust
Planning approval, NI Planning
Green communities meeting and green communities, Energy Saving Trust
Community, New Charter Housing Trust