Understanding Your GCSE Statement of Entry and Exam Timetable YOUR STATEMENT OF ENTRY EXPLAINED The top section of your statement of entry contains your personal details and must be checked thoroughly: A unique four digit number that you must put on each exam paper when they ask for your exam / candidate number Check Correct Check correct Check Correct Check correct Check correct 2000 Check correct Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND Don’t worry about Don’t worry about Don’t worry about This is your legal name – not that which you are necessarily known as. It is this name which will show on your certificates If there are any mistakes or anything you don’t understand you must ask the Exams Officer (Mrs. Hammond) YOUR STATEMENT OF ENTRY EXPLAINED Lists all the exams that you have been entered for during this exam season Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND YOUR STATEMENT OF ENTRY EXPLAINED Exam Boards: AQA OCR EDEXCEL Or WJEC Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND YOUR STATEMENT OF ENTRY EXPLAINED Level and Type of Qualification GCSE/B = a unit exam entry GCSE/SC = a short course exam entry ie worth half a GCSE Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND Welsh Bacc Qualification GCSE/FC = a full course / subject qualification. For OCR & AQA GCSE/FC shows that you will get a grade in the summer. For WJEC GCSE/FC shows unit and subject exam entries Level 2 Qualification – equivalent to a GCSE YOUR STATEMENT OF ENTRY EXPLAINED EXAM ENTRY CODES Most unit entries end in 01 or 02. Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND Most CASH INS (ie. subject awards) end in SA or SC. You will not see an exam printed on your timetable for any CASH INs shown YOUR STATEMENT OF ENTRY EXPLAINED CASH INS Explained: A CASH IN tells you that you can expect to get a grade for that subject on results day in the summer. AQA / OCR / Edexcel CASH INs are shown by: Depending on the exam board a CASH IN will appear in one of two ways: a shorter code WITHOUT WJEC CASH INs are shown by: the subject code followed by the letters SA or SC AND Charity of the Year the 2012 - 2013subject name followed by the words Cash in. NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND a 01 or 02 at the end AS WELL AS the subject name without any unit names or numbers after it. YOUR STATEMENT OF ENTRY EXPLAINED CASH INS CONTINUED: You must check you have a cash in for each subject you have been entered for. NO CASH IN Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND = NO RESULT YOUR STATEMENT OF ENTRY EXPLAINED EXAM ENTRIES: SUBJECT AND UNIT NAMES Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND This column lists all the subjects and units that you have been entered for by NAME Your GCSE Exam Timetable Explained YOUR EXAM TIMETABLE EXPLAINED Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND Shows the day and date of your exam YOUR EXAM TIMETABLE EXPLAINED Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 Shows the start time of your exam: 09:00 for morning exams NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND 13:15 for afternoon exams YOUR EXAM TIMETABLE EXPLAINED Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 Shows the length of your exam in minutes: NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND YOUR EXAM TIMETABLE EXPLAINED Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 Shows the exam board you are doing your exam with NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND YOUR EXAM TIMETABLE EXPLAINED Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND Shows the level ie GCSE, of the exam you are taking YOUR EXAM TIMETABLE EXPLAINED Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 Matches the exam codes from your Statement of Entry NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND YOUR EXAM TIMETABLE EXPLAINED Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 Tells you the exact paper / exam you will be taking that day. NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND Eg. Biology 2 Foundation Tier YOUR EXAM TIMETABLE EXPLAINED What to do if your Timetable has: more than 1 exam starting at the same start time: 1) If the combined length of the exams is OVER 3 hours: one of the exams will be moved, but will still be on the same day – you will receive a letter confirming the arrangements nearer the time 2) If the combined length of the exams is LESS THAN 3 hours: you will sit one paper followed immediately by the other. Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND ANY PROBLEMS SEE THE EXAMS OFFICER MRS HAMMOND ASAP Tutors can find this presentation on the SIMS homepage Students can find this presentation on the school website: http://www.alunschool.co.uk/exams/#external Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND ANY QUESTIONS Charity of the Year 2012 - 2013 NORTH WEST CANCER RESEARCH FUND ?