China Outbound Tourism Research Institute

China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
Berenice Aceves, MBA
COTRI China Outbound Tourism Research Institute,
Heide / Beijing
China Outbound Tourism 2011:
Arrival of the New Chinese Tourist
Exhibitors Workshop April 12, 2011
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China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
• COTRI China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
is the worldwide leading independent research institute for
analysis, consulting and quality assessment relating to the
Chinese Outbound Tourism market.
• Headquarter in Heide/Germany, China office in Beijing.
Director: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt FRGS
Active in P.R. of China since 1978
Former owner of Inbound Tour Operator China->Europe
COTRI founder and director since 2004
Professor at West Coast University of Applied Sciences
Exhibitors Workshop April 12, 2011
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China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
Global Tourism 2010:
6.7% increase of international tourism arrivals
Asia –Pacific region
20% increase year
by year
Forecast for global
From 930 million to
1.6 billion travels
by 2020
Exhibitors Workshop April 12, 2011
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China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
China´s Major Targets of the
12th Five-Year Plan
for 2011-2015
Annual average GDP growth: 7%
GDP in 2015 (based on 2010 prices): 55 trillion Yuan (US$ 8.37 trillion)
Proportion of service industry's output in GDP: up by 4 percentage points
Release of major pollutants: down by 8%-10%
Jobs created: 45 million
Average growth of residents´ income: more than 7%
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China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
57.4 million
outbound trips
China is the No. 1
source market in
Asia even without
taking into account
trips to Hong Kong /
For the second time
in China: Outbound
tourism spending
higher than inbound
tourism income
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China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
2000: Global market
share 1.5%
2010: Global market
share 5.8%
2000: One out of
67 international
originates in
Mainland China
2010: One out of
16 international
originates in
Mainland China
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China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
Share of Chinese outbound travels during
three quinquenniums 1995-2009
(Source: CNTA / COTRI, no reliable data available before 1995)
More than 60% of all travels happening in last
quinquennium 2005-2009
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China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
Chinese outbound travels projection for current
quinquennium 2010-2014
a) projected increase according to State Council planning
b) projected increase if growth rate equals 2000-04/2005-09
Outbound Travels
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China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
Market Segments
Segmentation of market in
- low price/bad quality mass market
For the “Europe-from-the-Coach-Window” mass market there is still a queue of
at least 100 million Chinese waiting for their turn to get their photo in front
of the Eiffel tower.
- “FIT” / “Semi-FIT”, ”MICE” high-end market
"We didn't want to go on a group tour since these can be very rushed, taking in too
many countries over a short period of time. We think we handle independent travel
quite well since we were all in Singapore last Spring Festival when we also went to
Thailand. We think we will be able to get around Italy by ourselves.”
(China Daily 28- 01-2011)
January 2011: 456 million Internet users
32% Internet penetration rate.
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China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
China Outbound Tourism 2011:
Good news – not only because of quantitative growth
but also because of qualitative developments:
1.Political support for outbound tourism
2.Greater interest in in-depth travels
3.Easy access to passports and hard currency
Exhibitors Workshop April 12, 2011
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China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
China Outbound Tourism 2011:
1. Political support for outbound tourism by
Chinese Central Government:
• On November 25th 2009, a State Council executive meeting
chaired by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao adopted the “Statement
on Accelerating the Tourism Industry Development” which
declared a planned annual increase of 9% for outbound tourism.
• In the 12th Five-Year Plan for the first time the development of
outbound tourism is actively promoted instead of being
hindered by the Chinese government.
Exhibitors Workshop April 12, 2011
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China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
China Outbound Tourism 2011:
2. Greater interest in in-depth travels:
“… one of the remarkable characteristics of China tourism in 2010 was the detailed market
segmentation. When the normal tourism market was still the main component of tourism
section, special interest groups were forming as well. Some special attractive long-distance
and niche market focused tourism products which were offered by tour operators both
inside and outside China turned out to be very successful.”
Prof. Zhang Guangrui
Development of China's Outbound Tourism 2010
in: Green Book of China's Tourism 2011
Niche market and special interest products
offer opportunities to attract Chinese visitors
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China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
China Outbound Tourism 2011:
3. Less bureaucratic problems from the Chinese side:
• 140 ADS agreements with all important destinations signed
• Access to passports and hard currency relatively easy
• Individual tourist visa agreements with Asian and some
European countries
• More choice of destinations and tours than ever
Exhibitors Workshop April 12, 2011
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China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
China Outbound Tourism 2011:
But complaints about many destinations:
• Visa problems still existing
• (Perceived) Safety problems given extensive media
attention in China
• Quality level often not according to Chinese
• Not enough visible dedication to Chinese market
Exhibitors Workshop April 12, 2011
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China Outbound Tourism Research Institute
Chinese Outbound Mass
and New Tourists will
continue to travel all over
the world in growing
numbers, but with
specific demands and
growing expectations.
Are you ready?
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We are here to answer all your questions:
- Now
- COTTM 2011 COTRI Stand 2000
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COTRI Events during COTTM 2011
1) CTW Award 2011 Ceremony
Thursday April 14, 10.00 to 12.00 h
COTTM 2011 Theatre
Language: English
2) Book Presentation
Green Book of China’s Tourism 2011
China’s Tourism Development Analysis and Forecast
Thursday April 14, 13.30 to 14.15 h
COTTM 2011 Theatre
Language: English and Chinese
3) Exhibitors Debrief Workshop
Friday April 15, 10.00 to 12.00 h
COTTM 2011 VIP Room
Language: English
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