Wireless Sensor Networks Kyle Cruz Billy York St. Edward’s University Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Background/vocabulary of WSNs, wireless sensor networks Some applications of WSNs Components of a WSN Setting up a WSN with local mote programming Setting up a WSN with Over The Air Programming Summarize project results and references Vocabulary Mote from remote as in a wireless transceiver that is also a remote sensor WSN Wireless Sensor Network OTAP Over the Air Programming Hopping data is transmitted from mote to mote until the packet (data) reaches the base Sensor a device capable of sending a reading Gateway base station Senior Project a requirement at St. Edwards. A 3 hour course. Our Project Deploy a WSN in science building/greenhouse Use ‘local’ technique to program motes Use ‘OTAP’ technique to program motes Investigate and report on deployment logistics A mote consists of 4 components Sensor(s) board Microprocessor Transceiver Power supply Sensors are available to sense light, temperature, magnetism, acceleration, sound. Virtually any sensor that can send analog data can be used. Powered by batteries or ac power The sensor board from Crossbow with microphone thermistor light sensor magnometer two-axis accelerometer sounder. Microprocessors have their own language (a small vocabulary to support a small footprint) 128k memory,7mhz processor, 4kb Static RAM for storing data and variables. Because the motes hardware is so confined they require specialized operating system known as TinyOS. NesC is the language used to program TinyOS Packet consisting of MoteID GroupID Date – time Sensor readings ParentNode Packets sent Frequency – how often Amount of data A base station – programming board and mote Two or three motes, minimum Accompanying software suite to Program motes (set up network, set timer, …) Gather data from the base station Load data into a database PC or Server to run the software The base station is a mote programmed with base software attached to a programming board which is connected to a host The base station is the key part of a WSN, it receives all the data sent by wireless sensors and is used to program motes before they are deployed The host is used to store data through a supplied database in the software. ‘Local’ attach the mote to a programming board which is connected to the host via ethernet cable or serial port. ‘Over The Air Programming’ (OTAP). Locally, install/program the mote to receive commands over the air from a base station. Then, when deployed, it can be re-programmed from the base station and not brought in from the field. Many motes together make a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) In WSNs motes form a network by communicating, listening and transmitting information to and from each other and a base station mote. A wireless sensor that derives the power necessary for it operation from environmental vibrations. The primary purpose of the project is to demonstrate vibration-based power scavenging and its integration into a self-contained wireless sensor that measures and communicates some measured property of the platform, in the present case the temperature. http://www.rlwinc.com/ MoteTrack is a robust, decentralized location tracking system based on TinyOS motes (Mica2, MicaZ, Telos). MoteTrack allows motes can determine their own location to within 1-2 meter accuracy by comparing received radio signals to a replicated database of stored signatures. http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~konrad/projects/motetrack/ Other projects can be found at http://www.tinyos.net Moteview – GUI to view data received, the network, graphs, basic configuration of motes Moteconfig – programming the motes Programmers Notepad – source code IDE Xserve – interface between database and base station PostgreSQL – database management system Crossbow Technologies Dust Networks Spectrum Technologies References for pricing Crossbow Technologies http://www.xbow.com/Home/HomePage.aspx Dust Networks http://www.dustnetworks.com/flash-index.shtml Microstain http://www.microstrain.com/wireless-sensors.aspx?gclid=CMS7qrykzYsCFQJjSgodEA5XEA Intellisensing http://www.intellisensing.com/ Microdaq http://www.microdaq.com/accsense/index.php?gclid=CKq168umzYsCFSYiSgod3Q9PBA PointSix Wireless http://www.pointsix.com/cgi-bin/PointSix.cgi?Point_Sensors Crossbow Classroom Kit http://www.xbow.com/Products/productdetails.asp x?sid=233 WSN Projects http://faculty.stedwards.edu/laurab/wsn/ http://wireless.industrial-networking.com/articles/articles.asp http://webs.cs.berkeley.edu/users/select_users.php http://www.tinyos.net/