Fulbright-Nehru Fellowships and other Opportunities in the U.S. History USIEF is a bi-national entity, established by a treaty between the Governments of India and the U.S. on February 2, 1950. With the new agreement signed on July 4, 2008 to strengthen educational exchanges between the two countries, the Governments of India and the U.S. are now equal partners for the Fulbright Program in India. USIEF awards Fulbright-Nehru and other fellowships. USIEF’s Mission and Vision Mission: promote mutual understanding through educational and cultural exchange Vision: USIEF as Education gateway to the U.S. and India Clearinghouse of education information on both Advocate for Indo-U.S. educational collaboration Supporter of quality in and access to education Mandate Administration of Fulbright-Nehru and other fellowships for Indian and American students, faculty and professionals Promotion of dialogue among Fulbrighters and their communities as an outgrowth of educational exchange Educational Advising Services for Indian students interested in pursuing higher education in the U.S., and U.S. students in India Serve as a clearinghouse for linkages between institutions of higher education in the U.S. and India through (U.S.India Higher Education Cooperation (USIHEC) The Fulbright Program History and Philosophy Established in 1946 by former Senator J. William Fulbright to: Increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries Create a large academic and cultural network around the world The Fulbright Program Worldwide Operates in 155 countries Administered by bi-national Fulbright Commissions in 50 countries and by U.S. Embassies in others Since its inception, approximately 300,000 scholars have participated in the Fulbright Program 7,000 grants are awarded annually Fulbright in India Since 1950, USIEF has administered over 17,000 fellowships, over half of which are Fulbright Fellowships for Indians and Americans. 18 Fulbright Alumni Chapters all over India. Chapters actively organize events for new and returning Fulbrighters, advising sessions for Indian students interested in Fulbright and in U.S. higher education, conduct seminars, workshops, social welfare activities, and reunions. Fellowship Themes All disciplines including: Agricultural Sciences; Economics; Education; Energy, Sustainable Development and Climate Change; Environment; International Relations; Management and Leadership Development; Media and Communications with focus on Public Service Broadcasting; Public Administration; Public Health; Science and Technology; Study of India with focus on contemporary issues; and Study of the United States; Urban and Regional Planning; and Women’s Studies Fulbright-Nehru Fellowships Distinctive Features • Funded jointly by USG and GOI • Open to all disciplines – unless otherwise specified • Open to at-large applicants (independent scholars and professionals) • For 2011, USIEF will award around 140 Fulbright-Nehru grants • For 2012, USIEF will offer approximately 110 Fulbright-Nehru grants Prerequisites for Fulbright Applicants – Indian Nationals High level of academic/professional achievements Proficiency in English language Present in India at the time of submitting the application If employed, applications should be routed through proper channel Not be residing in the U.S. Not be applying for or holding permanent residence (green card) in the U.S. Not have been in the U.S. during the past three years on a teaching/research/study assignment for a continuous period of three months or more Fellowships for Students Grant Category Major Areas Designed For FulbrightNehru Master’s Fellowships for Leadership Development Up to 2 years For outstanding and highly motivated individuals who demonstrate leadership qualities, have completed equivalent of a U.S. Bachelor’s degree, have at least three years professional or work experience, and are committed to return and contribute to their communities. Age: preferably between 25 and 30 •Arts and Culture Management including Heritage Conservation and Museum Studies •Communication Studies •Conflict Resolution •Economics •Environment •Public Administration •Urban and Regional Planning •Women’s Studies Fellowship for Researchers, Students and Mid-Career Professionals Grant Major Areas Designed For FulbrightNehru Doctoral and Professional Research Fellowships All fields including Agricultural Sciences; Economics; Education; Energy, Sustainable Development and Climate Change; Environment; International Relations; Management and Leadership Development; Media and Communications with focus on Public Service Broadcasting; Public Administration; Public Health; Science and Technology; Study of India with focus on contemporary issues; and Study of the United States Registered Ph.D. scholars and professionals with work experience, For 9 months accomplishments Age: preferably not above 45 Fellowship for Researchers, Students and Mid-Career Professionals Grant Major Areas Designed For FulbrightNehru Postdoctoral Research Fellowships All fields including Agricultural Sciences; Economics; Education; Energy, Sustainable Development and Climate Change; Environment; International Relations; Management and Leadership Development; Media and Communications with focus on Public Service Broadcasting; Public Administration; Public Health; Science and Technology; Study of India with focus on contemporary issues; and Study of the United States Indian scholars and professionals who have a Ph.D. degree from an Indian institution between July, 2007 and July, 2011. For up 12 months Age: preferably not above 45 Fellowships for Researchers Grant Category FulbrightNehru Senior Research Fellowships Up to 8 months Major Areas Designed For All fields including Agricultural Sciences; Economics; Education; Energy, Sustainable Development and Climate Change; Environment; International Relations; Management and Leadership Development; Media and Communications with focus on Public Service Broadcasting; Public Administration; Public Health; Science and Technology; Study of India with focus on contemporary issues; and Study of the United States Faculty, researchers and professionals with a Ph.D. or equivalent published work Age: preferably not above 50 Fellowships for Lecturers Grant Category Major Areas Designed For FulbrightNehru Visiting Lecturer Fellowships All fields including Agricultural Sciences; Economics; Education; Energy, Sustainable Development and Climate Change; Environment; International Relations; Management and Leadership Development; Media and Communications with focus on Public Service Broadcasting; Public Administration; Public Health; Science and Technology; Study of India with focus on contemporary issues; and Study of the United States Faculty, researchers and professionals with a Ph.D. or equivalent published work Up to 4 months Age: preferably not above 50 Fellowships for Researchers, Mid-Career Professionals Grant Category FulbrightNehru Environmental Leadership Program (FNELP) For up to 4 months Major Areas Designed For • Environmental Information/Systems Reporting • Environmental Education • Environmental Policy, Regulations and Law • Environmental Sciences and Toxicology • Environmental Management • Mid-level environment professionals in public/private sector or non-governmental organizations • Preferably have a master’s or a professional degree • The program will combine short-term practical training/internship at U.S. environmental organizations Age: preferably not above 50 Fellowships for Mid-Career Professionals Grant FulbrightNehru International Education Administrators Seminar For 2 Weeks Objectives Designed For To learn about various facets of U.S. higher education, including the types of institutions, accreditation, curriculum development, fund raising, student services and international education on U.S. campuses, as well as share knowledge on Indian higher education. Topics include research collaborations, faculty and student exchanges, and study abroad. For mid- to seniorlevel Indian college and university administrators with at least two years of experience in international program development and management at their institutions. Age: 55 years or under preferred. Fellowships for Mid-Career Professionals Grant Category Major Areas Designed For Fulbright-NehruCII Fellowships for Leadership in Management • Finance/Accounting • Systems/Operations • Organizational Behavior • Manufacturing • Strategic Planning Mid-level managers in Indian industries For 10 Weeks Age: preferably not above 45 Fellowships for Students, Lecturers and Teachers Grant Category Areas Designed For Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Program 9 months Bengali Gujarati Hindi Urdu For young college teachers of English or those training to be teachers of English with at least a Master’s in English. Age: 21-29 years Fellowships for Teachers Grant Category Major Areas Designed For Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program English Indian school teachers (6th to 12th Mathematics grades) Provides opportunities for Indian Science secondary school teachers to participate in Direct Exchanges of positions with US teachers and to work within a US school system and experience US society and culture for a semester. For 5 months Fellowships for Teachers Grant Category Designed For Program Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching For a Semester • Primary to secondary school full time teachers; • At a U.S. host university for a semester, the Distinguished Teachers will attend advanced undergraduate or graduate level classes; • Team-teach in schools and/or conduct seminars or workshops for U.S. teachers; and • Work toward completion of an action-based research project of their own design • Administrators/ academic coordinators who spend at least 50% of their time in classroom teaching Fellowships for Mid-Career Professionals Grant Major Areas Designed For Hubert H. Humphre y Fellowship Program Agricultural and Rural Development; Communications/Journalism; Economic Development; Educational Administration, Planning and Policy; Finance and Banking; Higher Education Administration; HIV/AIDS Policy and Prevention; Human Resource Management; Law and Human Rights; Natural Resources, Environmental Policy, and Climate Change; Public Health Policy and Management; Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration; Substance Abuse Education, Treatment and Prevention; Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (Teacher Training or Curriculum Development); Technology Policy and Management; Trafficking in Persons, Policy and Prevention; Urban and Regional Planning Mid-level professionals – policy makers, planners, administrators and managers in the govt., public and private sectors and NGOs with a Master’s or fouryear professional degree For 10 months Fellowships for Students, Researchers, Mid-Career Professionals Grant Major Areas Designed For International Fulbright Science and Technology Award Aeronautics and Aeronautical Engineering, Agriculture (theoretical or research-based focus only), Astronomy/Planetary Sciences, Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Sciences/Engineering, Energy, Engineering (aerospace, electrical, chemical, civil, industrial, mechanical, ocean, and petroleum), Environmental Science/Engineering (theoretical or science research-based focus only), Geology/Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Information Sciences and Systems (engineering focus only), Materials Science/Engineering, Mathematics, Neurosciences, Oceanography, Public Health (biostatistics or • Students, researchers, and mid-career professionals in the field of science and technology for Ph.D. degree in a US university • Have completed equivalent of a US bachelor’s degree with at least 60% marks Up to 3 years epidemiology) and Physics Fulbright Scholar-inResidence Grant Category Fulbright ScholarinResidence Major Areas Designed For Inter-disciplinary programs that focus on global issues with cross-cultural or international perspective Scholars and professionals to lecture at US small liberal arts colleges, minority-serving institutions Note: US institutions submit proposals to invite scholars Selection Process Timeline Core program announcement for lecturers, researchers, professionals, teachers, policy planners, administrators, and students Application deadline 4-6 weeks 18-20 weeks Mid-July 4-16 weeks July-Sept Visa processing 1-4 weeks 1-4 weeks July-Sept or later for Spring departures Issuance of terms and awards and DS 2019 forms JuneSept 4-6 weeks AugustSept February-March Scholars depart to the US National interviews at which principals and alternates recommended Screening and short listing of applications FSB approval Sept-Nov 4-6 weeks 20-24 weeks March-May 4-16 weeks Placement confirmatio n from coop agencies (IIE, CIES, AED) March-May 24-32 weeks Online application completion. Forwarding Dossiers sent for IIE, CIES, AED, and FSB approval Oct-Jan Preparing the Application: Tips • Follow instructions and adhere to word limits • Submit a clear and complete project statement that reflects your purpose and intent • Ensure that your qualifications and expertise match your project objectives • Emphasize how your project will benefit the host institution or your field in India and the U.S. Focus on the impact of your proposed work • Demonstrate preparedness: connect your past experience to what you are proposing to do during Fulbright • Give reasons for your choice of U.S. institutions Effective Research Proposals: Tips • Provide clear and detailed description of research objectives • Demonstrate the significance of the project in relation to India/U.S. and justify your need to pursue it in the U.S. • Explain how your project can be completed within the time frame • Show how your research proposal fits-in with your previous training/research and future objectives • Mention U.S. universities at which you would prefer to be affiliated or have corresponded with, stating specific reasons for the preference Effective Lecturing Proposals: Tips • Familiarize yourself with courses on U.S. campuses – content, structure, pedagogy, and grading • Lecturing proposals could be for full courses, team-teaching or a series of seminars • Focus on your teaching experience – indicate range of courses taught including teaching methods. Mention your role with curriculum development, thesis guidance, etc. • Attach sample course outline with a reading list • Expected outcomes: indicate how the Fulbright lecturing experience will impact you, home institution, discipline (new approaches to curriculum planning, innovative teaching techniques) Reference Reports • Submit three reference reports • Provide copy of project statement to each referee • References should be from people who are familiar with your work and can provide a realistic assessment of your abilities as well as the merits of your proposal • Referees should comment upon your ability to successfully complete the project, seriousness of purpose, adaptability to new situations, leadership qualities and resourcefulness and initiatives What the Selection Committees Look for • Leadership potential • Academic and professional excellence • Viability of the proposal and its usefulness to India and the US • Commitment to return to India upon completion of grant • “Cultural ambassador” role • Proficiency in written and spoken English East-West Center (EWC) Fellowships For Students, Researchers, Lecturers and Professionals Grant Category Graduate Degree Fellowship Program Designed for Master’s or Ph.D. degree at the University of Hawaii Asia Pacific Leadership Program Graduate certificate program on Asia and Pacific New Generation Seminar Political leaders; professionals in media, law, business, NGO Summer Seminar on Population Researchers and Professors Changing Faces Women's Leadership Program Women in government, civil society, media, and education Jefferson Fellowships Journalists www.eastwestcenter.org Fulbright Senior Specialists Program Under the Fulbright Senior Specialists Program, Indian Universities and other institutions of higher learning can collaborate with a US faculty member or professional for a period of two to six weeks The potential collaborations include: curriculum planning, short-term lecturing stays, leadership of or participation in special conferences or workshops, faculty training programs, development of educational materials For more information visit USIEF website http://www.usief.org.in Hosting U.S. Lecturer for a Semester • Indian Universities can host a U.S. Lecturer under Fulbright-Nehru Visiting Lecturer Program for a period of four to six months. USIEF pays for all expenses of the scholar and there is no financial liability to the university. Indian universities can apply to USIEF for hosting visiting lecturers. Complete details and application forms are available at USIEF website http://www.usief.org.in • For more information visit: http://www.cies.org/ or write to ap@usief.org.in Educational Advising Services (EAS) EAS provides authentic, reliable, unbiased, and up-to-date information on higher education opportunities in the US USIEF-EAS offices at Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi and educational advising centers at Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Hyderabad provide a comprehensive explanation of admission process to an American university Individual advising, specialized workshop, and seminar on application procedures and strategies, university fairs, predeparture orientation programs, updates on standardized tests Provides fee-based membership plan to U.S. institutions USIEF - Other Activities Alumni strength of over 4,000 18 Alumni Chapters functioning in various cities Organizes Round Tables, Conferences, Workshops and Seminars on important contemporary topics of relevance to Indian and other South Asian countries Brings out a quarterly newsletter, ‘Indian Fulbrighter’ to share news and views of scholars and on special programs and events Fulbright Campus Representatives (FCRs) • FCRs serve as an important point of contact for faculty and students of your university with regard to information on the Fulbright program • FCRs receive Fulbright publicity and recruitment materials from USIEF • USIEF staff in coordination with FCRs conduct outreach and mentoring programs • Institutions can designate faculty members as the FCRs. Contact Sudarsan Dash sudarsan@usief.org.in; 011 4209 0945 for more information USIEF OFFICES Head Office & Northern Region “Fulbright House” 12, Hailey Road New Delhi 110 001 Tel: 011-4209 0909, 2332 8944 Fax: 011-23329718 E-mail: ip@usief.org.in Eastern Region USIEF Regional Office The American Center 38 A Jawaharlal Nehru Road Kolkata 700 071 Tel: 033-3984 6310 Fax: 033-2288 1636 E-mail: usiefkolkata@usief.org.in USIEF OFFICES Southern Region USIEF Regional Office American Consulate Building Mount Road Chennai 600 006 Tel: 044-2857 4131 Fax: 044-2811 2075 Email: usiefchennai@usief.org.in Western Region USIEF Regional Office 2nd Floor, Maker Bhavan-1 New Marine Lines Churchgate Mumbai 400020 Tel. 022-2262 4603 Fax: 022-2266 3956 Email: usiefmumbai@usief.org.in USIEF Website www.usief.org.in