Certified Presenter Training - California Foundation for Agriculture in

Who We Are
California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom (CFAITC)
is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides educators with
quality free and low-cost materials, training and information to
promote student understanding of California agriculture.
To increase awareness and understanding of
agriculture among California’s educators and
An appreciation of agriculture by all.
Certified Presenters
Teachers and educators like you with a passion for agricultural
As a presenter, you will be asked to represent the Foundation at a
variety of conferences, exhibits, agriculture education days and
university workshops.
This is an important job and we are counting on you to portray what
the Foundation stands for—agricultural literacy, professionalism,
honesty, customer service and a dedication to supplying well-balanced
information about California agriculture to educators, students and the
general public throughout the state.
University Student Teacher Program
USTP workshops are offered through college credentialing
programs to introduce student teachers to agricultural literacy
and its many possibilities in today's classroom. Workshops
supply examples of:
• Lesson plans with an agricultural theme for basic subjects
taught in grades K-12.
• Classroom applications of activities and projects about
• Teacher-developed, field-tested materials correlated with
California State Standards.
Presentations can be tailored to fit specific curriculum
emphasis and can last from 45 minutes to 3 hours or more.
There is no charge for workshops.
USTP Presentation
In 2010 CFAITC was awarded an ACE grant to do Urban Outreach!
10 USTP presentations
3 urban regions
2-hour presentations
State Content Standards
Next we will review a presentation using the outline for these
presentations and you will see demonstrations on a few of the
Please refer to the outline included in your packet of materials
and follow along.
USTP Presentation Outline and Overview
Introduce yourself as a presenter and provide a brief overview
of presentation.
ACTIVITY 1: Ag Gallery: 3 poster boards with 3 questions to get
participants thinking about agriculture:
What can you learn
through agriculture?
USTP Presentation Outline and Overview
I. About AITC and what we do/history
• To increase awareness and understanding of agriculture
among California's educators and students.
• Programs are represented in 40% of all CA schools through
• Free resources made for teachers by teachers
that meet California State Standards
USTP Presentation Outline and Overview
ACTIVITY 2: Acrostic Poems: Creative Poem activity.
USTP Presentation Outline and Overview
II. Discuss and Distribute Resource Materials
All our materials are free and reviewed by educators and ag
industry experts
1. Teacher Resource Guide
2. Lesson Plans
3. Agricultural Fact and Activity Sheets.
4. Imagine this… Story Writing Contest
5. What’s Growin’ On? to over ½ million
students in the state
6. AITC Website www.LearnAboutAg.org
USTP Presentation Outline and Overview
ACTIVITY 3: Desktop Gardens- Create tiny gardens for your
students’ desktops.
USTP Presentation Outline and Overview
IV. Current projects/partners
1. Link to local resources
County Farm Bureaus
2. CSGN (Gardens for Learning book)
USTP Presentation Outline and Overview
ACTIVITY 4: Comparing Apples & Earth – Demonstate the
importance of agriculture to everyone
USTP Presentation Outline and Overview
V. Conclusion, Q & A, Pass out and collect evaluations
and contact cards
Drawing for prizes on info cards
We eat it, live it, breathe it and are a part of it!
Teacher Resource Guide
The Teacher Resource Guide (TRG) is a
must-have tool for professionals and
volunteers of nutrition and agriculture
• CFAITC instructional materials
• Free and low-cost resources from other
educational organizations, commodity
groups and companies
• Fact and information about agriculture
• Books related to food, fiber and forest
• Field trip opportunities
• Educational websites
• Grant opportunities
Resources for Every Season CD
This resource CD installs on your
computer and contains all of CFAITC's
current materials:
• 8 comprehensive units, 5 lesson plans
• 30 Agricultural Fact and Activity sheets
• What’s Growin’ On? newspapers and
teacher supplements
• WE Garden lesson plans
• Food Safety: From Farm to Fork booklet
• Entire Teacher Resource Guide with
search interface
• Much more!
What’s Growin’ On? Student Newspaper
This 16-page newspaper highlights the
many agricultural products of
California. Aligned to the Content
Standards for California Public Schools.
Recent careers-related topics:
Food Safety
Culinary Arts
Free classroom sets available for educators.
Agriculture Fact and Activity Sheets
California produces more than 350
different varieties of fruits, nuts,
vegetables, poultry, dairy, livestock,
and related crops. Our state leads the
nation in more than 110 of these crops
including some products that are only
grown in California.
Sheets provide: Facts about production,
history, economic value, nutritional
value, and geographical location,
lesson ideas, fantastic facts, graphics,
and step-by-step lesson plans.
Milk Matters! Discovering Dairy
Students discover the many different
aspects of life on a dairy farm.
Students will investigate the historical
significance of dairy breeds and
conquer mathematical business
challenges. Students will understand
why milk matters.
Grades: 4-6
Subjects: Science, Mathematics,
Reading/Language Arts, Visual/Performing
WE Garden
First Lady Maria Shriver lead the effort to
promote the creation of school and community
gardens across California. Shriver has
spearheaded the movement to plant a garden
demonstration on the grounds of California’s
State Capitol Park in Sacramento in 2009 to
educate and inspire Californians about the
important lessons gardens teach to students,
children and people of all ages.
WE Garden lesson activities:
• 11 Garden learning based activities
• Kindergarten through 6th grade
• Aligned to California State Content
CROP Circles
The CROP (California Regions of Optimal
Planting) Circle is an easy-to-use diagram
that illustrates planting and harvesting times
for 18 crops commonly found in California
school gardens.
These are optimal and recommended planting
and harvesting times that can be altered to
better suit individual microclimates or school
On the backside there are a few examples of
how to use the resource as a relevant tool to
teach key math concepts, seasonality and
plant growth, all while encouraging student
interaction with the natural world.
Food Safety from Farm to Fork
This unit provides students with a better
understanding of food safety through real-life
examples and thought provoking activities.
Students learn that everyone has a
responsibility in minimizing foodborne
illnesses – farmers, transporters, restaurants,
grocery stores... and the consumer!
Through reading, games, puzzles, math
problems and science investigations,
participants identify the roles each one of us
plays to ensure the food we enjoy is safe to eat.
Grades: 5-9
Subjects: Science, Mathematics,
Reading/Language Arts
“Food Safety from Farm to Fork” Grab n’ Go
In 2009 CFAITC was awarded an ACE Grant to update and
promote the Food Safety from Farm to Fork unit.
Funds were used to develop 10 “Grab ‘n’ Go” training kits that
feature key activities and lessons from the unit.
The kits are available for loan to Certified Presenters, County
Farm Bureaus and by request from educators.
We are going to go through the kit and presentation to show
what is involved.
Food Safety from Farm to Fork Grab n’ Go
Consumable Materials (Materials that can be given to participants)
□ 30 Food Safety from Farm to Fork booklets
□ 30 food safety magnets (chill, cook, clean)
□ What’s All the Talk About Food Safety? handout (green)
□ What Caused the Illness? handout (yellow)
□ 30 Resources for Every Season CDs
□ 30What’s Growin’ On? student newspapers
Needed Materials (not included in kit)
□ 10 markers
□ 4 large easle paper sheets
□ Several prizes and giveaways
Food Safety from Farm to Fork Grab n’ Go
Non-Consumable Materials
□ 4 food safety posters
□ Various food safety table toppers
□ 1 Food Safety from Farm to Fork presentation outline
□ 1 Food Safety from Farm to Fork PowerPoint presentation
□ 5 Playing it Safe game boards
□ 5 sets of six sponges; one of each color
□ 5 sets of game card sets; each set bundled with a rubber band
□ 1 Typhoid Mary by Judith Walzer Leavitt
□ 1 The Good, the Bad, the Slimy: The Secret Life of Microbes by Sara L. Latta
□ 1 Dirt & Grime by Vicki Cobb
□ 2 GIANT microbe plushies
□ 1 Fun with Food Safety Animated Music Videos DVD by Dr. Carl Winter
□ 1 Still Stayin’ Alive CD by Dr. Carl Winter
□ 1 GloGerm Classroom Kit
Food Safety from Farm to Fork Presentation
Prep: Choose a good-natured workshop participant to inoculate with
GloGerm. Their goal is to “spread” their germs to as many other
participants and surfaces as possible. For best results, they should really
slather it on!
Introduction: Why teach about food safety?
Materials: Large post-its, markers, Fun with Food Safety music video
Participants brainstorm “gallery style” reasons why they teach or want to teach
food safety.
• Place easel sheet post-its around the room, one for every 6-8 participants.
• Write “Why teach about food safety?” at the top of each sheet.
• Participants find the post-it closest to them and brainstorm as a group.
Have groups share their answers.
Food Safety from Farm to Fork Presentation
Highlight: “The majority of foodborne illnesses associated with
fresh fruits and vegetables is due to improper food handling at
the food service or consumer level.1 The consumer, the person
who eats the food, is responsible for making sure that the food
is prepared and stored properly. This is crucial! In this
workshop, we will discover activities that will help you teach
your students about foodborne illnesses and reduce the number
of foodborne illness incidents.”
Show PowerPoint screen shots to illustrate food safety issues.
1. Source: The Centers for Disease Control
Food Safety from Farm to Fork Presentation
Activity 1: Playing it Safe
Materials: Prizes, What’s All the Talk About Food Safety? handout (30), Playing it Safe
game board (5), Sponge markers (30), Playing it Safe cards (5 sets)
Description: Students will learn the basic science of food safety and the importance
of safe food practices while playing a board game, performing “fact or opinion” and
“cause and effect” activities, and then writing an essay on what they learned.
Food Safety from Farm to Fork Presentation
A. People should only eat cooked foods since, according to a media report;
all bacteria in food are harmful. (O)
B. Microorganisms can live almost anywhere, even in food. (F)
C. To maintain your health, it is important to eat five or more servings of
fruits and vegetables per day. (F)
D. A single bacterium is too small to see without a microscope. (F)
E. Scientific research has shown that the mishandling of food by the
person who prepares or eats it accounts for most foodborne illnesses. (F)
F. People should not eat fresh foods since your aunt says they can carry
bacteria like E. Coli and Salmonella. (O)
Discuss the answers. Give a prize to teachers who get the most correct
Food Safety from Farm to Fork Presentation
Playing it Safe
Background information:
Cooperative learning groups read What’s All the Talk About Food Safety? (page 4). Form
groups of six participants. Each person gets one minute to read his or her assigned
section. Groups shares reading, thirty seconds per person, with bell.
Create groups of up to six participants. Explain Playing it Safe and then have the
participants play the game.
1. What are ways to make this activity more difficult/easy based on student ability/age?
2. What are some extensions or review activity ideas?
Food Safety from Farm to Fork Presentation
Activity 2: Mighty Microbes
Materials: Who Caused the Illness? Handout (30), What Caused the Foodborne
Illness? handout (30)
Description: Participants, acting as epidemiologists, look at the facts of an
outbreak and determine the source and cause of an illness that makes many
picnickers sick.
Food Safety from Farm to Fork Presentation
Activity 3: GloGerm Kit
Materials: GloGerm lotion, two miniature black lights
Description: Participants will experience the danger of cross-contamination.
Food Safety from Farm to Fork Presentation
Additional Food Safety Resources
Food Safety Music
Dr. Carl Winter, PhD. has
combined his passion for music
with his expertise in food
technology to teach students and
adults about food safety. The
music CDs are $9.99, while
music video DVDs are free (plus s
& h).
Order online:
Food Safety from Farm to Fork Presentation
Food Safety Resources
Available in a variety of sizes. Also available
in ready-to-use kits. Help students visualize
cross-contamination and infection.
Order online:
GIANT Microbes
GIANTmicrobes® are stuffed animals that
look like tiny microbes — only a million
times actual size!
Order online:
Food Safety from Farm to Fork Presentation
Dirt and Grime by Vicki Cobb
The Good, the Bad, the
Slimy: The Secret
Life of Microbes
by Sara Latta
Typhoid Mary by Judith Walzer Leavitt
Imagine this… Story Writing Contest
Agriculture can help promote literacy for life
Introduce your students to the world of agriculture
Statewide story writing contest
For Students in grades 3-8
State and Regional awards
Meet California State Board of
Education Content Standards
Annual Deadline: November 1
Literacy for Life Awards Program
Sponsored by Oreggia Family Foundation
Literacy for Life Grants are designed to initiate new projects or expand
existing projects that promote agriculture literacy. Funds are provided to
California educators to support the integration of agriculture into
regular classroom instruction:
• Creatively incorporate agriculture into their own curriculum, while
meeting the California State Academic Content Standards.
• Foster an increased student appreciation for a variety of agricultural
subjects and skills.
• Represent California’s agriculture literacy educators by sharing their
skills with communities and/or education and agriculture organizations.
Literacy for Life Awards Program
The winners have the opportunity to receive many awards, including:
• $2000 Cash Prize (Overall and Vocational Agriculture)
• $1000 Cash Prize (Emerging Seed)
• Recognition in CFAITC electronic publication Cream of the Crop and
other media
• Expense paid trip to the National AITC Conference
• Expense paid trip to the CA Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting
• Expense paid trip to the California AITC Conference
Recent Activities
• California Science Teachers Association
• California Council of Social Studies
• California Association for Teachers of English
• Afterschool Workshops
• Garden Trainings
• Nutrition workshops
Certified Presenters Guidelines
Presenter’s Responsibilities:
• Inform CFAITC of workshops/conferences in your area.
• Turn in properly completed reimbursement forms within 3 weeks.
• Complete an evaluation of the event.
CFAITC’s Responsibilities:
• Complete necessary paperwork to register for events.
• Provide resource and inventory supplies for workshops.
• Provide compensation, travel, and workshop expense reimbursement.
• Provide prizes.
Upon Completion of presentation and CFAITC’s receipt of, expense vouchers
and event evaluation form, presenters will receive:
• ½ day (1-5 hours)= $100 plus round trip mileage.
• Full day (6-8+ hours) = $200 plus round trip mileage.
• Lodging and meals, if required. (Up to $8 breakfast, $10 lunch, $15 dinner).
Call to Action
USTP Presentations
• Provide three contacts at local universities who would be
interested in a presentation.
Garden or Nutrition Workshops
• If you know of any local workshops you would like CFAITC to
be a part of, let us know.
• Please complete the enclosed survey and send it back.
2300 River Plaza Drive
Sacramento, CA 95833-3293
Telephone: 916/561-5625 or 800/700-AITC
Fax: 916/561-5697
E-mail: info@learnaboutag.org
Web site: www.LearnAboutAg.org