
Henry Ford
Ford Model-T
The Cycle of Prosperity
Ford Model-T
In 1908, Henry Ford built a car
which everyone could afford to
It was slow, ugly and difficult to
drive, and was nicknamed “Tin
Lizzie” by the American people.
The Ford Model-T
The attraction of the Ford Model-T was
that its price never increased.
Costing $1200 in 1909, the price in 1928
was only $295.
By 1929 Ford was producing more than
one car per minute.
Mass Production
Ford was able to sell cars at a low cost because they were massproduced and every part was Standardized (only one colour and one
engine size were available).
By producing a large number of cars on an Assembly Line Ford
needed fewer skilled workers, and that cut the cost of salary.
Mass Production
In 1913, Ford invented the Assembly Line to speed up production.
Key Quote – Henry Ford
«A customer can have any colour he
likes for his car as long as it's black.»
How would this have helped to cut production costs?
Assembly Lines
‘… each man and each machine do
only one thing ... the thing is to
keep everything in motion and
take the work to the man, not the
man to the work’
The way an assembly line works is:
a car frame is put on a conveyer belt
and each person puts one piece
on every car that comes down the line.
Henry Ford
Car Industry
More jobs are created in
other industries.
More Standardized parts are
The Cycle of
Mass productions & Standardization
lead to increased car sales.
Jobs in Diners, Motels
& Gas Stations.
More oil is
More people with jobs means
that they can afford to buy a
More roads are
Aerial view of the Rouge Plant in 1930
In 1929, there were 81 000 men working in this factory.
Henry Ford
July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947
Henry Ford was definitely a great inventor and made a huge effect on our world. Just
imagine what our world would be like without cars!
Henry Ford also made an effect on our lives by creating the assembly line. His assembly line
helped bring down prices which helped people because cars were cheaper.
His idea was used in other factories and also helped the prices of other items go down."
"Another great thing he did for society was to create jobs for people. It took lots of people to
build a car and they were well paid, which helped their families live better lives."
Let’s Roll Away!
 Answer the questions on page 3 of your Student Booklet
 Pair up to discuss and to compare your answers. You will be
evaluated for Competency 1 here so let’s speak English 
Teacher: press PAUSE!!
Question 1 :
 When did Henry Ford make his first ModelT?
Question 2:
 What was its selling price?
(before the assembly line)
In 1908
1 200 $
One per minute
In 1913
Ford invented the idea of using an
Assembly Line to
speed up production.
Question 3 :
 How many Model-T cars were built?
Question 4 :
 When did Henry Ford start the assembly
Question 5 :
 Why did Henry Ford start the
assembly line?
A car frame is put on
a conveyer belt and
as the car moves,
each person adds a
He invented the assembly
line which helped lower the
prices, he created jobs, he
made cars more accessible.
Question 6 :
 How does an assembly line work?
Question 7 :
 What are some things Henry Ford
did that helped society?
Question 8 :
 How can we use Henry Ford's idea in our lives?
If we work together, we can get
the job done more quickly.