Our Students. Their Moment.


Our Students.

Their Moment.

Engage New York

Our Purpose

• Briefly look at the reason for College and

Career Ready Standards in Kansas

• Learn more about the Engage NY Math


• Examine the Shifts in Math within the standards

• Learn how to help our students with math and available resources for guidance

College and Career

Ready Video

Three-Minute Video Explaining the

Common Core State Standards

Click Here

What is Engage NY?

• EngageNY is an initiative initially launched by the New York State

Education Department, which has now spread across the nation.

• It is designed to help parents and educators grasp the new standards set forth by recently implemented changes in the educational system.

Engage NY

• The website found online at www.engageny.org

includes multiple resources to help parents and guardians understand the changes, the

College and Career Ready

Standards, and what they can do to help their children continually improve.

A Closer Look: Mathematics Shifts

• Focus: learn more about less

• Build skills across grades

• Develop speed and accuracy

• Really know it, Really do it

• Use it in the real world

• Think fast AND solve problems


Shift #1 Build Skills

Across Grade Levels

• What to LOOK for in the Backpack?

• What parents can do to help?

• Look for assignments that build on one another year after year.

• Know what concepts your child struggled with last year and support your child in those areas

• Give support for “gap” skills such as fractions

Traditional U.S. Approach

Number and


K 12

Measurement and


Algebra and


Statistics and



Kansas College and Career Ready

Standards Approach

Operations and

Algebraic Thinking

Expressions and


Number and

Operations—Base Ten

Number and







K 1 2 3

K 1 2




4 5

6 7

6 7

8 High School

High School

Shift #2 Learn More

About Less

• What to LOOK for in the Backpack?

• What parents can do to help?

• Look for assignments that require students to show their work and explain how they arrived at an answer

• Know what concepts are important for your child’s grade level and spend time working on them

Shift #3 Develop Speed and Accuracy

• What to LOOK for in the Backpack?

• What parents can do to help?

• Look for assignments that ask your child to master math facts such as addition groupings up to 20 or multiplication tables

• Help your child know and memorize basic math facts

• Ask your child to

“do the math” that comes up in daily life

Required Fluencies by

Grade Level











Required Fluency

Add/subtract within 5

Add/subtract within 10

Add/subtract within 20

Add/subtract within 100 (paper and pencil)

Multiply/divide within 100

Add/subtract within 1,000

Add/subtract within 1,000,000

Multi-digit multiplication

Multi-digit division

Multi-digit decimal operations

Solve px+q=r,p(x+q)=r

Solve simple 2x2 systems by inspection

Fluency in Action

Click Here

Shift #4 Really Know It,

Really Do It

• What to LOOK for in the


• What parents can do to help?

• Your student might have assignments that ask them to show or explain their mathematical thinkingto SAY why they think their answer is the right one

• Provide time for your child to work on math skills at home

• Talk to your child about their math homework and ask them to teach you new concepts. Help them figure out ways to explain their thinking.

They Can Do IT

• LaToya Brooklyn Parent

Click Here

Shift #5 Use Math in the

Real World

• What to LOOK for in the Backpack?

• What parents can do to help?

• Look for assignments that are based on the real world.

Example, 5 th Grade may add fractions as part of a recipe

• Provide time every day for your child to work on math at home

• Ask them to do the math that comes up in daily life

Real World Problems

• NTI November 2012 Rigor

Breakdown - Visual Fraction


Click Here

Shift #6 Think Fast AND

Solve Problems

• What to LOOK for in the Backpack?

• What parents can do to help?

• Assignments that spend time practicing by doing lots of problems on the same idea

• Push children to know, understand and memorize basic math facts

• Know all the fluencies you child should have

Chances are…


Getting to the Modules

• Look for Beginning Module

Newsletters to inform you about the math your student will be doing

• Below is the link to get to the math your students will be doing. https://www.engageny.org/common-core-curriculum

Sample Math Problems

• Let’s Do Some Work

Sample Problems

• Sample problems may be found at http://www.engageny.org/resource/new-yorkstate-common-core-sample-questions

• Beginning Modules Newsletters

• With Student’s Daily Homework

• Email your child’s teacher or school

Additional Resources

• www.achievethecore.org

• www.pta.org/4446.htm

• http://www.cgcs.org/Domain/36

• http://parcconline.org/parcccontent-frameworks


