Carers Assessments – Cathy Magowan

Cathy Magowan
Carer Support Developments
Western Health and Social Care Trust
(MARCH 2014)
•Cathy Magowan - Carer Support Coordinator in the Western Trust
(formally Sperrin Lakeland Trust).
•In post for ten years.
Carers Development Workers
•Carmel Corrigan (Foyle)
•Laura Ritchie (SLT)
Carers Development Worker Role
· To assist with the implementation of the Carers
· To ensure accurate and up to date information
is available for carers and staff.
· To promote carers assessment and direct
· Provide information and advice to Carers
Support Groups/Health fairs/Events
· Raise awareness of carers issues
· Develop innovative approaches for Carers
engagement and involvement in service review
and development
Legislative/Policy Background
and Direct Payments Act (NI) 2002
of Support for Carers of Older People (2005)
Regional Carers Strategy “Caring for Carers” (2006)
Standards for Adult Social Care Support Services for
Carers (June 08)
Audit of support services for Carers in NI (2008)
Trust self audit on Carers Strategy Implementation
(2009) & WHSCT Carers Strategy (2009)
Within the Carers and Direct Payments
Act a carer is defined as ‘an individual,
aged 16 or over, who provides or
intends to provide a substantial
amount of care on a regular basis’. This
care must be provided on an informal
(unpaid) basis.
Carers and Direct Payments Act
(Northern Ireland) 2002
• Places a duty on Trusts and Boards to offer
Carers a Carers (Support Needs)
Assessment and the power to provide
services directly to Carers.
• Changes to Direct Payments.
Carer Support Role
•To drive forward the Carers Strategy
(action plan for each POC).
•To ensure Carers issues are considered in
developing, planning and implementing
services at all levels.
•Implement DoH recommendations and
What does Carer Support mean?
Carer’s Strategy
Key Priorities for Action
• Recognition of
• Information for
• Training
• Support Services
•Young Carers
What does this mean in practice?
• Development of Carer Support Needs Assessment
(Regional tool).
• Carer’s (Database) Register.
• Carer’s Newsletter.
• Carer’s Week and Information Events.
• Establishment of Carers Cash Grant (Older Peoples/
Adult LD and PD).
• Support for Carers Groups
What does this mean in Practice cont.
Young Carers Project Barnardo’s (recurrent funding)
Carer involvement in Trust Carers Steering Group
GP Initiative
Workshops for Trust managers on supporting carers in
the workplace.
Carer Awareness/Carers Assessment training for staff.
Working in partnership with PHA and Me Unltd to deliver
personal development programmes for carers across the
Carers Walking Group.
• Legislative context – Carers and
Direct Payments (2002) Act NI
• Alternate way of receiving services
from the Trust.
• Is not a Benefit!
Direct Payments are cash payments given
to persons in lieu of services that would
otherwise have been arranged for them
by HSS Trusts, so that they may arrange
the provision of their own services.
Direct payments allow greater flexibility
for service users, allowing them to make
arrangements with providers of their
choice and at times convenient to them.
1. Starting point – client/user is assessed as
needing personal social services or key worker
carries out a review with the user as to how
their needs are being met.
2. Application for services approved by panel.
3. Key Worker establishes if the client is eligible
and can manage direct payments.
4. Key Worker will work with client and CIL
advisor to set up direct payment.
What does this mean for the Client/User?
• They become an employer.
• Have to organise employers liability/public
liability insurance.
• Recruit and manage Care Worker/Personal
• Agree job description/Person Specification
and Interview
• Set up separate bank account.
• Have to manage the paperwork (with
help if necessary).
Carers Assessment
The carer assessment should identify the impact of
the caring role on the carer taking into account the
carer’s age, general health and well being,
employment status, interests, other commitments,
etc. The assessment should also recognise that
caring responsibilities involve physical tasks.
Moreover, the caring role may be intermittent or
sporadic depending on the illness, condition or
disability of the cared for person.
Carers say there are a number of positive outcomes for
them in having an assessment carried out, even where
practical services may be restricted because of financial
constraints. They value:
Recognition of their role.
Peace of mind from knowing how to make contact in the
A chance to talk through issues and consider their own
Information about the condition of the person
they are caring for and its likely progression.
Information on other support, such as carer
support groups and local statutory and voluntary
A sense of shared responsibility, particularly where
any support offered is on a regular basis.
Increased confidence to take up services.
 The following services may result from a carer’s
1. Information.
2. Training.
3. Emotional Support – Carers Groups, Courses, Counselling,
Carer Events, Personal Development programmes etc.
4. Practical support – care in the home.
5. Respite – sitting services, residential respite etc.
6. Daycare respite services.
7. Referral for Carers Voucher.
Outcome of a Carers Assessment including unmet need is shared with the team manager
Cathy Magowan,
Carer Support Co-ordinator
Community Services Dept, 2 Coleshill
Enniskillen BT74 7HG
Tel: 028 66 344163
Carer Development Workers
Laura Ritchie
Carers Development Worker
2 Coleshill Road
Enniskillen BT74 7HG
Tel: 028 6634 4000 or 6634 4180
Carmel Corrigan
Carers Development Worker
Shantallow Health Centre
Racecourse Road
Londonderry BT48 8NL
Tel: 028 7135 5023