
A Few Key Ideas
• No particular language is a prerequisite for this course
– However you should be proficient in at least one language
– A working knowledge of C++ is worth pursuing as you go
– We’ll work on many paradigms in C++
• “How we communicate influences how we think and
vice versa.”
– [Louden and Lambert 3rd Ed. pp. 2]
• “Similarly, how we program computers influences how
we think about computation, and vice versa.”
– [Louden and Lambert 3rd Ed. pp. 2]
CSE 425: Intro to Programming Languages and their Design
Abstraction in Programming
(opcode) (register)
• Von Neumann Architecture
– Program instructions and data are stored in a memory area
– CPU executes a sequence of instructions
• Machine instruction sets: lowest level of abstraction
– Binary representation that the CPU can process
– Or that a virtual machine can process (e.g., byte code)
• Assembly language is only slightly more abstract
– “Readable” labels: operations, registers, location addresses
CSE 425: Intro to Programming Languages and their Design
Evolving to Higher Levels of Abstraction
• Algebraic notation and floating point numbers
– E.g., Fortran (John Backus)
• Structured abstractions and machine independence
– E.g., ALGOL (a committee), Pascal (Niklaus Wirth)
• Architecture independence (on beyond Von
– E.g., based on Lambda Calculus (Alonzo Church)
– E.g., Lisp (John McCarthy)
CSE 425: Intro to Programming Languages and their Design
Data Abstraction
• Basic abstractions
– Variables, data types, declarations
• Structured abstractions
– Data structures, arrays
• Unit abstractions
– Abstract data types (ADTs), classes, packages, namespaces
• Key ideas
– Information hiding, modularity, reusability, interoperability
CSE 425: Intro to Programming Languages and their Design
Control Abstraction
• Basic abstractions
– Algebraic statements, “syntactic sugar”
• Structured abstractions
– Loops, branch instructions
– Procedures, iterators, cursors, manipulators, etc.
• Unit abstractions
– ADTs, classes, packages, namespaces (same as for data!)
• Key ideas
– Selection, iteration, formal/actual parameters, composition
CSE 425: Intro to Programming Languages and their Design
Some Programming Paradigms
• Imperative/procedural (E.g., C, C++)
– Variables, assignment, other operators
• Functional (E.g., Lisp, Scheme, ML, Haskell, C++)
– Abstract notion of a function, based on lambda calculus
• Logic (E.g., Prolog, but can develop structures in C++)
– Based on symbolic logic (e.g., predicate calculus)
• Object-oriented (E.g., Java, Python, C++)
– Based on encapsulation of data and control together
• Generic (E.g., C++ and especially its standard library)
– Based on type abstraction and enforcement mechanisms
– We’ll cover informally via examples throughout the semester
CSE 425: Intro to Programming Languages and their Design
Language Definition
• Syntax
– Lexical structure, tokens, grammars (E.g., BNF)
• Basic semantics
– Informal description, may be incomplete
• Formal semantics
– Operational semantics (execution specification)
– Denotational semantics (specification as functions)
– Axiomatic semantics (assertions about program state)
CSE 425: Intro to Programming Languages and their Design
Language Design
• Goals (potentially conflicting)
– Efficiency of coding or execution, writability, expressiveness
• Specific design criteria
Regularity (how well language features are integrated)
Generality (how few cases have to be handled specially)
Orthogonality (how widely features still behave the same)
Uniformity (consistent appearance/behavior across features)
Safety or “security” (how difficult it is to produce errors)
Extensibility (how easy and effective is feature addition)
CSE 425: Intro to Programming Languages and their Design
Comparing Programming Languages
• Different languages usually have different goals
– E.g., C++ focuses on expressiveness and efficiency of
execution, at some cost to writability and efficiency of coding
• Accordingly, they may focus on different design
– E.g., although Java, C++, and Python are all designed with
the object-oriented programming paradigm in mind…
– … operator overloading increases extensibility but reduces
safety (e.g., operator precedence of ^ for exponentiation)
– … generality and uniformity are aided by a simpler and
smaller set of language features
– … and so forth
CSE 425: Intro to Programming Languages and their Design
Today’s Studio Exercises
• We’ll explore Visual Studio and a few coding ideas
– Built incrementally from simple to more complex abstractions
• We’ll work in C++, a multi-paradigm language
– Please form teams that put people less (or without a) C++
background together with those familiar with C++
– Ask for help as needed
– Use the on-line C++ reference and also the material at
• Record your answers as you go and e-mail them (with
the studio name in the subject line), when you’re done
– E-mail them to the course account, cse425@seas.wustl.edu
– You should get an e-mail back acknowledging receipt
– Please track which studios you have (and have not) sent
CSE 425: Intro to Programming Languages and their Design