Job Competencies

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Classified Employee
Performance Evaluation
Evaluator Training
SY 2014-2015
Classified Employees
Evaluation Process
Classified employees are
evaluated in three Performance
Categories, each containing
performance descriptors which
describe expected behaviors within
the category ~ see your job-specific
evaluation form
 Job Competencies
 Workplace Qualities
 Human Relations
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1st Performance Category
Job Competencies
The first of 8 performance descriptors in this category
references your job description
Although the items on your job description are not
specifically rated, the importance of your performance on
the essential duties of your job can not be overstated
The first descriptor in the Job Competency category is
your supervisor’s assessment of your performance of
your essential duties (job description)
If you should receive a Needs Improvement (NI) on this
single descriptor, you will not receive an overall Meets
Expectations (ME) rating for this Performance Category
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Two Other Performance
Workplace Qualities
These six performance
descriptors address desirable
behaviors in the workplace as
related to your department
and specific position, such as
Human Relations
These six performance
descriptors address desirable
traits related to professional
interpersonal skills, such as
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How are these performance
descriptors rated?
 Each
descriptor is assigned one of
three individual ratings based on the
employee’s performance
Expectations (ME) 
Needs Improvement (NI) 
Non-Applicable (NA) 
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What do the performance
descriptor ratings mean?
Simply put….
Meets Expectations (ME) means that the employee
consistently accomplishes assigned tasks and
demonstrates specific competencies needed for
the responsibilities at or above the expectations of
the supervisor.
Needs Improvement (NI) means that the employee
inconsistently accomplishes assigned tasks or
fails to demonstrate specific competency for the
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What do the performance
descriptor ratings mean?
Non-applicable (NA) means the descriptor is not
applicable to that employee. NA counts as an ME.
Evaluator determines if a descriptor is NA.
Unsatisfactory means that the employee
consistently fails to accomplish assigned tasks
and/or fails to demonstrate specific competencies
needed for the responsibilities of the position
(Overall Annual Rating only).
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How is each overall
category rating determined?
Each Performance Category is given an Overall
Category Rating based on the number of
individual descriptors within the category and
the rating received on each one:
Job Competencies: 6 of 8 ME = Overall ME
Workplace Qualities: 4 of 6 ME = Overall ME
Human Relations: 4 of 6 ME = Overall ME
Remember NA = ME
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So, how is the overall
annual rating determined?
The Annual Overall Rating is
assigned based on the overall
ratings earned on the three
Performance Categories
 Meets Expectations
 ME in all 3 Overall
 Needs Improvement
 NI in 1 Overall Rating
 Unsatisfactory
 NI in 2 or 3 Overall
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 No Surprises! 
No employee should
receive an Annual
Overall Unsatisfactory
Rating unless he/she
has been informed in
writing of specific
performance concerns
during the year.
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Recognizing the Best!
Your administrative evaluator
is strongly encouraged to
acknowledge exceptional
performance with specific
written commentary in
Section VI of the evaluation
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When do I have my annual
evaluation conference?
Paraprofessionals must
have their annual
conferences by May 1st
~ State law, PSC
regulation, and District
Other classified
employees must have
their annual conferences
before June 26th ~
District Rule
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What if I wish to appeal my
annual evaluation rating?
If an employee wishes to appeal his/her evaluation results,
he/she must complete an evaluation appeal form (found on
EMWeb) and submit it, along with any evidence and/or
documentation, to the evaluator within 10 business days of
the receipt of the original evaluation report
The evaluator must respond to the appeal within 20 business
days of receipt of the appeal
If the rating is upheld by the evaluator, the employee may
submit an appeal to the evaluator’s supervisor within 10 days
of receipt of the evaluator’s response
The evaluator’s supervisor must respond to the appeal within
20 days of receipt of the appeal
If the evaluator’s supervisor upholds the rating, the appeal
process is exhausted
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Unsatisfactory Annual
Ratings ~ Paraprofessionals
Because Paraprofessionals are
certified by the PSC, per GA law and
PSC regulation, an annual
Unsatisfactory rating earned by a
paraprofessional must be recorded on
the PSC’s UNSAT statewide database
If a paraprofessional has 2
Unsatisfactory ratings on the database
and has not demonstrated remediation
(improvement), the PSC will not renew
the paraprofessional’s certification
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Unsatisfactory Annual
In accordance with Administrative
Rule GBC, any employee earning
an overall UNSAT annual rating will
have his/her salary/step frozen until
he/she has earned a satisfactory
annual rating in a subsequent year
Human Resources will receive the
originals of all classified evaluations
for filing in employees’ personnel
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Help is on the way!
As needed and at the
Supervisor’s discretion, a
Performance Improvement
Plan (PIP) may be developed
to support professional growth
at any time during the year
A PIP may also result
following Needs Improvement
or Unsatisfactory
Performance Evaluation
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Human Resources: Teach Cobb! It’s better at the Top!