What is Verification (PPT, 3683 kB )

What is verification?
Information for panellists
Quality assurance of Authority subjects
Verification is the process by
which review panels advise
schools about Year 12 student
achievement relative to
syllabus standards descriptors
What is in a verification submission?
• Form R6
• Copy of the approved work program
• Clean copies of assessment tasks
• Minimum of nine sample student folios (or the whole
cohort, if less than nine) with completed profiles
• Documentation of student performances and other
evidence as specified by the syllabus
Role of panellists at verification
• Look for evidence in sample folios to support school
judgments about student responses
• Pre-review submissions prior to the verification
• Complete detailed pre-review notes to record
• Conduct further reviews at the verification meeting
and complete detailed review notes
• Conference with other panellists to construct a
consensus report for each school submission
Role of review panel
At verification, review panels consider:
• interim level of achievement decisions
• the appropriateness of schools’ judgments about
student responses to assessment instruments
relative to the syllabus standards descriptors
• the effectiveness of assessment in providing
opportunities for students to demonstrate the
syllabus general objectives across the range of
• coverage of the course as demonstrated by
evidence in the verification submission
Form R6
Review panel chairs
provide written advice
on behalf of review
panels on the Form R6.
Written advice concerns
the appropriateness of
interim levels of
achievement decisions
relative to syllabus
standards descriptors
Written advice to schools
Provide clear, concise, constructive, factual, respectful
and relevant advice about the:
• school’s decisions as evidenced in sample folios
• quality of assessment and judgments, based on the
syllabus and evidence cited from the verification
• evidence found ― advice does not pre-empt or
make assumptions about future events