Celebrating Success - Center on Innovations in Learning

Providing Incentives and
Recognizing Success
Stephanie Bisson
Larry Kugler
Dr. Maureen Richel
“Regular public recognition of
specific collaborative efforts,
accomplished tasks, achieved
goals, team learning,
continuous improvement, and
support for student learning
remind staff of their collective
(Dufour, Dufour, Eaker, Many. 2006)
Celebrations and Recognitions:
Opportunities to Convey Values
Through Story-telling
“The intention of stories is not just
to entertain…They are intended to
teach…they cause us to remember.”
(Kouzes and Posner. 1999)
If you want to build a collaborative
culture in your state, district,
“Make teams the focus of
recognition and celebration.
Take every opportunity to
acknowledge the efforts and
accomplishments of teams.”
(Dufour, DuFour, Eakers, and Many, 2006)
Ways to Celebrate Success With
 Celebrate Success Report
 IndistarConnect
 Certified School of Improved
 Certified School Improvement Specialist—
Recognizing Improved
The Institute for Improved Performance
(TIfIP) will certify schools, principals,
Leadership Team members, and coaches
Application Form and Standards are on
Flash Drives
Goals of Certification
1. Set a quality standard for collaborative team work
and effective practice related to sustainable,
systemic school improvement.
2. Recognize the demonstration of collaborative
team work, effective practice, and evidence of
actual improvement.
3. Encourage and support collaborative reflection
and professional development by comparing the
leadership team’s practices with CSIP-I Standards.
Benefits of Certification
1. Better schools; improved student learning.
2. Benchmarking successful practices.
3. Optimizing Indistar® use in all schools.
4. Recognition of schools for collaborative work,
effective practice, and evidence of actual
CSIP-I Standards
1. Analyze and Apply Critical Judgment
2. Facilitate Deriving Meaning and Engagement
3. Focus on Systemic Factors
4. Plan and Record
5. Organize and Manage Efforts and Resources
CSIP-I Standards
6. Guide and Focus Collaborative Improvement
7. Build Capacity
8. Demonstrate Organizational Sensitivity
9. Monitor Accountability and Adoption
10. Implement for Sustainability
Certification Requirements
Leadership Team (principal and at least 2 other team members):
 Attends virtual CSIP-I Orientation
 Completes CSIP-I Application
 Submits CSIP-I Certification Application and Indistar CSIP-I
Certification Report to external reviewer and secures signed
Attestation letter
 Submits the CSIP-I Certification Application and Attestation
letter to the Institute for Performance Improvement for
 Provides evidence of improvement
Certification Requirements
Leadership Team (principal and at least two other team members)
attends virtual CSIP-I Orientation. Completion of the Orientation
also qualifies the individuals to pursue personal certification as
Certified School Improvement Specialists (CSIS).
Leadership Team completes CSIP-I Certification Application,
documenting CSIP-I standards and providing evidence of
performance improvement.
Leadership Team submits CSIP-I Certification Application and
Indistar CSIP-I Certification Report to external reviewer (state
education department, superintendent, district supervisor, school
board president, or school improvement coach or supervisor) and
secures reviewer’s signed Attestation letter.
Leadership Team submits the CSIP-I Certification Application and
Attestation letter to the Institute for Performance Improvement
for review, along with the three documents generated from
Leadership Team provides evidence of improvement (documented
in CSIP-I Certification Application and Indistar CSIP-I Certification
State Sponsorship
States may sponsor the first few schools in the
state to achieve certification to establish the
certification in the state.
Cost of certification (including online orientation,
use of ePortfolio, review of documents, awards):
$2,400 for three-year certification. Renewal:
Keys for Incorporating
Celebration into your School
District, or State…
 Share the purpose of celebration
 Make celebration everyone’s responsibility
 Establish a clear link between the recognition
and the behavior you are trying to reinforce
 Create opportunities for many winners
DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, Many. 2006.
Let’s Innovate!
1. What could be added to the system to recognize
accomplishment (like the Celebrate Report)?
2. How can we improve IndistarConnect and encourage
3. Will states fund the certification process for a few
vanguard schools? Encourage more schools?
4. What can the SEA do to incentivize effective use of
Indistar and recognize successful Leadership Teams?