Was Chamberlain brave or a coward?


Was Chamberlain brave or a coward?

Learning objective – to examine the arguments for and against the policy of appeasement through cartoons

I can describe the arguments of appeasement and the features of the cartoons.

Level 4

I can explain the arguments of appeasement using the cartoons as evidence.

Levels 5 and 6

I can explain and analyse the arguments for and against appeasement using cartoons and my own knowledge.

Level 7

Who was Neville Chamberlain?

 Neville Chamberlain was the leading politician in Britain during the 1930’s.

 He was Prime Minister between 1937 and 1940.

 He was a popular leader at the time but now seen as a complete failure because of his failed policy of appeasement.

What was the policy of appeasement?

 The policy of appeasement means that you decide to give someone most of what they want to keep them happy.

 By doing this you hope that they will be satisfied and stop making demands.

 This is how Chamberlain decided to deal with Hitler.

Why did Chamberlain follow the policy of appeasement?

 One of the reasons why

Chamberlain was so popular in the 1930’s was his commitment to avoid war.

 He had lived through the

Great War and had close family killed in it.

 His speech in 1938 summed up Chamberlain’s feelings .....

What were Hitler’s demands in 1938?

 Hitler had already secured a union with Austria in 1938 when he turned his attention to Czechoslovakia.

 Hitler demanded the Sudetenland – a military rich area of Czechoslovakia that bordered Germany and contained over a million German speaking people.

 Czechoslovakia turned to Britain and

France for help.

How did Chamberlain respond to

Hitler’s demands?

 Chamberlain met Hitler three times in

September 1938.

 Eventually an agreement was reached in

Munich in the face of many expecting war at any time.

 An agreement was signed that declared

Hitler could have the Sudetenland so long as he would stop demanding territory.

 Chamberlain returned to Britain a hero declaring he has secured ‘Peace in our time’

What were the consequences of the

Munich agreement?

 The Munich agreement only postponed war as Hitler was now convinced that Britain and France would not stand up to him.

 It seriously



 It gave everyone time to arm themselves.

 The British realised they had been fooled and it destroyed Chamberlain’s career.

What are the arguments for appeasement?

 Germany deserved a fair deal.

 Fear of another war.

 Fear of communism.

 Britain needed time to prepare for war.

 At the time, appeasement was what the British people wanted.

What are the arguments against appeasement?

 Encouraged Hitler to be more aggressive.

 Allowed Germany to grow stronger.

 Convinced Russia that Britain and

France were weak.

 It gave Hitler time to continue to rearm.

 The Munich Agreement was a complete failure.

Which cartoon is the most convincing? Explain your answer in no more than 100 words.
