
Welcome to our Key
Stage 5 Academic
Induction Evening
Purpose of this evening
To inform parents
•of the structure of the refined reporting system
•how we set the targets for our students
•how we monitor the rate of student progress
•how the refined reporting system will report
• how the school will provide up to date and
available information for all
The reporting structure
•In Year 12 you will receive information about your son
/ daughters progress six times.
•In Year 13 you will receive information four times
•The first report for both years will contain an Attitude
to Learning (ATL) figure for all subject areas.
• Subsequent reports will contain an ATL, current
working level and an IB target level. This will be colour
coded to highlight the progress that you son / daughter
is making.
• You will also receive one full report containing
comments from all teachers and the tutor.
•There will be two further parent consultation
evenings per year group.
The Report Card
Target Setting
The IB target level is based upon the ALIS tests sat at the
start of Year 12 The ALIS tests are run by the University of
Durham in the UK. These give baseline tests as measures
of ability and they provide predictive data for each
subject. ALIS tests the student’s verbal, numerical and
logical reasoning and are highly regarded by the IBO.
Rates of Progress towards target grade
•This will vary from course to course. Some subjects access all of the IB
levels from the start whilst others build up the grades over time.
•E.G. History will spend time consolidating level 4 work before they
move up to level 5 work. Over the course of the key stage they will work
towards accessing the top levels.
•Geography will be able to assess individual units in line with IB levels so
all levels are achievable throughout the course.
•This may mean that you see a current grade that is below the expected
grade. This is to be expected as students build upon their knowledge
over the course. We have introduced a colour coding system to make
monitoring progress easier.
BEP – Beyond Expected
The student is making progress quickly and is expected to or
has made more than 2 sub levels of progress in a year
EP – Expected Progress
The student is progressing in line with making a minimum of
two sub levels of progress in a year
EP – Expected Progress
The student is progressing in line with making a minimum of
two sub levels of progress in a year but needs to increase
progress by the next data report
LP – Limited Progress
The student is not progressing in line with two sub levels of
progress within a year and intervention has been provided.
Example of the report card
Keeping up to date
The dates of the reporting cycle, parent consultation evenings and
other notable events are all found on the Year specific calendars .
Keeping up to date: Managebac
•Managebac is used for
• Recording, tracking, assessing, setting work for
CAS activities
TOK (including the essay)
EE (including taking in and marking essays)
• Assessment calendars.
• A repository of teachers notes, ppts, resources
etc. from lessons.
• Entering students for the IB examinations.
Keeping up to date: Managebac
•Managebac is used for
• Communicating directly with students.
• Sending messages to classes and individuals.
• Setting deadlines.
• Taking in and marking on line, including giving
feedback in some subjects.
•Managebac is set up for students now and for parents
within three weeks.
•Managebac is essential for maximising achievement in
the IB Programmes.
Thank you for listening