Working Smarter As my colleague Jason Zimba likes to say, you don’t teach standards you teach mathematics. Bill McCallum Mathematical Practices Hunt Institute Video-Mathematical Practices Mathematical Practices 1. Making sense of problems and persevering in solving them 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4. Model with mathematics 5. Use appropriate tools strategically 6. Attend to precision 7. Look for and make use of structure 8. Looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning Asking Questions Economics Teacher Asking Questions Success at the Core Video-Facilitating Peer Learning …a good teacher has changed from “one who explains things so well that students understand” to “one who gets students to explain things so well that they can be understood.” Steven C. Reinhart Asking Questions Success at the Core Video-Facilitating Peer Learning Assessment System Annually State Summative Assessments 2-4 Times per year People, Practices & Perceptions End of Unit Benchmark Common Assessments 1-4 Times a Month Formative Common Assessments Daily Formative Classroom Assessments OAKS Transition Smarter Balanced Claims Claim 1 – Concepts and Procedures Apply, Explain and Interpret with Precision and Fluency Claim 2 – Problem Solving Solve Complex Problems Claim 3 – Communicating Reasoning Construct Viable Arguments and Critique the Reasoning of Others Claim 4 – Modeling and Data Analysis Analyze Real World Scenarios and Construct Mathematical Models to Interpret and Solve Problems Smarter Balanced Estimated Times Calculator Policy Grades 3-5 No Calculator Grades 6-8 Calculator Available and Not Available Four Function Calculator Grade 6 Scientific Calculator Grade 7 and 8 High School Calculator Available and Not Available Graphing Calculator with Scientific and Regression Smarter Balanced Performance Tasks Scoring Question 1 Full credit response (1 point) includes 192 in3 No credit response (0 points) includes none of the features of a full credit response Scoring Question 2 Full credit response (1 point) includes No credit response (0 points) incudes none of the features of a full credit response Scoring Question 3 Full credit response (2 points) includes 272 Partial credit response (1 point) includes all of the following common mistakes 136, 176, 248, 256, 80, 224, 240 or square inches consistent with an error question 3 No credit response (0 points) includes none of the features of full or partial response Scoring Question 4 Full credit response (2 points) includes Comparing the proposed volume to the requirements -orComparing the proposed surface area to the requirements -orJudging the proposed dimensions to be inappropriate Partial credit response (1 point) includes Valid comparisons but no judgment call No credit response includes none of the features of the full or partial response Scoring Question 5 Full credit response (3 points) includes Giving the dimensions for the cereal box design -andExplaining how the design meets the volume requirement -andExplaining how the design meets the surface area requirement Partial credit response (2 points) includes two of the full credit features Partial credit response (1 point) includes one of the full credit features No credit response (0 points) includes none of the full credit features Smarter Balanced Assessment System English Language Arts and Mathematics, Grades 3–8 and High School BEGINNING OF YEAR END OF YEAR Formative Assessments INTERIM ASSESSMENT Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks INTERIM ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE TASKS • Reading • Writing • Math END OF YEAR ADAPTIVE ASSESSMENT Calibrate Smarter Balanced to OAKS Option 1 Set achievement level on Smarter Balanced that represents equivalent rigor on OAKS Option 2 Accept the “meets” level set by Smarter Balanced. Students must receive adequate notice. Accountability Essential Skills Smarter Balanced Targeting Up Smarter Balanced Testing Opportunities Common Core State Standards What has been your CCSS implementation strategy to date and what remains to be done? Resources Videos Hunt Institute Article documents/patterns/neversay.pdf Performance Task 503-947-5832