Lecture 14: Active appearance models*

Last tuesday, you talked about active
shape models
• Data set of 1,500 hand-labeled faces
• 20 facial features (eyes, eye brows, nose, mouth, chin)
• Train 40 individual regressors (x and y positions for
each facial feature)
• Our regressors aren’t perfect,
but they’re often wrong in
conflicting ways
• Facial feature positions aren’t
independent of each other
– eg. knowing something about
the position of the eyes ought
to provide a clue about the
position of the nose
• Face alignment needs to be
more than the sum of its parts
– Active shape model
Shape model
• Given many examples of face shapes (and
ignoring the image data)
• Find a lower dimensional model that can still
represent the high dimensional examples
The Active Shape Model framework
• Build a model of face shapes to go along with our facial
feature models, then combine the two into one output
Shape model
• Problem: We tried to describe our face using a
40-dimensional vector. That gives us a little bit
too much flexibility:
Dog (?)
• Solution: If 40 dimensions are too many, let’s
build a low-dimensional model
Learning a shape model
• Use Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on
the feature positions
– Represent each example as a 40-dimensional
vector, (x1, y1, x2, y2, …, x20, y20)
– Subtract the mean from each vector
– Find the most important (principal) axes
• PCA gives us a total of 40 axes, but if we only
select a few of them (say, the top six), we’ll get
a low dimensional parameterization
Learning a shape model
• Compute mean face shape
Learning a shape model
• Compute principal components
• “Interpretation through synthesis”
• Form a model of the object/image (Learnt from the training
I. Matthews and S. Baker, "Active Appearance Models Revisited," International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 60, No. 2, November, 2004, pp. 135 - 164.
Face appearance has two
Active Shape Models
training set
(Hard to automate)
Shape Vector provides alignment
Alexei (Alyosha) Efros, 15-463 (15-862): Computational Photography, http://graphics.cs.cmu.edu/courses/15-463/2005_fall/www/Lectures/faces.ppt
Random Aside (can’t escape structure!)
Antonio Torralba & Aude Oliva
Averages: Hundreds of images
containing a person are
averaged to reveal regularities
in the intensity patterns across
all the images.
Alexei (Alyosha) Efros, 15-463 (15-862): Computational Photography, http://graphics.cs.cmu.edu/courses/15-463/2005_fall/www/Lectures/faces.ppt
Random Aside (can’t escape structure!)
Tomasz Malisiewicz, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~tmalisie/pascal/trainval_mean_large.png
“100 Special
Moments” by
Jason Salavon
Jason Salavon, http://salavon.com/PlayboyDecades/PlayboyDecades.shtml
Given Shape Vectors (positions of set of keypoints)
Shape Vector provides alignment
Collect keypoints from
training data in Ms whose
columns are training
Subtract mean shape (s),
then run SVD to get
(Ms = Us S Vs’).
si = s + Usai
Alexei (Alyosha) Efros, 15-463 (15-862): Computational Photography, http://graphics.cs.cmu.edu/courses/15-463/2005_fall/www/Lectures/faces.ppt
“Shape free” Texture Models
warp to mean shape
Once you have the shape model for each image,
warp the model to the mean configuration:
Now, all faces are the same size
and shape and place. So you can
create a column vector out of the
relevant pixels. Put all those
columns together (one for each
training image) into Mt
Subtract mean texture (t),
then run SVD to get
Mt = Ut S Vt’.
ti = t + Utbi
Face model
• All faces parameterized by mean texture t and mean
shape s.
• Each face has shape parameter ai, and texture
paramter bi.
• Given a shape and a texture, we construct a face as:
– Texture = t + Utb
– Shape = s + Usa
– Make the texture, then warp it onto the new shape.
– Awkward Mathematical notion.
– Warp(Image, shape parameters)
– W(t + Utb, s + Usa)
PCA Craziness
• The complete description of the face is [ai,bi].
• Let’s put those into one column, make a matrix
M for all those columns and run PCA.
• Why the heck would we do this?
Average faces.
Alignment is the key!
1. Warp to mean
2. Average pixels
Alexei (Alyosha) Efros, 15-463 (15-862): Computational Photography, http://graphics.cs.cmu.edu/courses/15-463/2005_fall/www/Lectures/faces.ppt
Random Aside
Enhancing Gender
more same original androgynous more
D. Rowland, D. Perrett. “Manipulating Facial Appearance through Shape and Color”, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 15, No. 5: September 1995, pp. 70-76
Playing with the Parameters
First two modes of shape variation
First two modes of gray-level variation
First four
modes of
Essence of the Idea (cont.)
Explain a new example in terms of the model parameters
Active Appearance Model Search (Results)
Final Projects
• 1 person: Implement any recent paper from
CVPR/ ECCV/ ICCV, and apply to some new
• 2-3 people, small research project; perhaps
starting with recent paper and substantial
extension, or one of the following ideas
Example 1 person projects…
• Single Image Haze Removal
Using Dark Channel Prior
– http://research.microsoft.com/enus/um/people/jiansun/papers/deh
Example 2-3 person projects
Matching historical and modern photos
• http://www.thirdview.org/3v/rephotos/index.
What year was this photo taken?