Mexican Yarn Paintings (Nearikas)

Mexican Yarn Paintings
(Nearikas) made by the
Huichol People of Mexico
Traditional Yarn paintings are called “Nearikas” and are made by the Huichol people of
Mexico. They coat a tablet with bees wax or resin, leave it in the sun to warm, then
carefully apply yarn to the surface. When it cools, it sticks to the tablet.
The Huichol people lived in a remote part of Central Mexico in the
mountains. They are very religious and artistic people.
Traditionally, the Huichol people created yarn paintings to
preserve their religious stories and symbols, and were made
as religious offerings….
But then other people discovered these beautiful yarn paintings, they
were asked to put them on display at exhibitions and museums.
Then, the Huichol people were getting requests to make them to
sell to the general public….and now are very popular worldwide. Other
artists now imitate their style of yarn paintings.
Yarn Paintings can
depict many