Common Core State Standards Math & Robotics Connections Ver. 10.28.12 RoboRAVE International Common Core State Standards for Math (CCSS) Table of Contents 1) Pre-questions 2) 8 CCSS Mathematical Practices – 8 pages 1) Make sense, 2) Reason abstractly, 3) Construct arguments, 4) Model with, 5) Use tools, 6) Attend precision, 7) Use structure, 8) Repeated reasoning 3) Post-questions 4) Additional Resources & Contact Information RoboRAVE International Common Core State Standards for Math Pre-questions (Table of Contents) Common Core State Standards Mathematical Practices. Can you provide your own robotics-based example for any of these? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. RoboRAVE International Common Core State Standards for Math CCSS Mathematical Practices for every grade level Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them (Table of Contents) How students might practice • (Line Following) A student must program a robot to navigate a “T” intersection and then trouble shoot the program until it works. • (Jousting) A student determines the range of angle positions for a “lance” to knock a “knight” down at different heights and speeds. • Your ideas? RoboRAVE International Common Core State Standards for Math CCSS Mathematical Practices for every grade level Reason abstractly and quantitatively (Table of Contents) How students might practice • (Robot programming) A third grader uses icons to program instructions (i.e., Graphic User Interface icons) to determine a robot’s action. • (Line Following) An eighth grade team considers which gear ratio to use to deliver their ping pong payload to the tower. • Your ideas? RoboRAVE International Common Core State Standards for Math CCSS Mathematical Practices for every grade level Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others (Table of Contents) How students might practice • (Line Following) A team evaluates 3 different delivery systems and asks “Which will deliver balls the fastest; or the most; or the best?” • (Line Following) A team discusses how fast their robot can navigate a curve without tipping over, given different curve radii. •Your ideas? RoboRAVE International Common Core State Standards for Math CCSS Mathematical Practices for every grade level Model with Mathematics (Table of Contents) How students might practice • (Line Following) A teacher shows how a volume formula for a rectangular prism can help a team predict how many ping pong balls will fit into a box. • (Jousting) A seventh grader uses a formula of distance = rate * time to program a robot to reach his opponent’s knight first. • Your ideas? RoboRAVE International Common Core State Standards for Math CCSS Mathematical Practices for every grade level How students might practice • (Any competition) A team uses a calculator to figure out different possible point tallies they could achieve. Use appropriate tools strategically (Table of Contents) • (Line Following) A team collects distance data from an ultrasonic sensor. • (Any competition) Use a computer to run software for programming. • Your ideas? RoboRAVE International Common Core State Standards for Math CCSS Mathematical Practices for every grade level How students might practice • (Any competition) A student figures out how far an arm will be lowered if it is moved ¼ of a rotation. Attend to precision (Table of Contents) • (Line Following) A team determines best percent of power for each wheel to navigate a “T” efficiently. •(Fire Fighting) Programming the robot to ‘not touch’ the candle when extinguishing the flame. • Your ideas? RoboRAVE International Common Core State Standards for Math CCSS Mathematical Practices for every grade level Look for and make use of structure (Table of Contents) How students might practice • (Any competition) Students understand the relationship of larger gears on the motor to small gears on the wheels provide more speed • (Any competition) A team and coach discuss the inter-relationship of and use of robot parts. • Your ideas? RoboRAVE International Common Core State Standards for Math CCSS Mathematical Practices for every grade level Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning (Table of Contents) How students might practice • (Any competition) Tabling data to look for a relationship between the number of wheel rotations to distance traveled • (Fire Fighting) Use of repeatable programming steps to stop a robot, turn on/off the extinguishing system, and then proceed onward. • Your ideas? RoboRAVE International Common Core State Standards for Math Post-questions (Table of Contents) Common Core State Standards Mathematical Practices. Can you provide your own robotics-based example for any of these? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. RoboRAVE International Common Core State Standards for Math Additional Resources & Contact Information (Table of Contents) 1) Davie County, North Carolina NXT Robots in the Classroom 2) Standards, STEM and Robotics 3) Can you contribute any excellent resources? Contact information: Albuquerque Area: 505.867.2007 Outside Albuquerque Area: 888.527.2007 Fax: 888.701.3071 GO TO OTHER MODULES…