Report of the First Meeting of the Standing Working Group to

CONSERVATION OF ATLANTIC TUNAS (Genoa, Italy, 10-17 November 2014)
SWGSM 1 Mandate
Report on SWGSM 1
◦ Venue and Participation
◦ Issues covered
◦ SWGSM 1 Recommendations to the Commission
Chair’s Observations
Recommendation by ICCAT for Enhancing the
Dialogue Between Fisheries Scientists and
Managers [13-18]
Created SWGSM to enhance communication and
foster mutual understanding between fisheries
managers and scientists in order to facilitate more
streamlined science-based decision making
Particular focus to be placed on:◦ management strategies, including data collection,
research needs and priorities
◦ establishment of limit and target reference points,
◦ promotion of efficient use of scientific resources and
“The working group will seek to establish management
strategies for the ICCAT fisheries which are consistent
with the objectives of the ICCAT convention, an
ecosystem-based approach and a precautionary
The use of BMSY and FMSY and other proxies as Target
and/or Limit Reference points, Harvest Control Rules,
and associated probabilities, allowing, in particular, the
implementation of a precautionary approach and
Recommendation [11-13], for the management of
stocks under the purview of ICCAT, and
Possible further improvements in ICCAT science and
management processes and research needs and
priorities, in particular in the light of the SCRS annual
work programme and of the development of the
Strategic Plan on Science.
SWGSM 1 took place in Barcelona, Spain from
26-28 May 2014
Participants included
◦ 17 Contracting Parties
◦ 1 Cooperating non-Contracting Party
◦ 4 Intergovernmental and non-Governmental
Framework for ICCAT decision-making
Components of precautionary management strategies
(management objectives and timelines, reference points, harvest
control rules, etc.)
Concept of Uncertainty and Variability
Framework for development of harvest control rules (information
to be considered and evaluation of performance)
Overview of relevant SCRS work, including SCRS Strategic Plan and
work programme
Suggestions for further improvements to ICCAT science and
management processes
Three Specific Recommendations
1. Based on a general agreement that SWGSM 1 was very
successful, SWGSM 1 recommended that there should be
another meeting of the Working Group in 2015
2. To further improve participation, it was recommended that
in future meetings of the SWGSM, the Commission consider
providing funds for two members per delegation (one
manager and one scientist) for those CPCs needing
3. The next meeting of SWGSM should have a balance in the
numbers of participating scientists and managers in order to
meet the objectives of Rec. [13-18].
Many participants suggested that skipjack, which will be
assessed in 2014, will provide a good example to
examine Harvest Control Rules.
North Atlantic albacore and North Atlantic swordfish,
stocks for which the SCRS has already advanced
Harvest Control Rules development and testing, were
also considered as good candidates.
Many delegations suggested consideration of Atlantic
bluefin tuna as a priority species so that future TAC
adjustments can be made in a reliable and defensible
◦ The working group recommended that this issue be
discussed at the next meeting.
In order to eliminate data gaps that affect the timeliness
of stock assessments, it would be important to consider
improvements in fishery and recruitment monitoring,
including real-time reporting.
There was broad support for including social
and economic factors in the evaluation of
Harvest Control Rules, and for the involvement
of the fishing industry and other stakeholders in
the dialogue
The Working Group noted the need for improved
data collection and need to reconcile their use
within a compliance setting.
If SWGSM will continue in 2015, it is
important to establish a clear
process to develop the Agenda for the
◦ Possibility of a “Friends of the Chair”
Group to be considered
Many thanks to all those who volunteered
their time and knowledge to make SWGSM
1 a success