Analysis of Clustered
and Longitudinal Data
Module 2
Vocabulary Slam and
an Introduction to
Linear Mixed Models
• Vocabulary Slam
– We begin this module by defining “clustered” and
“longitudinal” data, and address other terms used to
identify dependent data structures.
– We define and depict clustered and longitudinal data
using the multilevel framework.
• Introduction to Linear Mixed Models (LMMs)
– We give a brief overview of LMMs and introduce the
concept of a random effect.
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What is Clustered Data?
• Clustered Data
– An outcome is measured once for each subject, and
subjects belong to (or are “nested” in) clusters, such as
families, schools, or neighborhoods.
– The number of subjects in each cluster may vary from
cluster to cluster.
– Outcomes measured for members of these groups are
likely to be correlated.
• Examples
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What is Longitudinal Data?
• Longitudinal data
– An outcome is measured for the same person
repeatedly over a period of time.
– Different subjects may have different numbers of
observations which may be taken at different time
– Observations made on the same person are likely to
be correlated.
• Examples
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What is Clustered-Longitudinal
• Clustered-Longitudinal data
– An outcome is measured repeatedly for the same
subject over time, and subjects are clustered within
some unit.
– Subjects may have different numbers of measures,
and clusters may have differing numbers of subjects.
– The outcome values for different time points in the
same subject are assumed to be correlated.
– Measurements for subjects from within the same
cluster are assumed to be correlated.
• Examples
What is Repeated Measures
• Repeated measures data
– Multiple observations are made for the same person
over time, space or other dimension.
– Each subject need not have all measurements.
– Outcomes measured for the same person are likely to
be correlated.
• Examples
What is “Multilevel” Data
• Clustered/longitudinal/repeated measures data is
more generally known as “multilevel” data.
• Levels 1,2,3,…
• Level 1 is the lowest or most granular level of the
data, and where the outcome variable of interest is
• Levels 2,3,… capture higher level information
– Cluster-levels for clustered data
– Subject-level for longitudinal data
– Subject- and cluster-levels for clustered-longitudinal data
• We will illustrate the multilevel concept for 2 and 3
level data structures.
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Two-Level Clustered Data Example
• A research study in education aims to assess
the impact of school type (public vs. catholic) as
well as student gender and student SES on
student-level math achievement scores. Scores
are measured once for the students in the
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Two-Level Clustered Data
(Students Nested within Schools)
School 1
Student 1
Student 2
School 2…
Student 3
Student 1
Student 2 . . .
Level 2
Level 1
Level 1 Variables: Student Achievement Score, Gender, Student’s SES….
Level 2 Variables: Public or Catholic School…
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Two-Level Longitudinal Data
• Researchers are studying the effect of a
mother’s vocabulary and the child’s
gender on the child’s vocabulary growth.
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Longitudinal Data
(Vocabulary Measured Over Time)
Child 1
Measured at
Time 1
Measured at
Time 2
Level 2
Child 2…
Measured at
Time n1
Measured at
Time 1
Measured at
Time 2…
Level 1
Level 1 Variables (Time-Varying): Child Vocabulary Count, Age at each measurement
Level 2 Variables (Time-Invariant): Mother’s Vocabulary, Child’s Gender
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Two-Level Repeated Measures
• Researchers are studying the effect of
two different treatments on nucleotide
bonding in three regions of the brain in
rats. Measurements are taken from the
same three regions of the brain of each
rat, after each of the two different
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Repeated Measures Data
(Rat Brain Example)
Rat 1
Measured in
Region 1,
Treatment A
Level 2
Rat 2…
Measured in
Region 2,
Treatment A
Measured in
Region 3,
Treatment B
Measured in
Region 1,
Treatment A
Measured in
Region 3,
Treatment B
Level 1
Level 1 Variables (Varying): Nucleotide bonding measurement, Brain region, Treatment
Level 2 Variables (Invariant): Rat gender
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Three-Level Clustered Data
• A research study in education aims
to assess the impact of school,
classroom, and student-level
variables on student achievement.
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Three-Level Clustered Data
(Students nested in classrooms nested in schools)
Level 3
School 1…
Classroom 1
Student 1
Student 2
Classroom 2…
Student n1
Student 1
Student 2…
Level 2
Level 1
Level 1 Variables: Student Achievement Score, Gender, Student’s SES…
Level 2 Variables: Teacher experience, Class size …
Level 3 Variables: School locale (Rural or Urban), School percent low income
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Three-Level Clustered-Longitudinal
Data Example
• Math skills are measured for the same student
each year from grades 1 through 6, with
students clustered within schools. The goal is to
model how student characteristics, such as
ethnicity and gender, and school characteristics,
such as school size and percent low-income
students, affect the math scores of students over
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Three-Level Clustered-Longitudinal Data
(Math scores measured over time for students nested in schools)
Level 3
School 1…
Student 1
Math Score
at Grade 1
Math Score
at Grade 2
Student 2…
Math Score
at Grade 6
Math Score at
Grade 2
Math Score
at Grade 3…
Level 2
Level 1
Level 1 Variables (Time-Varying): Student’s math score, Grade at each measurement
Level 2 Variables (Time-Invariant): Student’s Ethnicity, Student’s Gender
Level 3 Variables (Time-Invariant): School size, Educational Intervention at School Level
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What Constitutes a “Level” in
Multilevel Data?
• In a clustered data set, each “level” represents a factor that
can be thought of as a random sample from a larger
– The students in a two-level clustered data set can be
thought of as a random sample of students within each
– The schools in a two-level clustered data set can be
thought of as a random sample from a larger population of
• We want to make inferences to the larger population of
students and schools, not confine our inference to the
particular students and schools included in this study.
• In a longitudinal data set, level 1 represents the “occasions”
within a subject and Level 2 is the subject.
– We think of the subjects as being representative of a larger
population of subjects.
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What is Not a “Level”
• Factors such as Treatment or Gender are not considered
to be Levels of data, because they cannot be thought of
as a random sample from a larger population.
• We wish to make inferences only about the specific
values of Treatment or Gender that are included in our
study…not to a larger population of treatments or
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Why all this talk about “levels”?
• Understanding the multilevel nature of your
dataset is a critical start to the analysis process.
– Is the data “clustered”, “longitudinal” or “clusteredlongitudinal”?
– How many levels are there? 2,3, more?
– What defines each level?
– What is the outcome of interest and is it measured at
Level 1?
– What other variables are of interest at each level?
• The answers to these questions will drive the
entire analysis.
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Models for Multilevel Data
• Data are often hierarchical in nature, especially in the
social sciences, and we should not ignore this.
• Using single-level (OLS, GLM) analysis leads to:
– Unit of analysis problem
• School or child?
– Aggregation bias
• School SES vs. child SES?
– Incorrectly estimated precision / standard errors
• Results in incorrect p-values and incorrect conclusions
• Linear Mixed Models can appropriately address these
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What are Linear Mixed Models?
LMMs are:
• Also known as multilevel models, hierarchical models, random
effects models, mixed models
• For a continuous outcome variable, Y
• Linear in the parameters (β’s)
• For multilevel data, where outcomes measured for the same
cluster/subject are assumed to be correlated and/or the error
variance is not constant. In other words, for situations where the
GLM assumption (below) is violated.
 i ~ iid N ( 0 ,  )
• Composed of both fixed and random effects, hence, “mixed”
• Not the only modeling option for multilevel data with a continuous
outcome. Another option is a marginal model, which we will
discuss later in the course.
Fixed Effects in a LMM
• Are usually the focus of the analysis
• Can be thought of as similar to parameters in an
ordinary regression model (the Betas)
• Can be taken from any level of the data
• Help us to explain the variance in Y at each level of
the data
• Examples of fixed effects:
– Age, sex, treatment, brain region, marital status, teaching
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Random Effects in a LMM
• Are usually not the primary focus of the analysis, but…
• Allow us to account for correlation among observations
within the same level-2 or higher units (e.g. correlations
among observations within the same school)
• Allow us to partition the total variance of Y into levels that
correspond with the multilevel structure of the data
– How much of the variation in student math achievement scores
can be attributed to student-level variability (level 1) versus schoollevel variability (level 2)?
• Are summarized by their variance and covariance, if there
is more than one random effect in the LMM
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Random Effects in a LMM (cont)
• Come in two flavors:
– Random intercepts
– Random slopes
• Are explicitly specified in the model. This is in
contrast to the random errors, which are never
explicitly specified when a model is fit, but always
exist and their variance is always estimated.
• We will introduce the LMM notation and
assumptions in the next module.
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In Conclusion
• Dependent data structures go by many names –
longitudinal, clustered, repeated measures,
• Understanding the multilevel nature of a dataset is
critical to any analysis.
• OLS regression is not an appropriate technique
for modeling multilevel data.
• A Linear Mixed Model is one approach that can be
used for dependent data.
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