OTES & OPES DEADLINES/REQUIREMENTS/CHANGES August 1, 2013 1 REQUIREMENTS IMPROVEMENT OR GROWTH PLAN FOR EVERY TEACHER (2) TWO, 30 MINUTE OBSERVATIONS WALKTHROUGHS EVERY TEACHER (ORC 3319.111) EVERY YEAR EVERY LEA WILL USE ETPES (ORC 3319.111 SECTION G) OPES IS THE “ME TOO” CLAUSE WITH SOME LEINENCY 2 CHANGED PROFICIENT is now SKILLED 3 September 30, 2013 Evaluation = Accomplished Skilled Developing Ineffective Performance on the Standards 50% Student Growth Measures 50% Continuous Improvement Instruction School Operations, Resources and Learning Environment Collaboration Parent and Community Engagement 4 OTES Model- September *Student Growth Measures Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES) Pre-conference Observation A2: Teacher-level Value-Added data available but not exclusive Teacher Level ValueAdded Proportionate to teacher’s schedule 10-50% Pre-conference Observation (both completed by May 1) Final Review and Conference Expected Growth Formal Observation and Classroom Walkthroughs/ Informal Observations Teacher Level Value Added 50% Formal Observation and Classroom Walkthroughs/ Informal Observations Mid-Year Review and Conference Above Expected Growth Professional Growth Plan Teacher Performance on Standards **A1: Teacher-level Value-Added data available only Post-conference 10-40% proportionate Teacher Performance on Standards 50% -OR- Student Growth Measures 50% B: Approved Vendor Assessment teacher-level data available Below Expected Growth Improvement Plan Post-conference Complete Performance Rubric Complete Performance Rubric -OR- Written Report C: No Teacher-level Value-Added or Approved Vendor Assessment data available (by May 10) Final Summative Rating Accomplished Skilled Developing Ineffective *The student growth measure progress dimension shall be used in proportion to the part of a teacher’s schedule of courses or subjects for which the dimension is applicable. **A1- If a teacher’s schedule is comprised only of courses or subjects for which value-added progress dimension is applicable: Until June 30, 2014, the majority (>25%) of the student academic growth factor of the evaluation shall be based on the value-added progress dimension. On or after July 1, 2014, the entire student academic growth factor of the evaluation shall be based on the value-added progress dimension. 5 STAYED THE SAME Value Added remains the same percentage for the same implementation timeline No talk of VA % in the proposals for the Biennium Budget Bill…yet 6 A: Teacher-level Value-Added Data Available A1. Teacher Instructs Value-Added Subjects Exclusively Teacher Value Added 26-50% 2013-14 LEA Measures 0-24% A2. Teacher Instructs Value-Added Subjects, but Not Exclusively Teacher-Level Value Added Proportional to teaching schedule 10-50% 0-40% LEA Measures Proportional to teaching schedule 7 A: Teacher-level Value-Added Data Available A1.Teacher Instructs Value-Added Subjects Exclusively 2014-15 Teacher Value Added 50% A2.Teacher Instructs Value-Added Subjects, but Not Exclusively Teacher-Level Value Added Proportional to teaching schedule 10-50% 8 0-40% LEA Measures Proportional to teaching schedule 10-50% B: Approved Vendor Data Available LEA Measures 0-40% Assessment = B: Approved Vendor Assessment data available Vendor Assessment 10-50% LEA Measures 0-40% = C: No Teacher-level Value-Added or Approved Vendor Assessment data available 9 C: No Teacher-level Value-Added or Approved Vendor Assessment Data C: No Teacher-level Value-Added or Approved Vendor Assessment data a Available LEA Measures 50% 10 OPES Model- September 11 OPES Implementation NOT dependent on OTES Implementation Must implement THIS school year – 2013-2014 ORC 3319.02 which became law 10/1/12 Standards 2, 3 and 4 ARE appropriate for Assistant Principals and MUST be used Standards 1 and 5 do not have to be utilized within the evaluation ALL FIVE standards must be used for Principal Evaluations ODE’s FAQ for OPES has been updated 12 Category A Principal: Principal Value Added 10-50% 13 10-50% Category B Principal: LEA Measures 0-40% = B: Approved Vendor Assessment data available Vendor Assessment 10-50% LEA Measures 0-40% = C: No Teacher-level Value-Added or Approved Vendor Assessment data available 14 Category C Principal: C: No Teacher-level Value-Added or Approved Vendor Assessment data a LEA Measures 50% 15 Aggregate of SGM for Prinicpals NOT average of averages Composite Value Added “Composite” of Vendor Assessment – requirement of being Approved vendor “Composite” of Student Learning Objectives 16 Combining Teacher/Principal Performance and Student Growth Measures: Evaluation Look-Up Table 17 4 3 2 1 Above Accomplished Accomplished Proficient Developing Expected Proficient Proficient Developing Developing Below Student Growth Teacher Performance Developing Developing Ineffective Ineffective EDUCATOR EVALUATION TIMELINE Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES) Timeline August/September Superintendent/Design ee eTPES – District options, complete set-up screens Complete OTES Alignment Tool Verify principal roster Send access to principals Principal eTPES Verify teacher roster Send access to teachers Begin evaluation process Growth Plan or Improvement Plan Observation Cycle 1 begins October Observation/Walkth roughs Cycle 1 Approve SLOs or Committee Approval of SLOs November - April February/ March Enter SGM default percentages for the LEA Review individual principal categories (A,B,C) and modify if needed May eTPES June [1] eTPES – Observation/Walkth roughs Cycle 2 Completion of Performance Rubric for Cycle 2 Review individual principal categories (A,B,C) and modify if needed Enter SLO and vendor data Completion of Observation Rubrics by May 1 Log into account Begin evaluation process – (Optional and private) complete Self-Assessment Select evaluator if above expected student growth Growth Plan or Improvement Plan Observation Cycle 1 begins Observation/Walkth roughs Cycle 1 Submit SLOs for approval Observation/Walkth roughs Cycle 1 Completion of Performance Rubric for Cycle 1 March Teacher April Observation/Walkth roughs Cycle 1 Upload artifacts as applicable Observation/Walkth roughs Cycle 2 Upload artifacts as applicable Complete local SGM scoring and report to committee/principa l Verify SGM and observation data Determine holistic rating for each teacher’s performance and enter Complete/documen t Final Summative Rating for each teacher Written report to teacher by May 10 Contract Renewal by June 1 eTPES – Report aggregated teacher ratings to ODE The board must require at least three formal observations of each teacher who is under consideration for non-renewal and with whom the board has entered into a limited contract or an extended limited contract. 18 OPES TIMELINE Ohio Principal Evaluation System (OPES) Timeline Principal eTPES – District options, complete set-up screens Sign-off on OPES Rubric Alignment Verify principal roster Send access to principals SGM/ eTPES – Review individual principal categories (A,B,C) and modify if needed Begin evaluation process Growth Plan or Improvement Plan Formative assessment (observation/walkthroughs) begins eTPES – Log into account SGM/ eTPES – Principal (building level) VA will be downloaded Begin evaluation process (Optional and private) complete Self-Assessment Growth Plan or Improvement Plan Formative assessment (observation/ walkthroughs) begins October November - April May Completion of Observation/Performance Rubrics eTPES – Determine and enter holistic rating for each principal’s performance Enter and verify each principal’s local SGM Complete/document Final Summative Rating for each principal Conduct final review and conference June [1] Superintendent/Designee August/September Formative assessment Approve SLOs Formative assessment February/March Enter SGM default percentages for the LEA Review individual principal categories (A,B,C) and modify if needed Enter SLO and vendor data Formative assessment Submit SLOs for approval Formative assessment Upload artifacts as applicable March/ April Complete local SGM scoring and report to committee Complete local SGMs and report to superintendent Verify SGM and observation data Contract Renewal by June 1 eTPES – Report aggregated principal ratings to ODE Annual evaluation of principals ORC 3319.02– One evaluation annually if contract is not due to expire. In a year an employee’s contract is due to expire, at least a preliminary evaluation and a final evaluation shall be completed. 19