Safeguarding contact sheet useful numbers

Safeguarding contact sheet – useful numbers
Safeguarding and social care teams in Tower Hamlets:
Integrated pathways and support team Tel: 0207 364 5601 / 5606 / 3859 / 2972 Outside Office hours
(17:00 – 09:00 , weekends and bank holidays) Tel: 0207 364 4079
Domestic violence : LBTH Domestic violence and hate crime team
Tel: 0800 279 5434 (Monday-Friday , 9am – 5pm)
For domestic violence concerns please complete DV1 / DASH forms if necessary.
NSPCC Protect and respect:
supporting children who are at risk /
suffered from sexual exploitation
Tel: 0844 892 0286
Metropolitan Police CAIT Team (Child and Adolescent Investigative team)
Tel: 020 8217 6550 / 6552.
Safeguarding Advice Needed?
In hours (9am-5pm: Monday – Friday)
Designated Doctor - Dr Owen Hanmer / on
call doctor 02089803510 or
Designated Nurse Rob Mills Tel 0203
6882501 , mobile 07951 489421
Midwifery support teams:
GATEWAY Team : Offer a range of services for women identified with the following:
Learning disabilities , domestic abuse, isolated and vulnerable teenagers, asylum seekers and refugees,
known / suspected child protection or safeguarding concerns , drug and alcohol abuse , severe and
enduring mental illness.
Referrals can be sent via community midwife or completed and forwarded directly. Tel 0203 594 2549 Fax
0203 594 3266
FAMILY NURSE PARTNERSHIP: Offer intensive support via a holistic programme encompassing health ,
education and parenting throughout pregnancy and until the child is 2 years old.
3 criteria – notification received up to 26 weeks gestation, 19 or younger at conception , primip
Tel 0208 223 8601 or Lead: Anne lynch – 07947 676537
SUBSTANCE MISUSE MIDWIFE: Jacky Nduru : Mobile number 07979770937
' Domestic Violence One Stop Shop'
Jagonari Centre, 183-185 Whitechapel
Road, E1 Mondays 9.30am - 12.30pm.
Representatives from the following
Tower Hamlets police Community Safety
Unit , LBTH Domestic Violence Team , LBTH
Housing department, Victim Support,
Aanchal Asian Women's Aid, Tower Hamlets
Asian Women's Aid and a local Law firm
providing advice on injunctions, welfare and
housing issues.
Safeguarding contact sheet version 1 : created August 2013