Hoarding Issues and Solutions in Fairfax, VA

Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Conference
May 20-24, 2012
Hoarding Issues and Solutions in Fairfax, VA
Programmatic Consolidation of Code Compliance,
Improve Performance, and Save Revenues
“Proudly Protecting & Serving our Community”
Code Enforcement and Code Compliance
processes and methods often vary
Between jurisdictions based on:
• Population size and density
• Agency composition
• Community trends and challenges
• Local codes and authorities
• Policies and priorities
“Proudly Protecting & Serving our Community”
Fairfax County, VA
Per 2010 Census
• Population- 1.1m
400 sq miles (99% is urban 1% Rural)
• 408,000 Housing Units
• Diverse Population
• Language other than English spoken at home- 35.9%
• Total Response: 91,000 of which 64,000 are EMS
“Proudly Protecting & Serving our Community”
Hoarding, Overcrowding,
Property Maintenance, Health Hazards
“Proudly Protecting & Serving our Community”
Fairfax County Hoarding
Task Force
• Established in 1998 due to…
Sentinel Events
Deaths of four homeless persons in an abandoned structure
Separate event involving a family of six in a colonial home
Complaints from Community Associations
Concerns raised by First Responders
“Proudly Protecting & Serving our Community”
Fire and Rescue Department
Taking the Lead…
• Lead agency on hoarding matters
• Looked toward a multi-agency task force
• Bringing the collaborative agencies together
• Developing Cross Functional Teams
“Proudly Protecting & Serving our Community”
Key Issues:
Understanding the Scope of the Hoarding problem
Understanding of the services and capabilities of other county agencies
Hoarding behavior patterns are a safety issue for the occupant and first responders
Comprehensive, multi-agency approach would best serve the owner/occupant
Significant staff resources and assets were required for even the smallest case
Enforcement, follow-up, remediation, and court action were time consuming and did
not always resolve the problem
“Proudly Protecting & Serving our Community”
Define the extent of the problem
Identify the traits, indicators , and behavior of those involved
Understand the mental health complexities of hoarders
Ensure a multi-agency approach
Identify areas where resources might be more effectively and efficiently applied
Protect the lives and property of the owner/occupant while continuing health
and safety of the neighboring residents and first responders
Educate the public and first responders on appropriate action to take if
hoarding is suspected
“Proudly Protecting & Serving our Community”
The Need for Change
• Until 2007 code authorities and enforcement efforts were
divided among multiple agencies leading to:
Ineffective communication
Segregated structure of code enforcement discouraged abilities to
respond with coordinated efforts
Lacking flexibility to deal with changing trends in compliance issues
Enforcement of existing codes were the responsibility of multiple
Demographics were changing creating life safety issues
Citizens were demanding action due to overcrowding in their
“Proudly Protecting & Serving our Community”
Collaborating Agencies
Department of Code Compliance
Fire and Rescue Department
Department of Family Services
Department of Health
Department of Housing and Community Development
Department of Public Works and Environmental Services
Office of the Sheriff
Office of the County Attorney
Office of Public Affairs
Animal Services Division
Community Services Board, Office of Mental Health
Fairfax County Police Department
Board of Supervisors
“Proudly Protecting & Serving our Community”
Consolidation of Functions to Create a
Unified Department
• On July 1, 2010, a collaborative multi-functional
department, the Department of Code Compliance
(DCC) was initiated.
• Vision: To create an adaptable, accountable,
responsive multi-code enforcement organization
within a unified leadership/management structure
that responds effectively and efficiently toward
building and sustaining neighborhoods and
“Proudly Protecting & Serving our Community”
• Enable staff to learn, become certified in, and have multiple
code skills in order to better support each other and serve
the community.
“Proudly Protecting & Serving our Community”
Progress Following Consolidation
And Agency Creation
• Improvement in responsiveness to complaints
• Improvement in efficiency allowed:
Number of inspections increased by 50% to 14,500
Multi-code certifications better enabled investigators to identify and
resolve code violations in the field with fewer visits
Access to over 5,000 single family residents
Consolidation saved the County over 1 million dollars
Zero fire fatalities for the first time since records have been kept
“Proudly Protecting & Serving our Community”
• Streamlined and re-engineered investigative processes
Made changes to County Codes and enforcement procedures
• Creation of a robust training program for all staff resulting in a formal
program that offers 140 hours per year of relevant training
• Enhanced multi-agency collaboration
• Creation of a work culture that engages all staff and encourages selfdevelopment and contribution
• Creation of an enhanced classification/compensation system that
enables and encourages staff to grow and develop