PRESENTER: LEMUEL BRADY ACTING DIRECTOR DEPT. OF INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH NORTHERN CARIBBEAN UNIVERSITY RESPONSIBILITIES: “The Office of Institutional Planning and Research is responsible for : providing the university management with information that supports institutional planning, policy formation and decision making; for coordinating responses to inquiries for university-related information and serving as a comprehensive source for information about the institution; and for administering the Board of Governors data collection/reporting system on campus. “. . .research activity carried out in colleges and universities to collect and analyze data concerning students, faculty, staff, and other educational facilities”. Gale Encyclopedia of Education: Research in Higher Education” “Institutional The primary purpose of institutional research is to promote institutional effectiveness. It does this by providing information for institutional planning, policy formation, and decision-making within the college or university. • To collect data and information to be used for planning and evaluation to determine institutional effectiveness. •The data collection should be used for internal and external reporting needs. •The evaluation process should help in the improvement of educational programmes and support services. Largely as a result of the significant role institutional research plays in keeping track of the performance of the institution, higher educational institutions have created a special office, called the Office of Institutional Research. This office usually is placed in the higher hierarchy of the administrative units of the institution. By the nature of its work, the Office of Institutional Research provides vital data for internal and external surveys and reports. It compiles data for institutional self-study and accreditation by external agencies. Institutional self-study is an attempt that every institution makes to evaluate the effectiveness of its programs and activities. It reveals strengths and weaknesses in the institution. (“SWOT “ANALYSES) The smooth functioning of educational institutions, like any other organization, depends upon the ability of the institution to identify problems and find appropriate solutions for them. Without this ability, no organization can function effectively. The Office of Institutional Research conducts research into specific problems facing the institution. The research may be focused on such areas as student attrition or retention rate, faculty turnover, or student diversity etc. Such research is undertaken with the sole purpose of finding solutions to challenges the institution might encounter in the future. Such research is undertaken with the sole purpose of finding solutions to challenges the institution might encounter in the future. At other times, the research may be conducted with the aim of finding a solution to an existing problem or adding a new program to the curriculum of the institution. The size of the Office of Institutional Research depends upon the educational programs and services of the institution. The Office of Institutional Research for a larger higher educational institution usually reports to the provost. HOWEVER. . . . . .In a smaller institution, the Office of Institutional Research reports to the vicepresident for academic affairs. ( THIS IS THE CASE AT NCU) Collect, analyze, and interpret institutional data on students, faculty, educational programs, and administrative and support services . Purpose of this information to provide accurate information to support planning and decision making activities within the educational institution. Compile data on course enrollments every semester or quarter to show the distribution and major of students enrolled in each department and course. Purpose of this information With this knowledge, the institution is in a better position to: • discontinue a program that is not attracting students. • allows the administration to allocate more funds to programs that are attractive to students. This helps the institution to utilize its resources for efficient organization and management. gathers and maintains data on student retention in terms of gender, race, age, geographic location, and test scores, and shares this information with the student admission office. Student retention is “the ability of an educational institution to recruit and retain a student until the student graduates from that institution”. Purpose of this information at the end of every term, the Office of Institutional Research looks into the student population and provides the admissions office data that it needs for its recruitment and retention efforts. This information is often compiled in terms of discipline or area of study, gender, race, age, or number of years the student studied to complete the programme. Keeps track of degrees granted by every department of the institution. In particular, it identifies students who graduate with certificate, associate, bachelor, master, or doctoral degrees. Keeps track of degrees granted by every department of the institution. In particular, it identifies students who graduate with certificate, associate, bachelor, master, or doctoral degrees. This information is often compiled in terms of discipline or area of study, gender, race, age, or number of years the student studied to complete the programme. Purpose of this information Information on graduation records is essential because it reflects the number of students who are able to successfully complete their studies in the institution. It also makes the administration aware of educational programs or fields of study that are or are not attracting and maintaining students through graduation. Facilities in educational institutions have the potential effect of attracting students to that institution. . . . the Office of Institutional Research compiles data on educational facilities in the institution for organizational purposes. The data on facilities indicates the number of classrooms, teaching laboratories, meeting or conference rooms, offices, libraries, media and technology, space utilization, housing, and vehicles. Of primary importance to the work of the Office of Institutional Research is enrollment management. Often the Office of Institutional Research collaborates with the Student Affairs Office to engage in enrollment and retention management activities to find out how best to retain students in their programmes. As a result of such collaborative activities, many colleges and universities have established special programs such as scholarships or grants to attract students who are under-represented in their institutions. The Office of Institutional Research at the end of every term or year also examines and evaluates the performance of its program faculty. It examines such variables as faculty publications, research, and general contributions to the academic community Institutional research offices produce what is called a "fact book" about the institution The fact book presents, at a glance, general information and data concerning academic programs, students, degrees conferred, faculty and staff, finances, institutional facilities such as library holdings, and research activities by the institution. The fact book serves as a window to the institution. It provides : a summary of the achievements, programs, progress, and facilities of the institution. it gives the public a taste of what awaits students who decide to enroll in that institution. Institutional research offices also serve as contact points for reports and surveys requested from governmental (such as the Ministry of Education), and nongovernmental agencies. DATA CURRENTLY BEING GATHERED Client satisfaction survey Why it takes longer than four years to complete the four degree program . . . Why students withdraw from NCU . . . Facilities status survey . . . SOME QUICK FACTS . . . GRADUATION STATISTICS BY COLLEGE AND PROGRAMMES FOR 2012 College of Business & Hospitality Management Program M.B.A Number of Graduates 6 B.Sc Business Administration 134 A.Sc. Business Administration 17 B.Sc. Hospitality and Tourism B.Sc. Office Administration 15 1 School Of Education and Leadership Program Number of Graduates PhD Ed. 11 M.A Ed. 14 B.A Early childhood Ed. 1 B.A Primary Ed. 48 B.A Secondary Ed. 87 Allied Health and Nursing Program Number of Graduates M.P.H 6 BSc. Dental Hygiene 1 Asc. Dental Hygiene 2 B.Sc Dietetics 11 BSc. Med. Technology 35 BSc. Nursing 90 College Of Humanities, Behavioral and Social Sciences Program M.Sc. Counseling & Psychology B.Sc. Counseling B.Sc. Guidance Counseling Number of Graduates 24 3 25 B.Sc. Psychology 21 B.Sc. Social Work 47 A.Sc. Social Work 1 A.Sc. Family Life Education 2 B.A English 6 A.A Spanish 1 B.A Mass Communication 49 A.A mass Communication 1 B.Sc. Criminal Justice B.Sc. Applied Environmental Geography 6 7 B.A History 1 College Of Natural and Applied Sciences Program M.Sc. Biology B.Sc. Biochemistry B.Sc. Biological Sciences B.Sc. Biology Education A.Sc. Biology A.Sc. Chemistry M.Sc. Information Systems B.Sc. Computer & Information Science B.Sc. Computer Science B.Sc. Mathematics Number of Graduates 3 9 15 1 4 1 4 25 6 4 School Of Religion and Theology Program Number of Graduates M.A Pastoral Theology 4 M.A Religion 2 B.A Religion 20 A.A Religion 1 Summary of Data College and Schools Total Graduates 2012 Business & Hospitality Management education and Leadership Allied Health and Nursing Humanities, Behavioural and Social Sciences 308 161 145 Natural and Applied Sciences S.R.T Total 72 27 907 194 TOTAL GRADUATES 2012 1000 900 800 700 600 500 Total Graduates 2012 400 300 200 100 0 Business & Hospitality Management education and Leadership Allied Health and Nursing Humanities, Behavioural and Social Sciences Natural and Applied Sciences S.R.T Total Students Who Got Accepted For Fall But Didn’t Show Up COLLEGE / PROGRAMME RELIGION AND THEOLOGY ALLIED HEALTH AND NURSING ARTS & GENERAL STUDIES BUSINESS & CONTINUING EDUCATION NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES NONE TEACHER EDUCATION AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE TOTAL NUMBER OF STUDENTS 20 390 179 273 162 6 270 Colleges/Programmes 20 450 400 350 300 250 200 20 150 100 50 0 ALLIED HEALTH AND NURSING ARTS & GENERAL STUDIES BUSINESS & CONTINUING EDUCATION NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES NONE TEACHER EDUCATION AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE Enrollment Statistics: Fall 2012 COLLEGES AND SCHOOL MALE Business & Hospitality Management 119 Education & Leadership FEMALE Total 326 445 121 723 844 Allied Health & Nursing 76 683 759 Humanities, Beh. & Social Sciences 199 472 671 Natural & Applied Sciences 264 170 434 School of Religion & Theology 105 4 109 TOTAL 884 2378 3262 TOTAL School of Religion & Theology Natural & Applied Sciences 3000 Humanities, Beh. & Social Sciences Allied Health & Nursing Education & Leadership Business & Hospitality Management 3500 Enrollment Statistics by Gender : Fall 2012 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 MALE 0 FEMALE TOTAL REASONS OFFERED BY STUDENTS FOR LEAVING NCU- 2009 - 2012 REASONS NUMBER OF STUDENTS FINANCIAL 16 13 TRANSFER TO OTHER INSTITUTIONS MENTALLY ILL PREPARED COURSE COMPLETED HEALTH REASONS CHANGE OF RESIDENCE FAMILY ISSUES MIGRATION PURSUING A DIFFERENT COURSE PERSONAL REASONS NOT STATED CONFLICT WITH NCU 2 1 3 2 2 6 1 4 1 1 REASONS OFFERED BY STUDENS FOR LEAVING NCU – 2009 - 2012 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 FINANCIAL TRANSFER MENTALL ILL PREPARED COURSE COMPLETED HEALTH REASONS CHANGE OF RESIDENCE FAMILY ISSUES MIGRATION PURSUING A DIFFERENT COURSE PERSONAL REASONS NOT STATED CONFLICT WIYH NCU RETHINK THE DECISION Series 1 College/School Programme Spring 2 New students Summer 1 Total Enrolment Male Female Fall 10 28 7 21 College of Allied health & Nursing Master of Public Health College of Business & Hospitality Management Master of Business Administration 13 - 11 43 13 30 College of Education & Leadership Master of Arts in Education - 25 - 148 23 125 Master of Arts in Teaching - 8 - 1 112 33 1 79 Post Graduate Diploma In Education - 6 - 11 3 8 College of Humanities, Behavioural &Social Sciences Master of Science in Counselling Psychology Doctor of Philosophy in Counselling Psychology - 15 1 35 7 28 - - - 14 1 13 College of Natural & applied Sciences Master of Science in Biology 1 - 2 11 4 7 Doctor of philosophy in Biology - - - 3 2 1 Master of Science In Environmental Science - - 2 11 4 7 Master of Science In Information Systems 2 1 3 12 10 2 Master of Arts in Religion - 14 - 15 - 15 Master of Arts in Pastoral Theology Doctor of Ministry - 15 - 28 27 1 - 15 86 32 28 493 27 144 1 349 Doctor of Philosophy In Education School of Religion & Theology Total 20 Graduate Registration Per College/School Per Gender 300 250 200 Male 150 Female Enrolment 100 50 0 College of Allied Health and Nursing College of Busi. Schoolof Edu. & Lead. College of Hu.,Beh & &Hospitality Mgmnt Sc. College of Natural & Applied Sc. School of Religion & Theology Graduate Registration Per College/School Per Semester 45 40 35 30 25 Spring Summer 20 Fall 15 10 5 0 College of Allied Health and College of Busi. &Hospitality Nursing Mgmnt School of Edu. & Lead. College of Hu.,Beh & Sc. College of Natural & Applied Sc. School of Religion & Theology Graduate Registration Per Programme Per Gender 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Male Female total THE END