FIT BIT - PEtechnologyPET673

FitBit Ultra
PETE 673
Bryan Beverage
Jake Harrell
Tyler Cathcart
Ultra Slim – Ultra Useful
Fit Bit, Charging Dock, Sleeping Sleeve, Belt Clip
What comes in the box
The most technologically advanced pedometer
on the market
Uses Accelerometer Technologies
Built In Altimeter
Wireless Sync Capability
What Makes it so Good
Steps Taken
Calories Burned
Number of Floors Climbed
Total Distance Traveled
Sleep Tracking
Caloric Intake (self input)
Journals (self input)
What it measures
Student would wear this on their hip or
clothing using attached clip
It Displays the data on a small led screen
It will also upload data to the Fit Bit website
How it works
What Martha Stewart says about Fit Bit
The View!
Average user walked 43% more daily
On average loose 13 pounds
Accountability System
Motivational Tool
Small, Easy to Conceal
Wirelessly links to PC when in a 15 foot
Cost Effective for Cutting Edge Techonology
The Positives
What you See Online
Logging Activity
Logging Food
Students can Start to conceptualize their
activity levels
Simplistic Design
Can correlate with nutrition and good health
practices such as rest and sleep
Provides Instant Feedback
Can show activity levels outside of PE class
Introduces Technology with MVPA
Student Benefits
Track Student progress and growth
Aide in student assessment
Create other learning activities (blogging)
Easy to track
Generate interest in Physical Activity
Can help to create positive weekly
competitions amongst social groups and classes
Teacher Benefits
Only stores minute by minute performance for
7 days
Only stores day by day for 30 days
Initial set up could be time consuming
Cannot detect heart rate
Only works for cardiovascular exercise
Will serve as a motivational set to learn
Can help create a healthy positive competitve
Will serve as constant reinforcment of
appropriate behavior
Can be used as a classroom management
How will Fit Bit Enhance
Race around the World using total miles (or km
Climb to the top of Mt. Everest (flights of stairs)
Discuss Caloric Intake
Discuss Caloric Expenditure
How will Fit Bit Enhance
Instruction in PE
Classroom teachers can use Fit Bits to keep
students on task during activity breaks
They can also help analyze data and talk about
relevance to the students health
Math Teachers can use the data to create charts
and graphs
Science Teachers can study sleep habits
How will Fit Bit Enhance
Instruction in the classroom
$99.99 for one unit.
Classroom pack of 25 would cost $2,499.75
What it would cost