Disbursement Linked Indicator Approach Origin Traditional Funding Characteristics • Funding based on input factors • Expenditures Issues • No talk of performance of institutions: • Quality of education • Learning/employability • Scale-up of education • Research publication and outreach to companies • Institutions pursue their goals Performance-Based Funding Aim: • To achieve better results • Respects institutional autonomy and leadership, and still align institutional goals with development goals • Improve Institutional capacity to plan, decide and implement • Increase accountability • Objective, predictable, and transparent funding allocation • Additionally for the WB: support a government program, pilot an approach to results-based financing, and use of government procurement rules to strengthen capacity Govt, WB and institutions design a government program: performance and funding agreement to establish Africa Centers of Excellence: 1. Results: measurable and within control of institution 2. Disbursements Linked to results and Reimbursement of selected costs 3. Costs: Investment line - in budget regular salaries and other recurrent costs– in budget WB Govt Financing Agreement: Results - Disburseme nt - Costs = Institution Performance Agreement: Same Results - Same Disb. - Same Costs + TA • Govt only disburses when WB disburses => no financial risk to government DLI 1: Regional specialization endorsed and institutional readiness (800,000) DLI 2: Excellence in education and research capacity and development impact (6,400,000) ◦ New short term students in ACE courses of which 30% must be regional students -$400 per student (double regional) ◦ New Master students in ACE courses of which 30% must be regional students -$2000 per student (double regional) ◦ New PhD students in ACE courses of which 30% must be regional students-$10000 per student (double regional) ◦ N# of outreach “periods” for faculty, master and PhD students-2000 per outreach period (double within the region) 5 DLR#2.5: International evaluation and accreditation of quality of education programs. ◦ Amounts: 600,000 per program internationally accredited; ◦ 100,000 per program nationally or regionally accrediated; ◦ 100,000 per program per gap-assessment certfied or undertaken by an international quality assurance agency; ◦ 100,000 per program for self-evaluation a satisfactory international standard; ◦ 100,000 per program description meeting international standard DLR#2.6 Published articles in internationally recognized and peer reviewed journals ◦ Amounts: 15,000 per article and 30,000 per article with a regional co-author. DLR#2.7: Externally revenue generation ◦ Amounts: US$ 1 per externally generated revenue, and US$ 2 per externally generated revenue from the region DLR#2.8: Meeting milestones for improved learning and research environment specified in the Performance and Funding contracts. ◦ Amount per milestone: 400,000 DLI 3 Timely, transparent and institutionally reviewed Financial Management (400,000) ◦ DLI : Timely withdrawal application supported by financial reporting for the ACE account for the period ◦ DLI: Functioning Audit Committee under the university council ◦ DLI: Functioning internal audit unit for the university ◦ DLI : Web Transparency on Financial management (webaccess to audit reports, interim financial reports, budgets and annual work plan) DLI 4 Timely and audited Procurement (400,000) ◦ DLI: Timely procurement audit ◦ DLI : Timely and Satisfactory Procurement Progress 8 Objective Indicator Institutional readiness Approval of MoU for regional specialization through the ACEs Creation of ACE endowment fund Signed Govt-ACE Performance agreement with partner agreements N# of new students in ACE courses (30% must be regional students): New PhD students New Master students New Short term students (min. 40 hours) Strengthen education capacity (excellence) Strengthen Education Capacity & Dev. impact Strengthen education capacity (excellence) Strengthened research capacity (excellence) Strengthen education and research capacity Strengthened education and research capacity Financial Management Procurement TOTAL Minimum target Expected Unit price (project Disbursemen t duration) 800,000 800,000 40 200 1,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 $10,000 $2,000 $400 N# of outreach “periods” (faculty and students working 1 months outside of ACEs) 200 800,000 $4,000 International accreditation Institutional and/or 2 program accreditation Gap assessment Self-evaluation Regional accre Bologna compliant 800,000 Gap assessment undertaken by an international QA agency Self-evaluation undertaken following a satisfactory international standards Regional or National Accreditation or ISO Bologna Compliant programs N# of published articles in internationally recognized and peer reviewed journals $600,000 (Institutional acc.) $100,000 (per program acc. And per other quality result) 40 $1,200,000 1,200,0 00 Improved teaching and learning environment as per approved proposal (institutional specific annual milestones) 1 annual milestone 1,600,0 00 Timely withdrawal application Functioning Audit Committee Functioning internal audit Web Transparency on Financial management DLI: Timely procurement audit DLI : Timely and Satisfactory Procurement Progress Timely submission (x2 for regional periods) $ externally generated revenue (x2 for regional students) 800,000 • $15,000 $1 400,000 400,000 100,000 400,000 100,000 8,000,00 0 (x2 if co-authored regionally) (x2 for regional revenue) (per annual milestone) (per annual milestone) (per annual milestone) We welcome opportunities for collaboration and partnerships hbayusuf@worldbank.org and Andreas Blom, ablom@worldbank.org More info on Africa Centers of Excellence on www.aau.org WB support and analysis of Africa higher education: www.worldbank.org/afreducation #sci4dev 10