Presentation (pptx 1.3 MB)

Process for joint programmes at KTH
To be presented and discussed in Nov/Dec 2014
Available support
BUS-gruppen at UF
 Entry point for new joint programmes, both
national and international, Master & PhD
KTH road map for new joint programmes
Part 1: Is the partnership sustainable?
Part 2: Is the education programme
Guide through the approval and decision
process at KTH (deadline March)
Joint programme team at KIR
 International partnerships
Information about external funding
Support for applications
Guides and templates for
Process for joint programmes at KTH
Discuss with potential partners and stakeholders
Assure support from the Academic school = Skolans medgivande
Contact BUS-gruppen to go through the KTH road map
Complete checklist part 1; added value and sustainability of the partnership
Present at IAGs Working Committee, headed by prorektor
The role of the Working Committee is
to evaluate whether the project is in line with the goals and visions of KTH;
to give a recommendation for the project.
Process for joint programmes cont.
In case of a positive recommendation, complete checklist part 2; the
programme’s feasibility and sustainability
BUS-gruppen checks with the involved groups at UF
The role of BUS-gruppen is to:
assure that the programme is feasible with regards to Swedish law and
the Higher Education Ordinance as well as local regulation at KTH;
guide through the approval and decision process at KTH.
In the meantime
Contact the joint programme team for information about external funding
Apply for financial support via Erasmus+, STINT, …
If successful - alert your team! Application opens NOW!
needs analysis, contact partners & stakeholders, secure
make preparatory visits (funding via UHR)
work with the checklists
present at UA/GA/FA/UU/FR
submit application for funds via STINT
submit application for funds via Erasmus+
decision on programme establishment at KTH
approval of funds from STINT
approval of funds from Erasmus+
student application process opens
BUS-gruppen at UF
Joint programme team at KIR
Åsa Gustafsson (PLU)
Margareta Karlsson (PLU)
Karin Knutsson (KIR)
Torkel Werge (KIR)
Sofia Knutz (AUA)
Maria Palma-Hakim (JUR)
Karin Knutsson, Nele Stoffels, Mia Brandelius,
Mette Svensson, Lisa Gårdestedt, Jenny LundinHammar, Erica Buck, Xun Wang, Torkel Werge
More on the intranet:
KTH informerar > Internationalisering >
Program och Projekt > Erasmus +
Erasmus+ Action 1
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees
The main objective of the EMJMD programme is to attract, select and fund
 Foster innovations and excellence in HEIs;
 Increase the attractiveness of European Higher Education;
 Improve the competences and skills of Master graduates
for the labour market. (Industry must be involved).
 Contribute to the objectives of Europe 2020 Strategy and of the Education
and Training strategic framework 2020.
EMJMD - Specific conditions
 Fully developed at the time of application including a draft Consortium Agreement
 Graduated students shall receive a joint or double degree with a joint diploma
 Worldwide visibility & awareness raising activities;
 A joint Quality Assurance plan with agreed milestones and
follow-up actions
 Language courses at the host institution;
 Student representatives & student testimonials
 Liaison with EM Alumni Association
Award Criteria: Relevance of the project
 Sustainability beyond the funding period
 Relevant competencies for employability
 Increasing attractiveness
 Innovation & excellence
 Jointness in the programme design and structure.
Award Criteria: Quality of the project design
 Institutional commitment;
 Jointly developed curriculum;
 Organised mobility scheme and plan for effective involvement of
 Consistent use of European transparency and recognition tools
 Student support and language training;
 Students’ rights and obligations;
 Effective integration and networking.
Award Criteria: Quality of the project team
 Expertise and added value of involved partners/staff
 Role and tasks of each partner
 Joint management of student application and
 Calculation of participation costs and management of other
financial resources.
Award Criteria: Impact and dissemination
 Impact at institutional level and how the JMD supports the
internationalisation strategy of partner institutions;
 Promotion and dissemination activities;
 Internal evaluation methods;
 External evaluation process and the role of quality assurance
 Convincing sustainability strategy;
 How employers will be involved.
EMJMD: The hard facts
 At least 3 Programme Countries
 Studies in at least 2 programme countries
 3 consecutive student intakes
 13 – 20 student scholarships &
 4 scholars per intake
 Application deadline 4 March 12 pm (noon)
EMJMD: Get ready!
Documents to read:
Erasmus+ programme guide
Joint Degrees from A-Z
KTH web site on Erasmus+
Institutional involvement:
 In line with KTH strategy at all levels
 Contact BUS-gruppen & Joint
programme team
 Contact close partners
 Complete KTH Checklist for joint
 Staff your team
 Contact stake holders – think
employability and sustainability
Key to success
 Strong and long term engagement from all partners
 Administrative support
 Good recruitment base
 True jointness
 Win-win
 Part of institutional strategy, strong drive (= why?)
Preparatory travel
 National support to encourage E+ participation
 For preparatory visit to partner(s) in non-EU
countries (partner countries)
 1-2 staff members
 Motivation and invitation letter
 Apply to UHR at the latest 3 weeks before
Grants for Double Degree Programmes
The main objective is to, through double and joint degree
internationalise and renew higher education
change student’s experience of education,
transform the learning in courses/programmes
deepen the networks and relations between Swedish and
foreign HEI’s
JP as an integral part of the institution’s branding, leading to
further collaborations in research, education and outreach,
attracting international students.
Facts & figures
 Main partner outside EU/EFTA
 Funded up to three years
 Max 750.000SEK
 50% Co-funding
 Application deadline 3 February 15 pm
Assessment criteria
A) contribution to higher education on all levels (qualitatively and quantitatively)
B) sustainability and growth potential
C) level of renewal in regard to internationalisation, and
D) the quality of the proposals planning and project setup
Joint programme team at KIR
Karin Knutsson, Nele Stoffels, Mia Brandelius, Mette Svensson,
Lisa Gårdestedt, Jenny Lundin-Hammar, Erica Buck, Xun Wang,
Torkel Werge
Horizon 2020
European Joint Doctorates
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
Innovative Training Networks (ITN) deadline January 13
• European Training Networks (ETN)
• European Industrial Doctorates (EID)
• European Joint Doctorates (EJD)
317 M€
25 M€
30 M€
In case you are invited to participate in an EJD (or another
Marie Curie application), or write your own application,
please contact Danielle Edvardsson at KTH/UF/IR for
Danielle Edvardsson