MPP, Staff, and Faculty Positions and Salaries University Resources Council May 9, 2012 2 Research Questions RQ1: How has the headcount for MPPs, Staff, and Faculty changed over time here at CSULB? RQ2: How has the FTES per MPPs, Staff, and Faculty headcount changed over time? RQ3: How has the salary for MPPs, Staff, and Faculty changed over time? RQ4: How has the MPPs, Staff, and Faculty salary per FTES changed over time? 3 What data did we use? Relied on salary and headcount data for the month of October for the last 7 years: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 4 RQ1: How has the headcount for MPPs, Staff, and Faculty changed over time here at CSULB? 5 Head Count for MPPs, STAFF, Tenure/Tenure Track Faculty, and Lecturer/Temporary 1600 1400 Head Count 1200 1000 MPP 800 STF 600 T/TT 400 LEC/TEMP 200 0 OCT 2005 Oct. 2005 MPP 207 STF 1298 T/TT 887 LEC/TEMP 1206 OCT 2006 Oct. 2006 212 1394 902 1316 OCT 2007 Oct. 2007 220 1395 910 1310 OCT 2008 OCT 2009 Oct. 2008 210 1416 901 1371 OCT 2010 OCT 2011 Oct. 2009 220 1360 901 1134 Oct. 2010 212 1324 861 1077 Oct. 2011 209 1323 850 1203 NET +2 +25 -37 -3 6 RQ1: How has the headcount for MPPs, Staff, and Faculty changed over time here at CSULB? MPP headcount had a net increase over the last 7 years of only 2 positions. Staff headcount had a net increase of 25. T/TT faculty headcount decreased by 37. Lecturers/Temporary faculty decreased by 3. 7 RQ2: How has the FTES per MPPs, Staff, and Faculty headcount changed over time? 8 Student FTE per Headcount 160.0 140.0 120.0 100.0 MPP 80.0 STAFF 60.0 LEC/TEMP 40.0 TT 20.0 0.0 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Student FTE per Headcount Oct. 2005 Oct. 2006 MPP 134.1 139.8 STAFF 21.4 21.3 LEC/TEMP 23.0 22.5 TT 31.3 32.9 Oct. 2007 139.8 22.0 23.5 33.8 Oct. 2008 Oct. 2009 147.4 129.8 21.9 21.0 22.6 25.2 34.4 31.7 Oct. 2010 128.6 20.6 25.3 31.7 Oct. 2011 133.8 21.1 23.2 32.9 9 RQ2: How has the FTES per MPPs, Staff, and Faculty headcount changed over time? FTES per MPP headcount has virtually stayed the same (net = -0.3). FTES per Staff headcount has also remained about the same (net = -0.3). FTES per T/TT faculty headcount has increased by 1.6. FTES per Lecturer/Temporary faculty headcount has increased by 0.2. FTES net increase of only 200 over the last 7 years 10 RQ3: How has the salary for MPPs, Staff, and Faculty changed over time? 11 Comparison of Total Salaries by Headcount for MPP, Staff, and Faculty $120,000 $103,755 $103,686 $104,440 $104,789 $82,275 $83,229 $82,748 $104,871 $100,000 $95,860 $90,900 $80,000 $83,246 $80,972 MPP $76,021 $73,303 T-T Faculty Staff $60,000 Lecturer $46,164 $41,215 $43,041 $24,051 $25,067 $46,832 $47,282 $47,337 $26,656 $28,141 $28,218 $46,884 $40,000 $26,774 $27,981 $20,000 $0 Oct. 2005 Oct. 2006 Oct. 2007 Oct. 2008 Oct. 2009 Oct. 2010 Oct. 2011 12 RQ3: How has the salary for MPPs, Staff, and Faculty changed? As might be expected, salary averages have resulted in an overall increase across the last 7 years. What are those average salary increases? MPP salaries = $13,971 across seven years. Staff salaries = $5,669 across seven years. TT faculty salaries = $9,943 across seven years. Lecturer/Temporary faculty salaries = $3,930 across seven years. 13 RQ4: How has the MPPs, Staff, and Faculty salary per FTE changed over time? 14 Average Salary per Student FTE $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 MPP $1,500 STAFF LEC/TEMP $1,000 TT $500 $Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Average Salary per Student FTE Oct. 2005 Oct. 2006 Oct. 2007 Oct. 2008 Oct. 2009 Oct. 2010 Oct. 2011 MPP STAFF LEC/TEMP TT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 678 1,927 1,045 2,342 686 2,024 1,113 2,314 742 2,094 1,140 2,396 703 2,142 1,180 2,394 804 2,251 1,117 2,625 815 2,300 1,115 2,614 784 2,218 1,204 2,530 15 RQ4: How has the MPPs, Staff, and Faculty salary per FTE changed over time? Now the salary increases seem more much more modest. What are those average salary increases? MPP salaries = $106. Staff salaries = $291. TT faculty salaries = $159. Lecturer/Temporary faculty salaries = $188. FTES has net increase of only 200 in the last 7 years 16 RQ4: How has the MPPs, Staff, and Faculty salary per FTE changed over time? In total numbers across the past 7 years, we have increased salaries for each group by $3,101,804 for MPP across seven years $8,530,419 for Staff across seven years $5,739,457 for TT Faculty across seven years $4,656,020 for Lecturer/Temp Faculty across seven years