MST REPORT AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN NCF Meeting 22 August 2013 Mr HM Mweli INTRODUCTION “ and mathematics should be revitalised through the increased number of school leavers who are eligible to study science and mathematics-based subjects at university. The number of people embarking on careers in science and technology should be at least three times the current levels.” National Planning Commission: National Development Plan, Nov 2011 2 RECOMMENDATIONS – MST MINISTERIAL TASK TEAM 3 FINDINGS RECOMMENDATION Ineffective Teacher Training programme DBE to work with DHET and HEIs to strengthen the implementation of initial Teacher Development programmes Identify effective modalities for professional development and support . Ineffective support programmes RESPONS IBILITY DBE (Branch T), DHET, HEIs TIME FRAME October 2013 DBE (Branch July 2013 T) FINDINGS RECOMMENDATION RESPONS TIME IBILITY FRAME Unfavorable Implement norms and DBE (Branch 2014/15 ratio of subject standards for staff T0, PEDs advisors to provisioning to ensure Educators adequate provision per phase. Subject Replace subject PED 2014/15 Advisors not advisors with qualified for appropriately the subjects for qualified ones. which they are responsible FINDINGS RECOMMENDATION RESPONS IBILITY DBE (Branch T) Subject Advisors are not allowed to monitor teaching and learning in the classroom Small multigrade schools which make it difficult for effective teaching and learning to take place Review existing protocols to allow Subject Advisors to monitor and support teaching and learning in the classroom. Consolidation of PEDs Multigrade schools to use options such as boarding facilities, transport etc. TIME FRAME November 2013 December 2013 FINDINGS RECOMMENDATION RESPONS IBILITY Ineffective post Review the PPN to DBE (Branch provisioning bring about T) PDEs norms (PPN) for effective teaching multigrade and learning in schools multigrade schools. Ineffective Redesign Teacher DBE (Branch Teacher Development T), DHET, Development programmes to HEIs programmes for meet the needs of teachers teaching teachers teaching in in multigrade Multigrade schools schools TIME FRAME August 2013 October 2013 FINDINGS Inadequate co ordination with other state departments, agencies, NGOs and corporate Ineffective Resource allocation and utilisation for MST implementation RECOMMENDATION RESPONS IBILITY Strengthen DBE, PEDs partnerships with other state departments, agencies, NGOs and corporate Co ordinate DBE, PEDs resource allocation and utilisation for effective MST implementation TIME FRAME October 2013 July 2013 FINDINGS RECOMMEN DATION Inadequate Explore various uitilisation of ICT to modalities to support MST strengthen ICT utilisation for MST implementation Serious implications Investigate of the combination implications for of Natural Science the combinations and Technology for of NST for teacher teacher demand, demand, supply supply and utilisation and utilisation and deal with the ramifications RESPONS IBILITY DBE (Branch C), PEDs TIME FRAME July 2013 DBE (Branch C and T) October 2013 FINDINGS RECOMMENDATION Strengthen the capacity of the sector to effectively implement the MST strategy Inadequate and uncoordinated internal capacity to effectively implement the MST strategy in the sector Establishment of a dedicated MST strategy office Consolidate MST expertise to strengthen internal capacity to implement MST activities RESPONS IBILITY DBE (Branch C) TIME FRAME July 2013 DBE, PEDs August 2013 FINDINGS RECOMMENDATION Poor language proficiency and utility impacting negatively on MST Lack of coherence between strategy thrust and the implementation plan Implementation of Language across the Curriculum RESPONS IBILITY DBE (Branch C), PEDs Ensure alignment DBE between the strategy and the Implementation Plan TIME FRAME January 2014 July 2013 QUICK WINS 12 QUICK WINS DELIVERABLES RESPONS IBILITY TIME FRAME 1. Establishment of the MST Office. DBE (Branch C) July 2013 2. Aligning the MST plan DBE to the strategy July 2013 3. Aligning Provincial Plans to the MST Strategy and implementation plan. July 2013 PEDs 13 DELIVERABLES RESPONS IBILITY TIME FRAME 4. Strengthening and consolidating MST internal capacity. 5. Matching subjects advisors and teacher competencies to the profile of the post. 6. Providing Maths & Science Siyavula textbooks and workbooks DBE & PEDs Dec 2013 PDEs, Districts & Schools Dec 2013 DBE July 2013 14 DELIVERABLES RESPONS IBILITY TIME FRAME 7.Developing Norms and DBE Standards for MST, LTSM (equipment and consumables) 8. Provision of Science kits and PDEs Technology tool kits through Dinaledi and Technical High School conditional grants. September 2013 9. Scripting lessons plans experience for MST DBE & PDEs August 2013 10. Scripting monitoring and support by subject advisors and SMTs. DBE & PDEs August 2013 August 2013 15 DELIVERABLES RESPONS IBILITY TIME FRAME 11. Monitoring the coverage PDEs & Districts and utilization of the 2012 NSC diagnostic report and remedial plans. July 2013 12. Monitoring the quality and DBE & PDEs impact of MST interventions and support and programmes 13. Using ICT to create virtual PDEs classroom to deal with shortages of suitably qualified teachers as well as revision and enrichment programme. July 2013 16 MST PROVINCIAL REPORTS 17 EASTERN CAPE FINDINGS Many vacant posts throughout the system – at school, district and provincial level. Whilst an MST directorate is in place, it operates as a unique entity with no constructive engagement with the curriculum directorate or districts. WEAKNESSES •Teacher migration from rural to urban areas results in loss of subject expertise. •The delay in the renewal of contracts of temporary teachers. •Multi-grade teaching is prevalent in rural areas. •Although the provincial MSTE Strategy and plan have been developed, schools indicated little knowledge of such. • The GET, FET and MST are working in silos. STRENGTHS All learners are accommodated in schools. •Despite the lack of knowledge, there is a buyin of the implementation of MST in schools by the MST teachers. EASTERN CAPE... FINDINGS WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS The province reports poor teacher development for both in-service and pre-service teachers. •Teachers raised concerns about the competency of curriculum advisors which results in teacher workshops being of below standard. •Subject Advisors claim that they do not have the necessary resources to support the teachers. •There is collaboration with partnerships like NMMU, SAICA , and other national Departments to support teachers. Serious budgetary constraints impacting on physical resources. •There is a lack of proper facilities e.g. laboratories and consumables. •Some schools received computers (although in some cases they do not know how to use them). ICT integration into teaching and learning is non-existent in the majority of schools. The majority of schools that received computers cannot use them. Schools received computers. EASTERN CAPE... FINDINGS The Dinaledi schools have not been very successful in serving as hubs of support and mentoring in mathematics and science for other schools. WEAKNESSES In the rural schools, some Dinaledi schools have temporary teachers, and contracts are not renewed timeously. STRENGTHS •In urban areas, Dinaledi schools do play a mentoring role to their neighbouring schools in the implementation of MST. •To expand the support, the province further identified its own Dinaledi like schools. •There are Girls’ camps in the province. FREE STATE FINDINGS WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS Teachers are not competent to teach Mathematics and Physical Sciences • Shortage of qualified • Subject Advisors generally teachers in Mathematics conduct the teacher and Science subjects development programmes, but and most especially the programmes are infrequent Technology. and short. • Poor attendance of • Private sector and the teacher training University of Free State’s sessions. willingness to support education. Unfavourable ratio of subject advisors to educators • The Grade 8 and 9 teachers that are in High schools are ignored by Subject Advisors during the school visits Subject advisors are provided with ICT resources to assist in curriculum delivery and they visit schools FREE STATE... FINDINGS WEAKNESSES No MST unit Lack of coordination of MST programmes Teaching of • Learners are encouraged Mathematics, Science to offer Mathematical and Technology Literacy with Physical subjects is not given Sciences proper attention • Insufficient time allocated for Mathematics and Science subjects as per allocation in the CAPS • Education Resource Centres not effectively utilised. STRENGTHS The schools draw good practices from each other through Cluster groups for information sharing and skills transfer. Resources centres are used FINDINGS GAUTENG WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS The MST strategy has not Communication between Schools are easily accessible been widely communicated provincial, district and school due to the small geographic to all stakeholders. officials is problematic due to area of Gauteng. challenges in access to emails. Lack of availability of suitably qualified MST teachers , and teachers qualified in other disciplines are teaching MST subjects. • Unions are preventing teachers from attending teacher training programmes in the afternoons and during school holidays. •Curriculum advisors only do book checks and in most instances are prevented from entering teachers classroom so quality of support is compromised. Gauteng Online has provided good technology in the province but lack of teacher training results in non integration into the curriculum. FINDINGS GAUTENG... WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS Sci-bono has responsibility for inservice teacher training, strategy and planning in the province. •Curriculum Advisors lack technological equipment like laptops to adequately carry out their supportive and monitoring roles. •No dedicated unit that is driving MST in the department. •Some resentment amongst district officials towards SciBono. •Provisions have been made for curriculum advisors to have state subsidised cars to effectively support schools. •Overall best NSC results in 2012. CAT , IT and Engineering subjects are offered only in a very few schools and it is not seen as part of the MST strategy. •There are no textbooks for JAVA. •Many schools still lack laboratory equipment and other vital teaching resources. In most instances schools have reasonable access to physical resources. KWA-ZULU NATAL FINDINGS WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS Competing priorities leads to officials ignoring the implementation of MST strategy. •Role of Subject advisors need to be clarified. •Silos exist in the system. •MST coordinators have a clear understanding of the MST Strategy and its requirements. •Subject Advisors have demonstrated strong commitment to achieving MST goals of the department. Progress on MST implementation not known. •Competency level of MST teachers are poor •Poor communication between Head Office and Districts regarding resources affects the utilization negatively. KWA-ZULU NATAL... FINDINGS WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS Districts are not conversant with the MST strategy •CAPS need to be supported at a school level with teacher development programmes. •Principals and teachers are positive about the implementation of CAPS. •Teachers are reasonably satisfied with the workbooks, but they need to be reviewed. There is lack of communication between provincial head office and districts •Practical work in some schools is non-existent. •Switching of languages from Home language to English in Grade 4 impacts on the performance of Mathematics and Science. •Concentration on Dinaledi schools causes resentment in the fraternity because subject advisors should support all schools evenly. •FET subjects advisors well qualified and skilled to successfully implement MST programmes. •Subject Advisors are supporting schools LIMPOPO FINDINGS WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS The number of learners taking mathematics and physical sciences has declined over the past three years. Camps for girl learners and talented learners advantage only a few. Camps for girl learners and talented learners have been established. Principals and teachers still discourage learners to take these subjects. Many learners offer Mathematical Literacy rather than Mathematics. Ineffective teaching takes place in schools Some teachers do not stick to Pacesetters and subject advisors do not monitor optimal utilisation of pacesetters. Pacesetters have been provided to teachers. LIMPOPO FINDINGS WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS A shortage of primary school teachers qualified to teach mathematics, science and technology results The shortage of qualified primary teachers to teach MST results in a poor foundation being laid for Maths and Physical Sciences. Time Table Charts were distributed to all primary schools. No support to novice teachers. No specific support is available to teachers entering the system for the first time. Inadequately qualified teachers to teach Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Little or no provision is available for teachers to improve their Qualifications. Few teachers did ACE courses (the last group completed ACE in Mathematical Literacy to address the shortage of qualified teachers for this subject) LIMPOPO... FINDINGS WEAKNESSES Train teachers and subject advisors on pedagogical content knowledge. A severe shortage of suitably qualified Mathematics and Physical Sciences teachers exists. Lack of support to non Dinaledi schools owing to human resource and funding limitations. Poor instructional leadership Support was provided skills of school management To the SMTs of teams. (SMT’s) Dinaledi schools, using conditional grant funding. Provide resources to schools and facilitate the use of resource centres. Science laboratories are often not available. ... Teachers and curriculum advisors complain about the quality of the Siyavula textbooks. STRENGTHS • Resources such as DVDs for MST subjects and scientific calculators were made available to Dinaledi schools and Technical High Schools through a conditional grant. MPUMALANGA FINDINGS WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS Insufficient capacity to manage a multitude of programmes reflected in their revised strategy. Lack of competent subject Subject advisory service advisors for both Maths and visits schools periodically. Physical Sciences. Lack of a coherent strategy to develop educators particularly in mathematics and science. Poor ICT integration into Computers are not connected to A significant number of teaching and learning. networking nor to internet and schools have computers. not integrated to teaching. A number of initiatives to improve performance in mathematics and science. An extremely large percentage of time, energy and resources were spent on logistic. Camps for girls were established to demystify MST subjects where 100 learners have been identified per district. MPUMALANGA... FINDINGS WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS Shortage of competent • Lack of competent subject • Content workshops and skilled mathematics advisors for both Maths are organised by the and science educators. and Physical Sciences. subject advisory once • A delay in the renewal of per term to workshop contracts for temporary difficult topics. teachers. • Teachers migration impacts negatively. • lack of a coherent strategy to develop educators particularly in mathematics and science. NORTHERN CAPE FINDINGS WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS •Teaching of • There are not enough • There is wide support for the mathematics, science technical teachers for the expansion of support for and technology are not new CAPS curriculum. technical subjects. given proper attention. •Non alignment of the •The provincial strategy does • Few officials are aware of MST MST strategies. not align closely to the strategies. national strategy •Lack of teacher competence. •Teacher training by HEIs is • There is wide support for the seen as inadequate and continuation of Technology as sometimes not relevant to a GET subject. the needs of the schooling sector. •Poor ICT competence •Poor digital consciousness • There has been great success and attitudes in schools in using digital content via laptops and data projectors in mathematics and science 32 NORTH WEST FINDINGS WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS Poor communication regarding the MST strategy and support provided by the provincial officials •There is a disconnect between schools and the District officials and Provincial officials. •Dinaledi schools not sharing information, knowledge or resources with neighbouring schools. • Communication Technology are available to address problems especially related to collecting and disseminating information to teachers and schools. •Information and resources are available at Dinaledi schools Shortage of qualified Mathematics, Science and Technology teachers •Post Provisioning Model (PPM) allocations results in overload of teaching especially in small, rural and farm schools resulting in multi-grade and multi-subject teaching in a class which is far from ideal. •Temporary posts are left vacant until April due to delays at Provincial level. •Private sector willingness to support education in the area. Insufficient subject content and pedagogical support to teachers Insufficient and ineffective support Some support is provided to schools from subject and curriculum advisors. NORTH WEST… FINDINGS WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS Shortage of physical resources •Teacher Resource Centres (EDSC) are generally just physical buildings that may have ‘some computers’ but no viable programmes, software or resources. •Inadequate supply of Mathematics, Science and Technology resources in schools. •Physical infrastructure to use as resources centres are available. •All schools to be provided with the approved Science kits. Poor emphasis on Technology subjects •A limited number of schools offering Technology subjects in the FET phase. •Lack of a MST Provincial Strategy and implementation plan to provide clear guidelines and targets to the District, Schools and teachers. •Lack of IT related hard and software resources and connectivity is a major challenge. •Schools are offering Technology subjects WESTERN CAPE FINDINGS WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS HODs and Subject Advisors are not competent in the subjects they are responsible for. Lack of accountability in the system means no one is ever held responsible for poor results, poor staff performance or inadequate service delivery. •There is a strong groundswell of positive attitudes to improving MST that is waiting for stronger leadership District offices and schools are applying a ‘common sense’ approach to MSTE delivery and find CAPS sufficient for this purpose. Teachers don’t know how to integrate ICT into the curriculum. • The end of the Khanya project left schools with no resource, support or capacity to maintain ICT in schools. • Teacher resource centres are not fully utilised. • Dinaledi schools are well equipped. • The Khanya ICT project was a good start and helped promote ICT use. • The Technical Recap programme is very successful and useful. WESTERN CAPE... FINDINGS WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS Rigorous support is needed in get • The national and provincial strategies are not impacting on delivery and are not a reference point for curriculum delivery. • Language transition in Grade 4 creates a problem. HEIs are not preparing teachers for Technical Subjects • Teacher training by HEIs There is wide support for the is seen as inadequate expansion of support for technical and sometimes not subjects relevant to the needs of the schooling sector. THANK YOU 37