powerpoint. 1.uge.intro til designppx

Hvad er design?
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Design thinking
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
”It can refer to a process (the act or practice of designing); or to the result of that process (a design, sketch, plan or model);
or to the look or overall pattern of a product (“I like the design of that dress”) (John Walker)
”All men are designers. All that we do, almost all the time, is design, for design is basic to all human activity.
The planning and patterning of any act toward a desired, foreseeable end constitutes the design process.
Any attemt to separate design to make it a thing by itself, works counter to the fact that design is
the primary underlying matrix of life”
(Victor Papanek)
”Design = æstetik + merværdi. ”Design er resultatet af et bevidst og kreativt arbejde med en idé, et problem
eller et ønske om forandring. Resultatet, materielt eller immaterielt, skal være præget af æstetik og skabe merværdi.”
(Dansk Design Center)
“…design continues to expand in its meanings and connections,
revealing unexpected dimensions in practice as well as understanding”
(Buchanan, 1992,5)
“There is no single way of looking at design that captures the ‘essence’ without missing some other salient aspects”
(Bryan Lawson, 2005, 1980)
“Design is a highly complex and sophisticated skill...design is a process in which problem and solution merge together...
the design process is a sequence of activities”
(Lawson, 1980, 2006, 4-48).
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Et design - substantiv
At designe - verbum
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Udviklingen indenfor design:
Symbol (graphic design)
2) Object (product design)
3) Action (interactions design)
4) System (design of systems)
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Efterspørgslen efter design:
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Efterspørgslen efter design:
TIDLIGERE: eksterne drivere
teknologi, konkurrenterne,
markedsanalyser og målinger
NU: interne drivere
unique insights, visioner, kompetencer, ideer
(Abbing & Gessel 2010, p.133)
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Efterspørgslen efter design:
”The change we see lies in the way these org
handle the outside world”
Innovation er ikke længere at reagere på fora
(udefra) men om proaktivt
at skabe forandring og skabe nye mulighede
(Abbing & Gessel 2012, p.133)
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Hvorfor en design tilgang?
- Questioning the way a problem is
- Concerned with analytical techniques
- Makes rational choices among - View every project as an opportu
for invention
alternatives that are already at hand
- Fosters a problem solving proces
that remains liquid and open
(Boland & Collopy, 2004)
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Hvad karakteriserer ‘a design
“Design is a highly complex and sophisticated skill...
design is a process in which problem and solution merge together...
the design process is a sequence of activities”
(Lawson, 1980, 2006, 4-48).
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Hvad karakteriserer ‘a design
“…design is a special and highly developed form of thinking,
that thinking can be considered a skill…”
(Lawson & Dorst, 2009, 88)
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Lawson&Dorst´s (2010) framework for design thinking
considering these design activities ‘carriers’ of design
thinking. A complex collections of skills.
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
the primary activities are the identification of the key issues in a problem arena
and the framing of these in a new and original manner.
The skills identifying and framing are included in this design activity.
The formulation of a problem, the identification and framing,
is crucial in designing and includes the ability to reformulate and organise ill-structured
or ‘wicked’ problems.
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
In their definition of ‘managing’ Lawson & Dorst argue that the skills, ‘reflection in action’, bri
process, and parallel lines of thought must be included.
Managing includes mentally ‘standing back’ and asking if the process is going well or might
Thinking about solutions and thinking about problems seem inextricably interwoven in the d
The designer is more or less continuously reflecting on the understanding or definition of the
problem and the emerging solutions (thinking about solutions and problems seem inextricab
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Representing, moving and evaluating
Representing includes conversation with representations and working with multiple
representations - reflective conversation with materials.
Representations are essential in design.
Designers externalise their thoughts in all types of drawings, doodles, sketches etc.;
they talk with their sketches and have conversations with representations.
The sketches act not only as outputs, but as important inputs to the thought process
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Levels of design expertise:
“…Everyone uses internalized speech as a thinking tool but the cons
internalization of mental imagery is a skill that is more specialized.
Experienced designers will internalize the dialogue with paper, others
sketching as a design tool, will not…”
(Ware 2008,152).
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Dorst´s (2010) Design thinking strategies
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Different levels of expertise, an
An eksample:
Non-experienced designers:
Doing the MoneyWorkshop
An experienced designer:
Doing strategic design
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Different levels of expertise, an
An eksample:
Non-experienced designers:
Doing the MoneyWorkshop
Framings: (past, present and future
Their perception and relation mone
Reframing: a new perception/
money behaviour
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Different levels of expertise, an
An eksample:
An experienced designer:
Doing strategic design
Framing several issues about mon
Economi, customers, values, other
Reframing financial service
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
The front end of the design process has been growing
as designers move closer to the future users of what they design.
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Different framings
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Different framings & different lines of
an example
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Dorst´s (2010) Design thinking strategies
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Service design tools and methods:
Redskaber, Metoder, Customer Journey Maps, Shadowing, Service S
Cultural probes, Redskaber, Metoder, Customer Journey Maps, Shad
al interviews, Customer Journey Maps, Shadowing, Service Safaris,
Service Safaris, Stakeholder, Contextual interviews, Cultural probes,R
Maps, Redskaber, Metoder, Customer Journey Maps, Shadowing, Se
Maps, Contextual interviews….
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Service design is also
Skills, Knowledge and Understanding
A complex collections of skills and design activities
- ‘carriers’ of design thinking
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.
Abduktiv tænkning
Abduktiv tænkning. ”The logic of might be”
Deduktion: (eks koppen er netop blevet fyldt med varm the, derfor må den være varm),
Induktion: (eks jeg kan mærke at koppen er varm).
Abduktion (eks der står en kande med kaffe ved siden af koppen så den kunne være varm).
Abduktiv tænkning er med andre ord at se et mønster i en tilstand og
angive en hypotese på baggrund af det formodede mønster…
Aarhus School of Architecture
Service design
Undervisningsforløb, efteråret 2012
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Designer, MA, Ph.D.