TTIPS UPDATE ACET Fall 2014 AGENDA Historic Program Information Cycle 3 Update Potential NEW cycle of SIG Feedback and Suggestions Q&A LOOKING BACK HISTORIC PROGRAM INFORMATION Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 CYCLE 1 - THE NUMBERS • Eligible Campuses 1600 417 • Applicants • Preliminary Award Selections 72 CYCLE 1 DATA 72 campuses selected July 2010 69 selected Transformation Model 3 selected Turnaround Model Core Programming 2010-2013 6 campuses selected delayed model and began full implementation in 2011 17 campuses were granted a one-time no-cost extension for SY13-14 (these campuses are all priority schools) Approximately $260M in campus grants All Cycle 1 awardees have now exited TTIPS program CYCLE 2 - THE NUMBERS • Eligible Campuses 436 136 • Applicants • Preliminary Award Selections 62 CYCLE 2 DATA 62 campuses selected July 2011 61 campuses selected Transformation Model 1 campus selected T-STEM Model (Tier III Option) Core Programming 2011-2014 8 campuses were selected for one-year awards 15 campuses have been preliminarily selected for an extension for SY 14-15 Approximately $230M in campus grants All Cycle 2 Tier I and Tier II campuses are priority schools CYCLE 3 UPDATE CYCLE 3 - THE NUMBERS • Eligible Campuses 215 74 • Applicants • Preliminary Award Selections 21 CYCLE 3 DATA 21 campuses preliminarily selected Summer 2014 20 selected Transformation Model 1 selected Turnaround Model Grant Period is August 1, 2014 – July 31, 2017 PRELIMINARY GRANTEES – CYCLE 3 Dr. M. L. Garza-Gonzalez Charter School Dr M L Garza-Gonzalez Charter School Shekinah Radiance Academy Shekinah Radiance Academy (Garland) San Antonio ISD David Crockett EL San Antonio Technology Academy San Antonio Technology Academy Alpha Charter School Alpha Charter School Corpus Christi ISD South Park Middle Waco ISD J H Hines EL Southwest Preparatory School New Directions Shekinah Radiance Academy Shekinah Walzem Shekinah Radiance Academy Victoria ISD Washington Tyrannus School of the Arts Shields EL Lubbock ISD Bayless EL IDEA Public Schools IDEA Academy Mission Victoria ISD Crain EL Waco ISD Indian Spring Middle Hart ISD Hart Elementary Houston ISD Wheatley H S Por Vida Academy Por Vida Academy Charter H S Corpus Christi ISD Kostoryz EL Lubbock ISD Bean El San Antonio ISD Douglass El CYCLE 3 PROGRAM CHANGES Working toward alignment QIRs are now Quarterly Reports within Improvement Plan No Tier I, Tier II, Tier II Eligibility List – all Priority District Shepherd is now DCSI CYCLE 3 – CURRENT EVENTS Announced July 2014 Negotiations Goal Setting Improvement Plans CYCLE 3 KICKOFF TRAINING Brief Overview GRANTEE CONTACTS Required: DCSI Campus Principal Update ISAM Update AskTED Email Support Specialist (manual distribution lists) REPORTING IP Quarterly Reports (within IP) EOY Part 1 (APGs) Part 2 (Leading Indicators) Quarterly Conferences / Check-ins EOY EVALUATION PROCESS Primary Review • All grantees • Based on End of Year (EOY) Report 100 point scale • 70+ points = Automatic Continuation Funding Secondary Review • Only grantees scoring < 70 points on Primary Review • Based on Overall Program Review • Summary of findings From Secondary Review • Recommendation to continue, reduce or discontinue funding BUDGET Substantive Benefit during the grant period ex. Late technology purchases, new positions Reasonable & Necessary ex. Device: student ratios, nice to have vs. have to have, staffing ratios Supplement vs. Supplant ex. Foundational positions, transportation Incentives Records / Local Policy ALLOWABLE STUDENT INCENTIVES certificates plaques ribbons small trophies nominal in cost inexpensive instructionally related items such as pens/pencils to be used in the classroom DOCUMENTATION Budget records Schedules (master, bell and calendar) Job Descriptions / Org Charts Time & Effort (as appropriate) Sign-in Sheets Supporting data / documentation for incentives Meeting agendas Needs Assessment Grant Application & Amendments Contracts & MOUs Policy Changes resulting from turnaround needs IP, quarterly reports, EOYs (& supporting documentation) POTENTIAL NEW CYCLE OF SIG FEDERAL FY14 SIG OVERVIEW Out for Public Comment (closed 10/8/14) Modifications from Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 Updates from lessons learned in prior implementation PROPOSED CHANGES Three-year to Five-year grants Additional Models State-Determined School Improvement Intervention Model Evidence-Based, Whole-School Reform Strategies Early Learning Intervention Model Rural LEAs Modification FEEDBACK AND SUGGESTIONS CYCLE 3 Needs? Areas for Improvement? CYCLE 4(+) Suggestions for any areas of major program changes? Other suggestions for future cycles Q&A DIVISION OF SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT & SUPPORT DIVISION OF SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT AND SUPPORT MARK BAXTER, DIVISION DIRECTOR LETICIA GOVEA, DIVISION MANAGER SUPPORT SPECIALIST IN DIVISION OF SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT Regions 1, 2, 3 Lisa Gonzales – Regions 4, 5 Lauren Ditty – Regions 6, 12, 17, 18, 19 Caroline Ramsey – Regions 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16 Shayna Sheehan – Regions 13,14, 15, 20 Nicole Chupka –