Freehold Borough Strategic Planning 3-8 Subcommittee Rich Pepe Joy Forrest Will Smith Sarah Jacobsen Nicole Sabel John Brovak Tracey Edwards Diane Dispenza Kelly Bernazzoli Steve Hirsch Dr. Michael Lichardi OUR VISITS - Metuchen Metuchen – Edgar Middle School Demographic Data DFG = I, P-12 district, ~2,300 students P-K (~150 students) – Principal + shared supervisors* 1-4 (~700) – Principal + shared supervisors* Grade Span Structure 5-8 (~700) – Principal + AP + shared supervisors* + 2 counselors 9-12 (~800) – N/A * 5 district content supervisors Common Planning Grouping Technology Challenges PE/Cycle - 2/day => 1 daily prep + 4 duty periods/week + 1 PLC/wk ELA: unique learners, high, average, skills, BSI, resource, ESL/Bilingual (heterogeneous for Writers Workshop) Math – unique learners, high, average, low average, skills-double period, resource, ESL/Bilingual SMART Boards in every classroom Labs: technology, writing, industrial arts Social Media: Edmodo 5th and 8th in same building OUR VISITS - Red Bank Red Bank Borough – Red Bank Middle School Demographic Data DFG =CD, K-8 district, ~1,000 students Grade Span Structure K-3 (~550) 4-8 (~450) Common Planning Daily with grade level + 1 additional common planning period / week 4th & 5th have same 2 back-to-back periods for prep/duty…same for 7th & 8th Grouping ELA 4-8 Bilingual OR ESL-only (during specials) Math 4-8 Bilingual OR ESL-only (during specials) Technology STEM Initiative – Project Lead the Way LinkIt assessment & data warehouse system Challenges 3rd-4th articulation OUR VISITS - MERS I MERS – MEMS Demographic Data DFG = GH, P-8 district, ~4,100 students Grade Span Structure P-K (~400) 1-5 (~3,000) 6 (~650) – Principal + AP + Counselor 7-8 (~1,400) – Principal + 2 AP’s + 2 Counselors + CST * 3 shared district supervisors (Math, ELA, Science) Common Planning Every other day for 60 minutes during PE (including Special Education teachers) + daily prep during cycle classes Grouping ELA: 3 levels + supplemental assessment readiness class Math: 4 levels (including 8th grade Geometry track) + supplemental assessment readiness class Technology SMART Boards in most classrooms SMART Table in Life Skills room New Classrooms: mounted projectors w/ easy access station + phonic ears w/ mounted speakers Challenges (none mentioned) OUR VISITS - MERS II MERS – Pine Brook Demographic Data DFG = GH, P-8 district, ~4,100 students Grade Span Structure P-K (~400) 1-5 (~3,000) 6 (~650) – Principal + Assistant Principal + Counselor 7-8 (~1,400) – Principal + 2 AP’s + 2 Counselors + CST * 3 shared district supervisors (Math, ELA, Science) Common Planning Daily prep + 3 extra periods (during PE) – 1 team mtg w/ admin per week + 2 extra preps + monthly department PLC (contractual – after hours) Grouping Math: Pre-Algebra-A (gifted), Pre-Algebra-B (advanced), 6A, 6-ICS Technology SMART Board & document camera in every room LinkIt assessment & data warehouse system Challenges No vertical articulation, no long-term relationships with students, only math teachers have multiple classes for which to prep Visit Highlights • Gradual transition to middle school environment beginning in 5th grade with structured support for students is critical • Schedules all built to provide daily prep + extra periods for common planning & PLC-based PD • Extra periods dedicated to targeted instruction (remediation, supplemental support, enrichment) • Time dedicated to departmental collaboration (at least monthly) • All districts visited have leveled grouping for Math & Reading We Recommend… Part 1: Grade Span Structure P-2, 3-8* *3-8 school to have tiered schedule • 3-4 common bell schedule • 5-8 common bell schedule Rationale • 5th & 6th together to allow for gradual transition from elementary setting to departmentalized setting • 6th, 7th, & 8th in same grade span to allow for articulation related to progression toward proficiency with 8th grade standards • 6th in same grade span as 7th & 8th is needed in our district to ensure we have enough students to field sports teams We Recommend… Part II: Scheduling Considerations In addition to daily prep period, provide a second daily release period to be used for common planning, collaboration, articulation, and targeted instruction Rationale • Provides weekly time for targeted instruction for the purpose of remediation, supplemental support, and enrichment • Provides opportunities for job-embedded, ongoing professional growth • Provides opportunities for horizontal and vertical articulation • Provides time for working with data to make instructional decisions