2014-2015 Season
Music Information Summary
Bärenreiter 4550a is the official vocal scores for this production.
This production will be performed in Italian and will not have a prompter.
We will be presenting Don Giovanni with one intermission following Act I.
Per Maestro Davis and Mr. Falls, we will be performing Don Giovanni with the
following alterations:
page / system / measure
Bärenreiter © 1975
Act 1
 Transpose Nr. 6 Aria ‘Ho capito, signor sì’ 77/1/1 to 81/1/1 to key of G, see posted PV
insert on website
Insert Scena XIV, Nr. 10a ‘Dalla sua pace’ (Vienna Version) 379/1/1 to 382/2/1 before
Scena XV Recitativo at 121/1/1
Act 2
Insert Nr. 21b Recitativo accompagnato ed Aria ‘Mi tradì’ in E♭ (Vienna Version)
401/3/1 to 409/4/7 before Scena XI Recitativo at 297/1/1
Cut Recitativo before Scena XIII Nr. 24 Finale, 320/4/1 to 321/1/1
Bärenreiter © 2005
Act 1
 Transpose Nr. 6 Aria ‘Ho capito, signor sì’ 90/3/1 to 96/1/1 to key of G, see posted PV
insert on website
Insert Scena XIV, Nr. 10a ‘Dalla sua pace’ (Vienna Version) 444/1/1 to 447/4/6 before
Scena XV Recitativo at 141/1/1
Act 2
Insert Nr. 21b Recitativo accompagnato ed Aria ‘Mi tradì’ in E♭ (Vienna Version)
471/1/1 to 480/4/6 before Scena XI Recitativo at 350/1/1
Cut Recitativo before Scena XIII Nr. 24 Finale, 380/1/1 to 381/1/1
Please direct any questions to Thomas Young
Director of Music Administration •
updated: 10 July 2014 wjs