Jazzkerkdienst - Protestants Kralingen

Protestants Kralingen
Protestantse Gemeente Kralingen
Pro Rege, 6 juli 2014
muziek: Ntjam Rosie Trio
Ntjam Rosie - vocals
Jorn ten Hoopen - gitaar
Bas Kloosterman - bass
voorgangers: ds Ilse Hogeweg en ds Rian Veldman
ouderling: Anne Gercama
Intochtslied door Ntjam Rosie:
“Keep the faith”
music . r . boei, a . van popta | lyrics. r . boei
The pressure is on and you’re weary
Your feet are aching and your body hurts
Heavy rotation on the stream of life
The harder you try, the harder they slam
The door in your face
All your time and effort gone to waste
Rejoice in reflection
Keeping your eyes on the price
Ey! Keep the faith
I’m telling you to keep your head up
Ey! Keep the faith
No, no, no, no, no don’t ever give up
You might be tired of hearing “no”
Remember someday you’ll reap what you’ve sowed
Nothing or no one can hold back your drive
Countless disappointments, still you can’t leave room for
­resentment, resentment when they slam
The door in your face
All your time never gone to waste
Rejoice in reflection
Keeping your eyes on the price
Ey! Keep the faith
I’m telling you to keep your head up
Ey! Keep the faith
No, no, no, no, don’t ever give up
Hold on, stay strong you’ll get through this experience
I know sometimes it’s hard but you gotta believe
Hold on, stay strong you’ll make it through perseverance
Your shine will come, for you have been redeemed
samenzang | refrein allen (staan!)
“Shackles (Praise You)”
by mary mary | coupletten door ntjam
It sure is hot out here
Ya know?
I don’t mind thought
Just glad to be free
Know what I’m saying, uh!
Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance
I just wanna praise you
I just wanna praise you
You broke the chains now I can lift my hands
And I’m gonna praise you
I’m gonna praise you
In the corners of mind
I just can’t seem to find a reason to believe
That I can break free
Cause you see I have been down for so long
Feel like the hope is gone
But as I lift my hands, I understand
That I should praise you through my circumstance
Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance (etc)
Everything that could go wrong
All went wrong at one time
So much pressure fell on me
I thought I was gon lose my mind
But I know you wanna see
If I will hold on through these trials
But I need you to lift this load
Cause I can’t take it anymore
Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance (etc)
Been through the fire and the rain
Bound in every kind of way
But God has broken every chain
So let me go right now
[refrein 3x:]
Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance (etc)
lied bij de opening van de Bijbel door Ntjam Rosie
“Let Go”
lyrics. r . boei | music . r . boei • a . van popta
Fountains of youth are deep within you
Keep looking you’ll find smiles hidden in your soul
Proper searching will reveal the truth
Dig deeper, look harder if you really wanna reach your goal
Brother you are sleeping (wake up!)
Sister you are drowning (rise up!)
Blankly staring at your spirit slowly caving in
Lies have been reseated, over and over you’ve been defeated.
Last call for endeavours, it is slowly sinking in
You gotta
You need to
You must
Let Go!
The answers
Will unfold
You must
Let Go!
Fields of wisdom strum in you by His word
Start reading, you too will discover more and more
Gather the strength, yeah you need to be bold
Try again, look harder if you really wanna reach the core
Brother you are sliding (watch your step)
Sister you are stumbling (watch your step)
Ready for redemption huh, but you keep on selling out
Lies have been reseated over and over you’ve been defeated
Last call for endeavors, it is slowly sinking in
Lezing uit de Bijbel: Efeziërs 3: 14-20
(Paulus schrijft) Daarom buig ik mijn knieën
voor de Vader, die de vader is van elke gemeenschap in de hemelsferen en op aarde. Moge hij
vanuit zijn rijke luister uw innerlijke wezen
kracht en sterkte schenken door zijn Geest, zodat door uw geloof Christus kan gaan wonen in
uw hart, en u geworteld en gegrondvest blijft in
de liefde. Dan zult u met alle heiligen de lengte
en de breedte, de hoogte en de diepte kunnen be-
grijpen, ja de liefde van Christus kennen die alle
kennis te boven gaat, opdat u zult volstromen
met Gods volkomenheid.
Aan hem die door de kracht die in ons werkt bij
machte is oneindig veel meer te doen dan wij
vragen of denken, aan hem komt de eer toe, in
de kerk en in Christus Jezus, tot in alle generaties, tot in alle eeuwigheid. Amen.
lied door Ntjam Rosie
“Je me confie”
music & lyrics. r . boei
Je t’en pris, ne me touche pas
Ne me regarde pas comme ça
Mon cœur pèse lourd dans la balance
Ça me met mal a l’aise cette danse
Je fais semblent de t’ignorer
Je ne pourrais jamais justifier
Ces sentiments interdits
C’est pour ça que je fuis
Je t’en supplie, ne te rapproche pas
Parle-moi, mais ne baisse pas ta voix
Ton âme est si loin du mien, quelle chance
Je ne veux plus écouter cette cadence
Je suis en train de m’éloigner
de toi, n’essaie pas de me trouver
Des raisons spirituelles et rationelles
Parce que je pense a elle
À son amour je me confie
La patience, de mon Jesus
À son amour je me confie
Il ne m’a jamais deçu
“Love is calling”
lied door Ntjam Rosie
“Love is calling”
music & lyrics r . boei
Is this life living you or are you living it?
What is it that you do not to lose it ?
Feeling stuck or are getting a little bit closer?
Step by step day by day, it must get harder.
Love is calling
Every day
Keeps on calling
Every day
A shout out from above
Every day
Just listen
Is this life even yours, who gave it to you?
Self-indulged to the bone, don’t be a fool.
Time is now I’m telling you, get yourself together
Make a choice, take a stand before it’s over
Love is calling (etc)
Hope is near
Give it a chance
Cast away your fear
Do it today
In gesprek over de wereld met God
lied door Ntjam Rosie
“Nsissim Zambe”
music & lyrics r . boei
A pepa, Zambe wom, kui m’anyu
Ma wo’ ôson A mam bia bo wo
M’akômbô kobbo wo, sili wo ndjaman
Nsissim Zambe wom, vôlô bia
Bia kon, vôlô bia na bi bo te ku
Ma ko wong, bia kon
Ma lone nvolan asu bia be se
Bi ne bo aya na si njina e bo teke djang?
Bi ne bo aya? Pepa?
Nsissim Zambe wom, kui’ ma mis
Ma yene mam w’aliti ma
Bi ne te ke kus eyiñ
Ejoñe ji m’atate yen
Nsissim Zambe wom, za’a ma nlem
Liti’i ma mam m’ayiane bo
M’akômbô bo ve mam wanye’e melu mese
Ma lone nvolan asu bia be se
toelichting uitgangscollecte: Worldvision
zingen slotlied: [allen samen met ntjam rosie | staan!]
“Amazing Grace”
lyrics: john newton (1725-1807)
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
T’was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
‘Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.
Bij de uitgang collecte ter bestrijding van de onkosten. Al het geld dat overblijft gaat naar Worldvision, een organisatie waar Ntjam Rosie ambassadeur voor is. World Vision wil dat kinderen
in ontwikkelingslanden gezond zijn en onderwijs krijgen. We willen dat kinderen opgroeien
in een veilige leefomgeving waar ze liefde ervaren en doorgeven. We luisteren naar kinderen
en pakken de oorzaken van armoede en onrecht
aan. Samen met de familie en omgeving werken we aan vooruitgang die doorgaat als World
­Vision weg is.
www. protestantskralingen.nl
kerkblad Caleidoscoop | www. protestantskralingen.nl
ds Ilse Hogeweg | t: (010) 435 41 44
e: i.hogeweg@protestantskralingen.nl
ds Rian Veldman | t: 06 142 730 13
e: r.veldman@protestantskralingen.nl