禱告聚會 青年聚會 週六小組 主日崇拜 Prayer Meeting Youth Meeting Saturday Group Sunday Worship 週三 Wed 7:00 pm 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日 Sun 10:00 am 請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you! 耶和華賜下歡欣快樂 無限的喜樂充滿我 新的膏油已澆灌下來 哈利路亞高聲歡呼 We sing and dance in celebration Praising the Lord with songs of joy He’s pouring out the oil of gladness Hallelujah let us rejoice 我領受神的應許 賜給猶大的後裔 稱為禱告的子民 來敬拜歌頌讚美 This is the promise of God For the tribe of Judah For all the people who pray Who praise and worship His Name 這是期待收割的時刻 神的話語如今已成就 莊稼成熟各處在收割 已臨到全世界各地 Yes this is the time we’ve awaited That the Word of God shall be fulfilled All over the world we can see it The harvest is being revealed 從萬民中 我們被揀選 得以稱為 你的百姓 We've been chosen From all the people Yes, we've been chosen To be Your own 被你揀選 被分別為聖 惟將這榮耀 歸於你 主 O we've been chosen Set apart to be holy To bring the glory To You alone 請受這榮耀 請受這尊榮 請受這敬拜 和讚美 Receive the glory Receive the honor Receive our worship And our praise 請受這榮耀 請受這尊榮 我們將榮耀 歸於你 Receive the glory Receive the honor We give You worship And our praise 我要向高山 舉目仰望 幫助從何而來 I lift my eyes up To the mountains Where does my help come from 你是我幫助 你創造天地 你是萬有主宰 My help comes from You Make r of Heaven Creator of the earth 哦 主 我需要你 你是唯一盼望 你是唯一懇求 Oh how I need You Lord You are my only hope You’re my only prayer 所以我等候你 求你來拯救我 更新我生命 So I will wait for You To come and rescue me Come and give me life 祂曾降世 成為完全人 祂來要作 我的話語亮光 He came to live Live a perfect life He came to be The living word, our light 祂釘十架 使我與神和好 死裡復活 彰顯祂的能力 He came to die so we'd be reconciled He came to rise to show His power and might 我所以讚美 歌頌我主 我所以獻上 我一切所有 And that's why we praise Him That's why we sing That's why we offer Him our everything 我所以伏俯 敬拜我君王 因祂賜給我一切 That's why we bow down and worship this King 'Cause He gave His everything 祂曾降世 在我們中間 祂來得勝 作我們君王朋友 He came to live, live again in us He came to be our conquering King and friend 祂來醫治 並愛憐失喪的人 祂去要為 我們預備住處 He came to heal and show the lost ones His love He came to go prepare a place for us 我所以讚美 歌頌我主 我所以獻上 我一切所有 And that's why we praise Him That's why we sing That's why we offer Him our everything 我所以伏俯 敬拜我君王 因祂賜給我一切 That's why we bow down and worship this King 'Cause He gave His everything 哈利 哈利路亞(4x) Halle hallelujah 圣灵触摸饥渴心灵 来充满恩膏我 从腹中流出活水的江河 Holy Spirit touch my heart Come anoint and fill me Through me, the living water flows 哦 圣灵我的主 让我再次更新 蒙祝福 Oh! Holy Spirit Lord Refresh me once again 求恩膏我 使我心灵 胜过世上一切诱惑 单单渴望学像我的主 Please anoint me to overcome all temptation in the world My desire is to be like You 求恩膏我 使我心灵 胜过世上一切诱惑 单单盼望彰显主的爱 Please anoint me to overcome All temptation in the world My desire is to show Your love 主耶稣 我心灵乾渴 求你降临恩膏我心 我的灵切切渴慕你 求你降临充满我心 Jesus, my heart is so empty Please come and touch my lonely heart My spirit desires You only Please come and fill my lonely heart 全心的爱献上给你 求你垂听我的恳求 我的心单单倚靠你 胜过世上所有一切 I give all my love to You Please hear my prayer,Oh my Lord My heart depends on You alone Nothing can compare to You! Lord 主圣灵的火 (2x) 恳求降临 (2x) 主圣灵的火 (2x) 降临膏抹 (2x) Holy Spirit fire (2x) Please come touch me (2x) Holy Spirit fire (2x) Come anoint me (2x) 聖靈 我們真歡迎你 聖靈 我們真歡迎你 求你聖火焚燒我們 如今我們放下世上所愛 Holy Spirit, we welcome You Holy Spirit, we welcome You Move among us with holy As we lay aside all earthly desires 舉雙手深深渴慕你 親愛聖靈 我們歡迎 親愛聖靈 歡迎你來 Hands reach out and our hearts aspire Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit Holy Spirit, we welcome You 聖靈 我們真歡迎你 聖靈 我們真歡迎你 願你奇妙同在顯明 將你心意教導你的兒女 Holy Spirit, we welcome You Holy Spirit, we welcome You Let the breeze of Your presence blow That Your children here might truly know 順從你 跟從你引導 親愛聖靈 我們歡迎 親愛聖靈 歡迎你來 How to move in the Spirit’s flow Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit Holy Spirit, we welcome You 聖靈 我們真歡迎你 聖靈 我們真歡迎你 願你旨意今日成全 在我身上完成新的工作 Holy Spirit, we welcome You Holy Spirit, we welcome You Please accomplish in me today Some new work of living grace I pray 降服你 毫無保留 親愛聖靈 我們歡迎 親愛聖靈 歡迎你來 How to move in the Spirit’s flow Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit Holy Spirit, we welcome You